Perfil de Otturio



100% evaluaciones positivas
3k+ reseñas verificadas
3k+ objetos totales
1k+ artículos únicos

Precio ()





Cantidad mínima
Umbreon VUmbreon V
Pack Fresh


of 1
Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]
AiGrading 10 GEM MINT


of 1
Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]
PERFECT possible 10


of 1
Mewtwo V [Super Psy Bolt | Transfer Break]Mewtwo V [Super Psy Bolt | Transfer Break]
AiGrading 10 GEM MINT


of 1
Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]
AiGrading 10 GEM MINT


of 1
Charizard V-ASTRO [Explosive Fire | Star Blaze]Charizard V-ASTRO [Explosive Fire | Star Blaze]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Amigos de GalarAmigos de Galar


of 1
Starmie V [Swift | Energy Spiral]Starmie V [Swift | Energy Spiral]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Charizard Charizard
Front NM- Back good


of 1
Steelix Steelix


of 1
Garchomp V [Dragon Claw | Sonic Strike]Garchomp V [Dragon Claw | Sonic Strike]
AiGrading 8.5 NM-MT+


of 1
Celebi V [Danza de los Folíolos | Tajo Cambiante]Celebi V [Danza de los Folíolos | Tajo Cambiante]
AiGrading 7.5 Near MINT +


of 1
Pikachu V [Volt Tackle]Pikachu V [Volt Tackle]


of 1
Charizard & Braixen GXCharizard & Braixen GX
Back Exc-


of 1
Venusaur e Snivy GX ALLEATIVenusaur e Snivy GX ALLEATI


of 1
Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]Charizard V [Incinerate | Heat Blast]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Duraludon V [Garra Metal | Vasto Impacto]Duraludon V [Garra Metal | Vasto Impacto]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Arceus V [Trinity Charge | Power Edge]Arceus V [Trinity Charge | Power Edge]


of 1
Pinsir Pinsir


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Lapras V [Surfeo Corporal | Bucle Oceánico]Lapras V [Surfeo Corporal | Bucle Oceánico]


of 1
Charizard GX [Flamethrower | Flare Blitz GX]Charizard GX [Flamethrower | Flare Blitz GX]
Beckett BGS 9.5


of 1
Glaceon GX [Freezing Gaze | Frost Bullet | Polar Spear GX]Glaceon GX [Freezing Gaze | Frost Bullet | Polar Spear GX]


of 1
Medicham V [Yoga en Bucle | Gancho Destructor]Medicham V [Yoga en Bucle | Gancho Destructor]


of 1
Honchkrow V [Boss Pockets | Fearsome Shadow]Honchkrow V [Boss Pockets | Fearsome Shadow]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Golurk V [Megapuño | Rayo de Retorno]Golurk V [Megapuño | Rayo de Retorno]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Valentía de BrockValentía de Brock
Pack Fresh


of 1
Mew EXMew EX
Pack Fresh


of 1
Sneasler de Hisui V [Poison Claws | Dire Claw]Sneasler de Hisui V [Poison Claws | Dire Claw]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Pikachu V [Lightning Blast]Pikachu V [Lightning Blast]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Dragonite V [Hacer Trizas | Vendaval de Dragón]Dragonite V [Hacer Trizas | Vendaval de Dragón]
Pack Fresh


of 1


of 1
Umbreon VMAX [Señal Oscura | Maxisombra]Umbreon VMAX [Señal Oscura | Maxisombra]
taglio in basso


of 1
Timeless CelebiTimeless Celebi
rialzamento sul bordo superiore


of 1
Pikachu VMAX [Charge Tail | Max Thunder]Pikachu VMAX [Charge Tail | Max Thunder]


of 1
Zoroark de Hisui V-ASTRO [Ticking Curse | Phantom Star]Zoroark de Hisui V-ASTRO [Ticking Curse | Phantom Star]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Muk [Toxic Gas | Sludge] Muk [Toxic Gas | Sludge]


of 1
Ferropalmas exFerropalmas ex
Pack Fresh


of 1


of 1
Gyarados [Berserker Splash | Aqua Tail]Gyarados [Berserker Splash | Aqua Tail]
Ask for photos


of 1


of 1
Suicune [Wave Splash | Aurora Loop]Suicune [Wave Splash | Aurora Loop]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Koraidon exKoraidon ex
Pack Fresh (perfetto)


of 1
Sceptile GX [Mach Cut | Leaf Cyclone | Jungle Heal GX]Sceptile GX [Mach Cut | Leaf Cyclone | Jungle Heal GX]


