Perfil de Koma76

Vendedor PRO


100% evaluaciones positivas
3k+ reseñas verificadas
5k+ objetos totales
4k+ artículos únicos

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Cantidad mínima
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Enano explotaminasEnano explotaminas
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Inspirar temorInspirar temor
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Duplicante renegadoDuplicante renegado
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the CRIMPED side


of 2
Carro de Guerra KeldonCarro de Guerra Keldon
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Zelyon SwordZelyon Sword
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Amanecer de todos los solesAmanecer de todos los soles
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Demonio tallador infernalDemonio tallador infernal
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Mística de la umbraMística de la umbra
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Devolver el favorDevolver el favor
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Aliento de furiaAliento de furia
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Aceite de hígado de pescadoAceite de hígado de pescado
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Giant TurtleGiant Turtle
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Brujería agostadoraBrujería agostadora
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Ráfaga elemental rojaRáfaga elemental roja
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Reclamación silvanaReclamación silvana
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Asamblea de nómadasAsamblea de nómadas
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Dríada de RushwoodDríada de Rushwood
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Choque de manáChoque de maná
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Loto de oropelLoto de oropel
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Crecimiento exuberanteCrecimiento exuberante
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Latulla, Capataz KeldonLatulla, Capataz Keldon
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Bendición angélicaBendición angélica
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Voz del tormentoVoz del tormento
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 2
Aves del paraísoAves del paraíso
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Palabras de poderPalabras de poder
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Oraciones ProtectorasOraciones Protectoras
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Motor sierpespiralMotor sierpespiral
binder MSPRT - reference picture of the back side, use the other listing for purchasing this card


of 1
Manada de glotonesManada de glotones
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is Altered check other listing for picture of the back. Artist


of 1
Campeón de LaquatusCampeón de Laquatus
binder MSPRT - marked as Played to avoid missunderstandings


of 1
Ángel de SerraÁngel de Serra
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint


of 2
El arte de la tierraEl arte de la tierra
binder Y - Ref:0004 (FRONT)


of 1
El arte de la tierraEl arte de la tierra
binder Y - Ref:0004 (BACK)


of 1
El arte de la tierraEl arte de la tierra
binder Y - Ref:0008 (FRONT)


of 1
El arte de la tierraEl arte de la tierra
binder Y - Ref:0008 (BACK)


of 1
Consagrar la tierraConsagrar la tierra
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Ráfaga elemental rojaRáfaga elemental roja
binder yellow


of 1
Ráfaga elemental rojaRáfaga elemental roja
binder red


of 1
Fortaleza de VolrathFortaleza de Volrath
binder Y


of 1
Guerreros enanosGuerreros enanos
GRAAD 6 #2


of 1
Guerreros enanosGuerreros enanos
GRAAD 6 #1


of 1
Black Border Filler CardBlack Border Filler Card


of 1
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see (B)


of 1
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see (A)


of 1
Artefacto vivienteArtefacto viviente
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see


of 1
Lomo plateado antiguoLomo plateado antiguo
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see


of 1
Rector de la AcademiaRector de la Academia
binder Y - see scan


of 1
Jeweled BirdJeweled Bird


of 1
Máscara de marfilMáscara de marfil
binder Y - see scan


of 1
Señor de la colmena fragmentadoSeñor de la colmena fragmentado
marked as PL to avoid discussions. You get a full EDH deck as showing in the picture


of 1
Esclavo de Nicol BolasEsclavo de Nicol Bolas
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Señor de la colmena fragmentadoSeñor de la colmena fragmentado
PLEASE see picture, you will get the full EDH deck, double sleeved, marked as PL because not all cards are NM


of 1
Foresta karplusanaForesta karplusana
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - ARTIST PROOF


of 1
Oversize Blank Filler CardOversize Blank Filler Card
Ref: RED sold as seen - parked as PL to avoid misunderstanding


of 1
Oversize Blank Filler CardOversize Blank Filler Card
Ref: YLW sold as seen - parked as PL to avoid misunderstanding


of 1
marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding, you will get the card in the picture


of 1
Ritual de la piedra brillanteRitual de la piedra brillante
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Ritual de la piedra brillanteRitual de la piedra brillante
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see


of 1
Jeweled BirdJeweled Bird


of 1
Black Border Foil Filler CardBlack Border Foil Filler Card
binder OPA - sold as see in the pictures


of 1
Urza's ChaliceUrza's Chalice
marked POOR because is a misprint - ARTIST PROOF white back


of 1
Sirviente del pintorSirviente del pintor
binder Y


of 1
Espina de amatistaEspina de amatista
binder Y


of 1
Pasajes encantadosPasajes encantados
binder Y


of 1
Phelddagrif BuscadorPhelddagrif Buscador
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see


of 1
Recuperación pirexianaRecuperación pirexiana
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding, you will get the card in the picture


of 1
Festín del necrófagoFestín del necrófago
marked POOR because is a misprint (backside is upseide)


of 1
Motor sierpespiralMotor sierpespiral
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
binder Y


of 1
binder Y


of 1
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Runa de protección: tierrasRuna de protección: tierras
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen (set of 7)


of 1
Anillo solarAnillo solar
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as see


of 1
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Espadas en guadañasEspadas en guadañas
marked POOR because is a misprint


of 1
Esencia de belladonaEsencia de belladona
marked POOR because is a misprint - ARTIST PROOF white back


of 1
Zelyon SwordZelyon Sword
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Chaos WrapChaos Wrap


of 4
Aceite de hígado de pescadoAceite de hígado de pescado
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Giant TurtleGiant Turtle
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is Altered check other listing for picture of the back. Artist


of 1
Aves del paraísoAves del paraíso
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Tormenta ígneaTormenta ígnea
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Estanque de desoveEstanque de desove
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 3
Dragón codiciosoDragón codicioso
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Aves del paraísoAves del paraíso
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Manada de glotonesManada de glotones
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Factoría de MishraFactoría de Mishra
binder Y - please check picture


of 1
Dragón de la hogueraDragón de la hoguera
binder Y


of 2
Gigante contratadoGigante contratado
binder ANT - signed by the artist - marked as PL to avoid misunderstanding - sold as seen


of 1
Palabras de poderPalabras de poder
binder MSPRT - marked as POOR because is a Misprint, check other listing for picture of the back


of 1
Binder SR30


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