In Cerca della Pietra Nichilista

Quest for the Nihil Stone
The List
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Ogniqualvolta un avversario scarta una carta, puoi mettere un segnalino ricerca su In Cerca della Pietra Nichilista. All'inizio del mantenimento di ogni avversario, se quel giocatore non ha carte in mano e ci sono due o più segnalini ricerca su In Cerca della Pietra Nichilista, puoi far perdere 5 punti vita a quel giocatore.

Mike Bierek

Standard Future Historic Timeless Gladiator Pioneer Explorer Modern Legacy Pauper Vintage Penny Commander Oathbreaker Standardbrawl Brawl Alchemy Paupercommander Duel Oldschool Premodern Predh


  • 2010-03-01 The second ability has an “intervening ‘if’ clause.” That means (1) the ability won’t trigger at all unless, as an opponent’s upkeep starts, that player has no cards in hand and Quest for the Nihil Stone has two or more quest counters on it, and (2) the ability will do nothing if that player has at least one card in hand and/or Quest for the Nihil Stone has fewer than two quest counters on it by the time it resolves. (If Quest for the Nihil Stone is no longer on the battlefield by that point, its last existence on the battlefield is checked to see how many quest counters were on it.)
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