Perfil de BigJohnPT



100% evaluaciones positivas
1k+ reseñas verificadas
8k+ objetos totales
4k+ artículos únicos

Precio ($)





Cantidad mínima
Señor de las siete muertesSeñor de las siete muertes
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Temporada duplicadoraTemporada duplicadora
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Estandarte de la hermandadEstandarte de la hermandad
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Megasierpe punzanteMegasierpe punzante
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Kaito, infiltrador astutoKaito, infiltrador astuto
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Estandarte de la hermandadEstandarte de la hermandad
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Ghalta, el Hambre PrimigeniaGhalta, el Hambre Primigenia
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Arena pirexianaArena pirexiana
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 3
Legatario leporinoLegatario leporino
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Strike the Weak SpotStrike the Weak Spot
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 4
Herald of Eternal DawnHerald of Eternal Dawn
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Esfinge del acervo olvidadoEsfinge del acervo olvidado
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Loot, Exuberant ExplorerLoot, Exuberant Explorer
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Aspirante a huestecelesteAspirante a huesteceleste
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Destruyebancos criminalDestruyebancos criminal
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Chandra, esculpidora de llamasChandra, esculpidora de llamas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Barricada de cristalBarricada de cristal
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Raise the PastRaise the Past
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Kellan, pionero planarKellan, pionero planar
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Archimago de las runasArchimago de las runas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Gran hada embaucadoraGran hada embaucadora
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Twitching DollTwitching Doll
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Simulacro solemneSimulacro solemne
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Invocallamas de VallisInvocallamas de Vallis
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Tejedora de almasTejedora de almas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Giada, fuente de esperanzaGiada, fuente de esperanza
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Trasgo rebanador ígneoTrasgo rebanador ígneo
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Elenda, Saint of DuskElenda, Saint of Dusk
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Grown from the StumpGrown from the Stump
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Torn Between HeadsTorn Between Heads
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Neck TangleNeck Tangle
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Noxious Hydra BreathNoxious Hydra Breath
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Zul Ashur, señora licheZul Ashur, señora liche
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Ghalta, el Hambre PrimigeniaGhalta, el Hambre Primigenia
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Cazadora de la castaCazadora de la casta
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Swallow the Hero WholeSwallow the Hero Whole
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Hydra's Impenetrable HideHydra's Impenetrable Hide
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Demonio marcado con runasDemonio marcado con runas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Distract the HydraDistract the Hydra
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Archidruida élficoArchidruida élfico
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Unified LungeUnified Lunge
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Disorienting GlowerDisorienting Glower
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 6
Titán solarTitán solar
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
El DesollamentesEl Desollamentes
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Armadura celestialArmadura celestial
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Simulacro solemneSimulacro solemne
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Go-Shintai del vigor ilimitadoGo-Shintai del vigor ilimitado
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Extravagant ReplicationExtravagant Replication
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Brujo sangriento vengativoBrujo sangriento vengativo
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Himno de las campeonasHimno de las campeonas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Lathril, Espada de los ElfosLathril, Espada de los Elfos
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Kykar, avivador del céfiroKykar, avivador del céfiro
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Alzamiento de GarrukAlzamiento de Garruk
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
The PhilosopherThe Philosopher
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
The AvengerThe Avenger
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
The WarriorThe Warrior
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Espía de Tinta ProfundaEspía de Tinta Profunda
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Perito Branquia PlateadaPerito Branquia Plateada
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Llegar la medianocheLlegar la medianoche
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Patas a la obraPatas a la obra
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Detener el tiempoDetener el tiempo
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Almirante Beckett AzófarAlmirante Beckett Azófar
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Dwynen, daena de Hojas DoradasDwynen, daena de Hojas Doradas
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Tinta del asesinoTinta del asesino
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Ladrona triunfadoraLadrona triunfadora
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Renacimiento fúngicoRenacimiento fúngico
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Peso muertoPeso muerto
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Modelo a seguir reticenteModelo a seguir reticente
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Perspicacia lunarPerspicacia lunar
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Inventora aprendizInventora aprendiz
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Mascota interdisciplinariaMascota interdisciplinaria
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Ola de génesisOla de génesis
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Cosmic EpiphanyCosmic Epiphany
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Un cuento para recordarUn cuento para recordar
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Gourmet vampiroGourmet vampiro
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Necrófaga de la tumbanefastaNecrófaga de la tumbanefasta
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Pez león puntiagudoPez león puntiagudo
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Incubación // IncongruenciaIncubación // Incongruencia
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Banshee trágicaBanshee trágica
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Tromba de meteoritosTromba de meteoritos
Best Offers - Fast and Secure (DD)


of 1
Moldeamadera de SumalaMoldeamadera de Sumala
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Albor iridiscenteAlbor iridiscente
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1


of 1
Respuesta del hechiceroRespuesta del hechicero
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Melira, la Cura VivienteMelira, la Cura Viviente
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Místico traviesoMístico travieso
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 1
Estandarte heráldicoEstandarte heráldico
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


of 2
Asaltante con hoja de serpienteAsaltante con hoja de serpiente
Best Offers - Fast and Secure


ppu $0.09
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