The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is a Japanese collectible card game developed and published by Konami. It is based on the fictional game of Duel Monsters created by manga artist Kazuki Takahashi, which appears in portions of the manga franchise Yu-Gi-Oh!
(The trading card game was launched by Konami in 1999 in Japan and March 2002 in North America)
Common (C) | identified by their card name's plain black text—if they're a monster. Common spells, traps, and xyz monsters instead have white text.
Rare (R) | Gray or Gray-outlined text, not foil.
Super Rare (SR) | Non-foil name, foil card.
Ultra Rare (SR) | Gold name, foil.
Ultimate Rare (UtR) | Gold and embossed name, foil.
Ghost Rare (GR) | Silver name, pale art.
Holographic Rare (HGR) | Silver name, pale art. (Japanese version of Ghost Rare).
Platinum Rare (PlR) | Platinum name, foil.
Alternate/Starlight Rare (AltR) | White name, special horizontally-lined foil.
Standard secret rares are have distinctive rainbow-colored card names, but can have some variationsin the title's font color. (The odds of obtaining a secret rare are 1:23).
10000 Secret Rare (10000ScR) | Black name, Secret foil image.
Gold rares bear a shiny golden font and holographic sheen. Again, it's a cool look, but when mixed with other rarities, it's easy to see how confusing the system gets—you're not just distinguishing between gold rares and secret rares, but also gold secret rares.
Gold Rare (GUR) | Gold name with reflective sheen image.
Gold Secret Rare (GScR) | Gold Rare name with Secret Rare texture.
Ghost/Gold Rare (GGR) | Gold-outlined name with Ghost Rare image.
Premium Gold Rare (PGR) | Ultra Rare with thick golden frame.
"Parallel Rare" is a generic term for completely-holographic card. Parallel rares make the entire surface of a card (not just the name or artwork) holographic, leading to a "hazy" look. Normal parallel rares are actually glossed-up versions of commons.
Parallel Rares (Normal, Super, Ultra, Holographic, Secret and Extra Secret) | each of these cards will come in a very hazy coating.
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