Elbrus, la Lama Vincolante / Withengar in Libertà

Elbrus, the Binding Blade // Withengar Unbound
Secret Lair: From Cute to Brute
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Artefatto Leggendario — Equipaggiamento

La creatura equipaggiata prende +1/+0. Quando la creatura equipaggiata infligge danno da combattimento a un giocatore, Elbrus, la Lama Vincolante non è più assegnata, poi la trasformi. Equipaggiare {1}

Coloro che ne stringono l'impugnatura sentono subito il richiamo del demone.

Eric Deschamps

Standard Future Historic Timeless Gladiator Pioneer Explorer Modern Legacy Pauper Vintage Penny Commander Oathbreaker Standardbrawl Brawl Alchemy Paupercommander Duel Oldschool Premodern Predh


  • 2011-01-22 Elbrus will transform even if you are unable to unattach it (most likely because the equipped creature died).
  • 2011-01-22 The “legend rule” checks only for permanents with exactly the same name. Elbrus, the Binding Blade and Withengar Unbound can be on the battlefield at the same time without either going to its owner’s graveyard.
  • 2011-01-22 Withengar’s triggered ability will trigger no matter how a player loses the game: due to a state-based action (as a result of having a life total of 0 or less, trying to draw a card from an empty library, or having ten poison counters), a spell or ability that says that player loses the game, a concession, or a game loss awarded by a judge.
  • 2011-01-22 In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option (such as a Grand Melee game), if a spell or ability says that you win the game, it instead causes all of your opponents within your range of influence to lose the game. This is another way by which Withengar’s ability can trigger.
  • 2016-07-13 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/shadows-over-innistrad-mechanics).

Creatura Leggendaria — Demone

Volare, intimidire, travolgere Ogniqualvolta un giocatore perde la partita, metti tredici segnalini +1/+1 su Withengar in Libertà.


In Innistrad non ci sono vite sufficienti a soddisfare la sua brama di punizione.

Eric Deschamps

Standard Future Historic Timeless Gladiator Pioneer Explorer Modern Legacy Pauper Vintage Penny Commander Oathbreaker Standardbrawl Brawl Alchemy Paupercommander Duel Oldschool Premodern Predh

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