Perfil de Teot992



100% evaluaciones positivas
25 reseñas verificadas
2k+ objetos totales
1k+ artículos únicos

Precio ()





Cantidad mínima
Koraidon exKoraidon ex


of 1
Charizard EXCharizard EX


of 2


of 1
Venusaur Venusaur


of 1
Recuperación Superior de EnergíaRecuperación Superior de Energía


of 1


of 1
Ciberentusiasta DescifracódigosCiberentusiasta Descifracódigos


of 1
Lugia V [Read the Wind | Aero Dive]Lugia V [Read the Wind | Aero Dive]


of 1
Machamp VMAX [Revenge Buster | G-Max Chi Strike]Machamp VMAX [Revenge Buster | G-Max Chi Strike]


of 1
Caramelo EnergéticoCaramelo Energético


of 1
Energía RayoEnergía Rayo


of 1
Farigiraf exFarigiraf ex


of 2


of 5
Machamp V [Revenge Buster | Seismic Toss]Machamp V [Revenge Buster | Seismic Toss]


of 1
Chesnaught V [Needle Line | Touchdown]Chesnaught V [Needle Line | Touchdown]


of 1
Exeggutor de Alola V [Growing Tall | Head Swing]Exeggutor de Alola V [Growing Tall | Head Swing]


of 1
Koga's Koffing Koga's Koffing


of 1
Beedrill [Poison Sting | Swarming Sting]Beedrill [Poison Sting | Swarming Sting]


of 1
Sabrina's Porygon Sabrina's Porygon


of 1
Glastrier [Freeze Down | Wild Tackle]Glastrier [Freeze Down | Wild Tackle]


of 1
Virizion V [Viento Verdoso | Hoja Esmeralda]Virizion V [Viento Verdoso | Hoja Esmeralda]


of 1
Vínculo Espiritual de CharizardVínculo Espiritual de Charizard


of 1
Hoopa [Assault Gate] Hoopa [Assault Gate]


of 1
Fósil Misterioso Fósil Misterioso


of 1
Shaymin [Encouraging Gift | Flop]Shaymin [Encouraging Gift | Flop]


of 2
Porygon Porygon


of 1
Pikachu [Wild Charge]Pikachu [Wild Charge]


of 1
Charmeleon [Slash | Flamethrower]Charmeleon [Slash | Flamethrower]


of 1
Cyndaquil Cyndaquil


of 1
Porygon [Conversion 3]Porygon [Conversion 3]


of 1
Durant exDurant ex


of 1
Strength Charm Strength Charm


of 1


of 1
Registeel [Regi Gate | Heavy Slam]Registeel [Regi Gate | Heavy Slam]


of 1
Lapras [Ice Beam | Surf]Lapras [Ice Beam | Surf]


of 2


of 1
Blissey [Enriching Egg | Zen Headbutt]Blissey [Enriching Egg | Zen Headbutt]


of 1
Vínculo Espiritual de SlowbroVínculo Espiritual de Slowbro


of 3
Onix [Rock Throw | Harden]Onix [Rock Throw | Harden]


of 1
Helioptile [Gnaw | Electro Ball]Helioptile [Gnaw | Electro Ball]


of 1
Cambio Cambio


of 2
Magmar [Fire Punch | Flamethrower]Magmar [Fire Punch | Flamethrower]


of 1
Kakuna [Stiffen | Poisonpowder]Kakuna [Stiffen | Poisonpowder]


of 1
Electabuzz [Impactrueno | Puño-trueno]Electabuzz [Impactrueno | Puño-trueno]


of 1
Machoke [Karate Chop | Submission]Machoke [Karate Chop | Submission]


of 1
Caterpie [Disparo Demora]Caterpie [Disparo Demora]


of 1
Energía FuegoEnergía Fuego


of 1
Vínculo Espiritual de BlastoiseVínculo Espiritual de Blastoise


of 1
Poción Poción


of 1


of 1
Ralts [Teleportation Burst]Ralts [Teleportation Burst]


of 1
Skitty [Whimsy Tackle]Skitty [Whimsy Tackle]


of 1
Mawile [Chomp Chomp Hold]Mawile [Chomp Chomp Hold]


of 1
Copperajah [Strength | High Horsepower]Copperajah [Strength | High Horsepower]


of 1
Basculin [Swarm the Wound]Basculin [Swarm the Wound]


of 1


of 1


of 1


of 1
Moltres [Inferno Wings]Moltres [Inferno Wings]


of 1


of 4


of 2
Quilava [Tackle | Flare]Quilava [Tackle | Flare]


of 3
Dewott [Razor Shell | ASR]Dewott [Razor Shell | ASR]


of 1
Starmie [Space Beacon | Star Freeze]Starmie [Space Beacon | Star Freeze]


of 1
Pista del Profesor OakPista del Profesor Oak


of 1
Devoción de BelDevoción de Bel


of 2
Lunatone [Future Sight | Psychic] Lunatone [Future Sight | Psychic]


of 1
Vibrava [Sand Pulse] Vibrava [Sand Pulse]


of 1
Toxtricity [Punk Shock]Toxtricity [Punk Shock]


of 1


of 1
Recluta del Team StarRecluta del Team Star


of 1


of 1
Energía LuminosaEnergía Luminosa


of 2
Wartortle [Water Gun | Hydro Pump]Wartortle [Water Gun | Hydro Pump]


of 3


of 1
Cranidos [Ram | Stone Edge]Cranidos [Ram | Stone Edge]


of 1
Melmetal [Ingot Swing | Blasting Hammer]Melmetal [Ingot Swing | Blasting Hammer]


of 1
Charmeleon [Scratch | Flamethrower]Charmeleon [Scratch | Flamethrower]


of 4
Togekiss [Shine of Happiness | Magical Shot]Togekiss [Shine of Happiness | Magical Shot]


of 1
Azelf [Mind Bend]Azelf [Mind Bend]


of 2
Tangela [Atadura | Polvo Veneno]Tangela [Atadura | Polvo Veneno]


of 1
Deoxys [Impulso Fotónico]Deoxys [Impulso Fotónico]


of 1
Weedle [Picotazo Veneno | Base Set]Weedle [Picotazo Veneno | Base Set]


of 1
Weedle [Picotazo Veneno | Base Set]Weedle [Picotazo Veneno | Base Set]


of 1
Pupitar [Crashing Bullet | Tackle]Pupitar [Crashing Bullet | Tackle]


of 2


of 2
Pikachu [Buddy Bolt]Pikachu [Buddy Bolt]


of 6
Voltorb [Continuous Tumble | EVO]Voltorb [Continuous Tumble | EVO]


of 1
Xatu [Pinpoint Wave | Mind Bend]Xatu [Pinpoint Wave | Mind Bend]


of 4
Chansey [Delicious Egg | Gentle Slap]Chansey [Delicious Egg | Gentle Slap]


of 3


of 2
Líder de Equipo CandelaLíder de Equipo Candela


of 4
Hatenna [Psyshot]Hatenna [Psyshot]


of 1


of 2
Hippopotas [Mud-Slap | Rolling Tackle]Hippopotas [Mud-Slap | Rolling Tackle]


of 4
Slowbro [Tumbling Tackle | Twilight Inspiration]Slowbro [Tumbling Tackle | Twilight Inspiration]


of 6
Overqwil de Hisui [Tormenting Poison | Pinning]Overqwil de Hisui [Tormenting Poison | Pinning]


of 5


of 2
Quaxly [Pound | Kick]Quaxly [Pound | Kick]


of 2
Wimpod [Punk Out | Gnaw]Wimpod [Punk Out | Gnaw]


of 6