You only need one shipment per week and you can sell your cards to people on the other side of the world.
Tired of spending your time packaging and shipping packages?
With CTZero, you won't have to deal with countless shipments anymore. Just one local shipment per week will be enough.
We will take care of sending and packaging each card to the final buyer, giving you more free time to dedicate to what you desire most.
... now, thanks to CTZero, I only need a single shipment per week. I can now spend more time with my daughter.
All while living in Bassano del Grappa and making a local shipment to Padua 😅
Only with CTZero is such a situation possible.
Accumulate orders from different customers around the world on a weekly basis, choose a weekly closing day, and prepare your unique shipment with all the items sold.
Your stock will be available to users worldwide that you wouldn't normally reach.
You'll never have to worry about international shipping or customs fees, as our hub will be the only address to which you'll send all your sales in a single shipment!
You won't have to worry about any oversights or errors; items will be repurchased and refunded to buyers so they always receive the correct product.
In case of lost shipments, you won't have to worry: we will cover and resolve disputes with buyers and couriers.
Thanks to the coverage of every possible issue, we allow you to save valuable time to focus on your business.
With a single shipment directly to our Hub for all your weekly sales, you'll gain a profit in both time and money that will revolutionize your business right away!
Simple, fast, and immediate.
You can start buying cards worldwide for free right away without paying for shipments.
Card discrepancies, shipping delays, and losses are fully handled by our staff and automated system.
Focus only on the aspects that bring growth to your business.
You will see your customer base grow with buyers from all over the world thanks to our innovative logistics system that allows buying/selling worldwide with a single shipment.
International buyers can purchase from you without any worries about international shipping on your part.
2850+ sellers distribute cards worldwide thanks to CTZero
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