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Zacian V [Cuchilla Osada]Zacian V [Cuchilla Osada]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Charizard VCharizard V
Pack Fresh


of 1
Serperior V-ASTRO [Regal Blender | Star Winder]Serperior V-ASTRO [Regal Blender | Star Winder]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Eevee GXEevee GX


of 1
Front EX, Back PL


of 1
Umbreon V [Mal de Ojo | Tajo Luz Lunar]Umbreon V [Mal de Ojo | Tajo Luz Lunar]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Eternatus VMAX [Zona Eterna | Final Temido]Eternatus VMAX [Zona Eterna | Final Temido]
Pack Fresh


of 2


of 1
Skarmory Skarmory


of 1
Paldean StudentPaldean Student
Pack Fresh


of 1
Chica del Centro PokémonChica del Centro Pokémon


of 1


of 1
Ting-Lu exTing-Lu ex
Pack Fresh


of 1
Malamar VMAX [Max Jammer]Malamar VMAX [Max Jammer]


of 1
Urshifu Golpe Brusco V [Laser Focus | Impact Blow]Urshifu Golpe Brusco V [Laser Focus | Impact Blow]


of 1
Alakazam exAlakazam ex
Pack Fresh


of 1


of 1
Dedenne GXDedenne GX


of 1
Charizard [Battle Sense | Royal Blaze]Charizard [Battle Sense | Royal Blaze]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Scyther [Twin Play | Agility]Scyther [Twin Play | Agility]


of 1
Cuenca de MagmaCuenca de Magma
Pack Fresh


of 1
Golisopod GX [First Impression | Armor Press | Crossing Cut GX]Golisopod GX [First Impression | Armor Press | Crossing Cut GX]


of 1
Shattered holo


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Calyrex Jinete Glacial VMAXCalyrex Jinete Glacial VMAX
Pack Fresh


of 1
Alcremie VMAXAlcremie VMAX
Safe shipment in sleeve or toploader (Posta1)


of 1
Charizard V-ASTRO [Explosive Fire | Star Blaze]Charizard V-ASTRO [Explosive Fire | Star Blaze]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Meowscarada exMeowscarada ex
Pack Fresh


of 1
Corviknight VCorviknight V


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Energía EnteEstrella PrismaEnergía EnteEstrella Prisma


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1


of 1
Decidueye de Hisui V [Mountain Hunt | Point-Blank Shot]Decidueye de Hisui V [Mountain Hunt | Point-Blank Shot]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Ferrodada ex [Triple Laser | Cybernetic Wheel]Ferrodada ex [Triple Laser | Cybernetic Wheel]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Umbreon V [Mal de Ojo | Tajo Luz Lunar]Umbreon V [Mal de Ojo | Tajo Luz Lunar]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Toxtricity V [Poison Jab | Electric Riot]Toxtricity V [Poison Jab | Electric Riot]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Barrera Núcleo MetálicoBarrera Núcleo Metálico
Pack Fresh Back NM-


of 1
Shattered holo


of 1
Squawkabilly exSquawkabilly ex
Pack Fresh


of 1
Chandelure VMAXChandelure VMAX
Pack Fresh


of 1
Heatran VMAX [Magma Gain | Max Heat Burst]Heatran VMAX [Magma Gain | Max Heat Burst]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Blaziken V [High Jump Kick | Fire Spin]Blaziken V [High Jump Kick | Fire Spin]
Safe Shipment in Sleeves or Toploader (Posta1)


of 1
Voltorb [Thunder Shock]Voltorb [Thunder Shock]


of 1
Gyarados GX [Dragon Rage | Hyper Beam GX]Gyarados GX [Dragon Rage | Hyper Beam GX]


of 1
Poipole [Spit Poison | Knockout Reviver]Poipole [Spit Poison | Knockout Reviver]


of 1
Pack Fresh


of 1
Kleavor V [Cut | Battleaxe Slash]Kleavor V [Cut | Battleaxe Slash]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Pikachu [Iron Tail]Pikachu [Iron Tail]


of 1
Heatran V [Heat Burn | Magma Fall]Heatran V [Heat Burn | Magma Fall]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Rhyperior V [Drill Run | Heavy Rock Artillery] Rhyperior V [Drill Run | Heavy Rock Artillery]
Pack Fresh


of 1
Paul Paul
Pack Fresh


of 1