Perfil de MartaS



100% evaluaciones positivas
405 reseñas verificadas
484 objetos totales
481 artículos únicos

Precio ()





Cantidad mínima
Raichu [Agilidad | Trueno] Raichu [Agilidad | Trueno]


of 1
Karen's HoundoomKaren's Houndoom


of 1
Jolteon Jolteon


of 1
Chansey [Scrunch | Double-edge] Chansey [Scrunch | Double-edge]


of 1
Intercambiador de PokémonIntercambiador de Pokémon


of 1


of 1
Poción Poción


of 1


of 1
Clair's GyaradosClair's Gyarados


of 1
Dark Vileplume Dark Vileplume


of 1
Lt. Surge's RaichuLt. Surge's Raichu


of 1
Zapdos [Thunder | Thunderbolt] Zapdos [Thunder | Thunderbolt]


of 1
Quite de EnergíaQuite de Energía


of 1
Brock's OnixBrock's Onix


of 1
Machamp Machamp


of 1


of 1
Magnemite Magnemite


of 1


of 1
Lt. Surge's PikachuLt. Surge's Pikachu


of 1
Dugtrio Dugtrio


of 1
Light DragoniteLight Dragonite


of 1
Cool Porygon Cool Porygon


of 1
Koga's PidgeottoKoga's Pidgeotto


of 1
Haunter [Transparency | Nightmare] Haunter [Transparency | Nightmare]


of 1
Ditto Ditto


of 1
Mew [Psico-onda | Rayo Devolución] Mew [Psico-onda | Rayo Devolución]


of 1
Brock's RhydonBrock's Rhydon


of 1
Lapras [Pistola Agua | Rayo Confuso] Lapras [Pistola Agua | Rayo Confuso]


of 1
Jolteon Jolteon


of 1
Yanma [Shockwave | Swift] Yanma [Shockwave | Swift]


of 1
Meganium #11 Meganium #11


of 1
Dark Dugtrio Dark Dugtrio


of 1


of 1
Dragonite Dragonite


of 1
Broken Ground GymBroken Ground Gym


of 1
Squirtle [Burbuja | Refugio] Squirtle [Burbuja | Refugio]


of 1
Misty's SeadraMisty's Seadra


of 1
Pikachu [Quick Attack | Agility] Pikachu [Quick Attack | Agility]


of 1
Electrode [Electric Shock] Electrode [Electric Shock]


of 1
Professor Oak impostor Professor Oak impostor


of 1
Blastoise Blastoise


of 1
Gengar [Maldición | Mente oscura] Gengar [Maldición | Mente oscura]


of 1
Dragonite Dragonite


of 1
Pryce's DelibirdPryce's Delibird


of 1
Mewtwo Mewtwo


of 1
Vaporeon Vaporeon


of 1
Dark Dragonite Dark Dragonite


of 1
Koga's BeedrillKoga's Beedrill


of 1
Chansey Chansey


of 1
Zapdos [Tormenta de truenos] Zapdos [Tormenta de truenos]


of 1
Blaine's NinetalesBlaine's Ninetales


of 1
Raichu [Thundershock | Lightning Strike] Raichu [Thundershock | Lightning Strike]


of 1


of 1
Misty's TentacruelMisty's Tentacruel


of 1
Gyarados Oscuro Gyarados Oscuro


of 1
Dugtrio [Slash | Earthquake] Dugtrio [Slash | Earthquake]


of 1
Aerodactyl [Poderio Prehistórico | Ataque-Ala] Aerodactyl [Poderio Prehistórico | Ataque-Ala]


of 1
Jynx [Doubleslap | Meditate] Jynx [Doubleslap | Meditate]


of 1
Magneton [Esplosión sónica | Autodestrucción] Magneton [Esplosión sónica | Autodestrucción]


of 1
Wigglytuff Wigglytuff


of 1
Hitmonlee [Stretch Kick | High Jump Kick] Hitmonlee [Stretch Kick | High Jump Kick]


of 1
Articuno [Freeze Dry | Blizzard] Articuno [Freeze Dry | Blizzard]


of 1
Wooper Wooper


of 1
Light Vaporeon Light Vaporeon


of 1
Typhlosion Typhlosion


of 1
Superlevante Superlevante


of 1
Punto de curvaturaPunto de curvatura


of 1
Karen's TM 02Karen's TM 02


of 1
Brock's Sandshrew #71Brock's Sandshrew #71


of 1


of 1
Koga's GolbatKoga's Golbat


of 1
Brock's DiglettBrock's Diglett


of 1
Skarmory Skarmory


of 1
Electabuzz Electabuzz


of 1
Sabrina's Haunter Sabrina's Haunter


of 1
Pryce's PiloswinePryce's Piloswine


of 1
Dragonair Dragonair


of 1
Erika's DratiniErika's Dratini


of 1
Donphan [Flail | Rapid Spin] Donphan [Flail | Rapid Spin]


of 1
Juego de dar la vuelta a las cartasJuego de dar la vuelta a las cartas


of 1
Dark Blastoise [Hydrocannon | Rocket Tackle] Dark Blastoise [Hydrocannon | Rocket Tackle]


of 1
Totodile #80 Totodile #80


of 1
Superquite de Energía Superquite de Energía


of 1
Pikachu Pikachu


of 1
Moltres Moltres


of 1
Falkner's PidgeotFalkner's Pidgeot


of 1
Erika's JigglypuffErika's Jigglypuff


of 1
Carga de EnergíaCarga de Energía


of 1


of 1
Charmander Charmander


of 1
Cura Total Cura Total


of 1
Hypno [Profecía | Mente oscura] Hypno [Profecía | Mente oscura]


of 1
Electrode Electrode


of 1


of 1


of 1
Quilava Quilava


of 1
Koffing [Gas Pestilente] Koffing [Gas Pestilente]


of 1
Energía Reciclada Energía Reciclada


of 1
Nidoran [Doble Puñalada] Nidoran [Doble Puñalada]


of 1
Vileplume [Poison Scent | Addictive Pollen] Vileplume [Poison Scent | Addictive Pollen]


of 1