Aerdna's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
372 total items
248 unique items

Price ()

Minimum Quantity
Ash Blossom & Joyous SpringAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring


of 1
Abyss SoldierAbyss Soldier


of 1
Temperance of ProphecyTemperance of Prophecy


of 1
Neptabyss, the Atlantean PrinceNeptabyss, the Atlantean Prince


of 1


of 2
Selettrice VaalmonicaSelettrice Vaalmonica


of 1
Abyss DwellerAbyss Dweller


of 1


of 1
Voltic KongVoltic Kong


of 1
Maiden of WhiteMaiden of White


of 1
Wishes for Eyes of BlueWishes for Eyes of Blue


of 1
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon


of 1
Sangenpai Transcendent DragionSangenpai Transcendent Dragion


of 1
Gash the Dust LordGash the Dust Lord


of 1
Photon CaesarPhoton Caesar


of 1


of 1
Dictator of D.Dictator of D.


of 5
Slate WarriorSlate Warrior


of 1
Cardcar DCardcar D


of 1
Wonder BalloonsWonder Balloons


of 1
Toy VendorToy Vendor


of 1
Ashened to EndlessnessAshened to Endlessness


of 3
True LightTrue Light


of 2
Prickle FairyPrickle Fairy


of 1
Max MetalmorphMax Metalmorph


of 1
Gearfried the Iron KnightGearfried the Iron Knight


of 1
Nemleria Dream Devourer - ReveilNemleria Dream Devourer - Reveil


of 1
Gouki Re-MatchGouki Re-Match


of 1
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - BoarBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar


of 2
Zoa the Fiendish BeastZoa the Fiendish Beast


of 1
Jurrac BrachisJurrac Brachis


of 1


of 1


of 1


of 1
Mine MoleMine Mole


of 1
Evolsaur TeriasEvolsaur Terias


of 1
Blizzard FalconBlizzard Falcon


of 1


of 1
Laval WarriorLaval Warrior


of 1
Chainsaw InsectChainsaw Insect


of 1
Hazy Flame GriffinHazy Flame Griffin


of 1
Harpie Lady SistersHarpie Lady Sisters


of 1
Sinful Spoils of Slumber - MorrianSinful Spoils of Slumber - Morrian


of 3
Battleguard EchoesBattleguard Echoes


of 1
Goblin Biker Grand CrisisGoblin Biker Grand Crisis


of 1
Fencing Fire FerretFencing Fire Ferret


of 1
Embers of the AshenedEmbers of the Ashened


of 1
Alexandrite DragonAlexandrite Dragon


of 1
Vaalmonica InvitareVaalmonica Invitare


of 3
F.A. Hang On MachF.A. Hang On Mach


of 1
Command PerformanceCommand Performance


of 1
Performapal Skeeter SkimmerPerformapal Skeeter Skimmer


of 1
Chow Len the ProphetChow Len the Prophet


of 1
Roar of the Blue-Eyed DragonsRoar of the Blue-Eyed Dragons


of 1
Anarchist Monk of the Six SamuraiAnarchist Monk of the Six Samurai


of 2
Zoma the Earthbound SpiritZoma the Earthbound Spirit


of 3
Master Craftsman GamilMaster Craftsman Gamil


of 1


of 1
Abyss Actor - Trendy UnderstudyAbyss Actor - Trendy Understudy


of 1
Double DaiDouble Dai


of 3
Gusto GriffinGusto Griffin


of 1
Strength of ProphecyStrength of Prophecy


of 1
Pinch HopperPinch Hopper


of 2
Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonBlue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon


of 2
Revealer of the Ice BarrierRevealer of the Ice Barrier


of 1
Destined RivalsDestined Rivals


of 2
Aiza the Dragoness of Deranged DevotionAiza the Dragoness of Deranged Devotion


of 2


of 2
Battle FaderBattle Fader


of 1
Jurrac ProtopsJurrac Protops


of 1
Couplet the Melodious SongstressCouplet the Melodious Songstress


of 3
Insect InvitationInsect Invitation


of 1
Blessing of the Voiceless VoiceBlessing of the Voiceless Voice


of 1
Azamina Sol ErysichthonAzamina Sol Erysichthon


of 1


of 1
Tenpai Dragon ChundraTenpai Dragon Chundra


of 2
Dark World BrainwashingDark World Brainwashing


of 1
Jungle DwellerJungle Dweller


of 2
Mementotlan FusionMementotlan Fusion


of 1
Fabled AshenveilFabled Ashenveil


of 1
Blue-Eyes Twin Burst DragonBlue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon


of 2
Supreme King Z-ARC - Synchro UniverseSupreme King Z-ARC - Synchro Universe


of 1
Dragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of White


of 2
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon


of 1
Tenpai Dragon FadraTenpai Dragon Fadra


of 2
Ragnaraika Samurai BeetleRagnaraika Samurai Beetle


of 2
Tree OtterTree Otter


of 1
Lightsworn AegisLightsworn Aegis


of 3
Golgoil the Steel Seismic SmasherGolgoil the Steel Seismic Smasher


of 3
Spirit Message "N"Spirit Message "N"


of 1
Tantrum ToddlerTantrum Toddler


of 3
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon


of 1


of 4
Fire King IslandFire King Island


of 1
XX-Saber Boggart KnightXX-Saber Boggart Knight


of 1
Majesty of the White DragonsMajesty of the White Dragons


of 2
Sage with Eyes of BlueSage with Eyes of Blue


of 6
Primitive Planet ReichphobiaPrimitive Planet Reichphobia


of 1
Union PilotUnion Pilot


of 2
Power InvaderPower Invader


of 1