Perfil de LaFeniceBergamo

Vendedor PRO


100% evaluaciones positivas
18k+ reseñas verificadas
6k+ objetos totales
5k+ artículos únicos

Precio ($)





Cantidad mínima
Rector de la AcademiaRector de la Academia
20 - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Mox de ámbarMox de ámbar
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Mayael el ÁnimaMayael el Ánima
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
12 - La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
La masacre de GanchocarneLa masacre de Ganchocarne
1DAY - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Dominio eternoDominio eterno
24 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Río subterráneoRío subterráneo
10c - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Beledros FlosmarcitusBeledros Flosmarcitus
14 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Olas de agresiónOlas de agresión
10d - bented corner - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Guardián de la FuenteGuardián de la Fuente
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Akroma, ángel de iraAkroma, ángel de ira
24 - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
El Dios EscarabajoEl Dios Escarabajo
19 - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Kalitas, traidor de GhetKalitas, traidor de Ghet
17b - EX+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Espejo de hielo de adivinaciónEspejo de hielo de adivinación
La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
Kalitas, traidor de GhetKalitas, traidor de Ghet
17b - Bented corner - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Herrería del clan KrarkHerrería del clan Krark
La Fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - We buy cards -


of 1
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Veto de DovinVeto de Dovin
19b - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Planetario cromáticoPlanetario cromático
1DAY - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Gólem tribalGólem tribal
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Cambio de paisajeCambio de paisaje
14 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Estanque reproductorEstanque reproductor
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Cripta sangrientaCripta sangrienta
1DAY - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Florecimiento primaveralFlorecimiento primaveral
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
26 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Cruzado pirexianoCruzado pirexiano
19b - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Atavío del GeneralAtavío del General
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
20 - La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
3b - Playable - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Turba de ardillasTurba de ardillas
11 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Planetario vedalkenPlanetario vedalken
La Fenice on line shop


of 1
Tassa, diosa del marTassa, diosa del mar
1DAY - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Vito, Espina de la Rosa del CrepúsculoVito, Espina de la Rosa del Crepúsculo
28a - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Nócturnus vampiroNócturnus vampiro
12 - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Kraum, obra de LudevicKraum, obra de Ludevic
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Elemental de ventiscaElemental de ventisca
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 2
Nada se desperdiciaNada se desperdicia
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Rhys el exiliadoRhys el exiliado
24 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Combate mortalCombate mortal
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Tenaza mortalTenaza mortal
La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
Altar sin diosAltar sin dios
1DAY - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Tormenta sobre el tejadoTormenta sobre el tejado
18 - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Cenagal ensangrentadoCenagal ensangrentado
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Evolución del horrorEvolución del horror
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Trono del Dios FaraónTrono del Dios Faraón
28a - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict grading


of 1
Alquimista Cho-ArrimAlquimista Cho-Arrim
10c - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Karn, el Gran CreadorKarn, el Gran Creador
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Jugada gemelaJugada gemela
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Mago chispeanteMago chispeante
22 - Gd+ - pressure mark - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Vórinclex, la Voz del AnsiaVórinclex, la Voz del Ansia
19b - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Vadrok, Alfa del TruenoVadrok, Alfa del Trueno
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Tezzeret El BuscadorTezzeret El Buscador
19b - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Pacto de las sepulturasPacto de las sepulturas
19b - Lp - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Esfera estáticaEsfera estática
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
1DAY - Lp - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Chamán rito mortalChamán rito mortal
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Almirante Beckett AzófarAlmirante Beckett Azófar
17 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Toski, Portador de SecretosToski, Portador de Secretos
19b - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Caballero de las tinieblasCaballero de las tinieblas
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Espíritu extravaganteEspíritu extravagante
10c - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Kaalia, buscadora del cénitKaalia, buscadora del cénit
24 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Cristal de adivinaciónCristal de adivinación
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
El Espejo MágicoEl Espejo Mágico
1DAY - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
27 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Ruptura del CascoRuptura del Casco
11 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Beledros FlosmarcitusBeledros Flosmarcitus
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Vito, Espina de la Rosa del CrepúsculoVito, Espina de la Rosa del Crepúsculo
25 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Teniente KírtarTeniente Kírtar
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Orbe invernalOrbe invernal
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Nissa, despertadora del mundoNissa, despertadora del mundo
17 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Cetro isócronoCetro isócrono
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 3
Lógica circularLógica circular
21 - pag.26 - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Gólem thranGólem thran
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
13 - La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
Aves del paraísoAves del paraíso
24 - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Niv-Mízzet, la Mente ardienteNiv-Mízzet, la Mente ardiente
24 - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Teoría unificadoraTeoría unificadora
20 - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Narset, Enlightened ExileNarset, Enlightened Exile
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Aves del paraísoAves del paraíso
1DAY - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
27 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
La Fenice on line shop


of 1
Vislumbrar el mañanaVislumbrar el mañana
14 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Hymn to TourachHymn to Tourach
17b - Double signed gold and black - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 2
Manada de nubesManada de nubes
Gd- - La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
Proyecto GuardiánProyecto Guardián
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Talion, regente amableTalion, regente amable
25 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Torre de UrzaTorre de Urza
GD+ La Fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Santuario botánicoSantuario botánico
19b - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Cantallama y ClamasolCantallama y Clamasol
24 - Ex+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Very Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Jerarca innobleJerarca innoble
10b - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Tirano masacradorTirano masacrador
28a - La Fenice Bergamo - Stict GRading - We Buy Cards


of 1
Sarkhan VolSarkhan Vol
La Fenice Bergamo - strict grading - we buy cards -


of 1
Medallón de esmeraldaMedallón de esmeralda
19b - Gd+ - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1
Heraldo élficoHeraldo élfico
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Urna de polillas titilantesUrna de polillas titilantes
EX- La Fenice on line shop


of 1
Abogado de SerraAbogado de Serra
10d - La fenice Bergamo - Strict grading - we buy cards


of 1
Ladronzuelo atrevido // HurtoLadronzuelo atrevido // Hurto
28 - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - WE buy cards -


of 1
Pastizal de saltanejosPastizal de saltanejos
1DAY - La Fenice Bergamo - Strict Grading - We buy cards -


of 1