Daniele C's profile

Daniele C

Daniele C

100.0% positive feedback
9 verified reviews
245 total items
115 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
The Spear of LeonidasThe Spear of Leonidas


of 1


of 2
Aveline de GrandpréAveline de Grandpré


of 1


of 3


of 1


of 1
Evie FryeEvie Frye


of 1
Brotherhood PatriarchBrotherhood Patriarch


of 2
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 1


of 1


of 4
Sigurd, Jarl of RavensthorpeSigurd, Jarl of Ravensthorpe


of 1
Assassin DenAssassin Den


of 1
Layla HassanLayla Hassan


of 1
Inspiring OverseerInspiring Overseer


of 3
Hookblade VeteranHookblade Veteran


of 2
Brotherhood SpyBrotherhood Spy


of 3


of 2
Spartan VeteranSpartan Veteran


of 2
What Must Be DoneWhat Must Be Done


of 1
Tax CollectorTax Collector


of 2
The Revelations of EzioThe Revelations of Ezio


of 2
Poison-Blade MentorPoison-Blade Mentor


of 2


of 3


of 1


of 1
Royal AssassinRoyal Assassin


of 1
Auditore AmbushAuditore Ambush


of 2


of 11
Stone QuarryStone Quarry


of 3


of 11
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb


of 1


of 3
Palazzo ArchersPalazzo Archers


of 1
Fading HopeFading Hope


of 2
Staff of the Death MagusStaff of the Death Magus


of 1
Cathartic ReunionCathartic Reunion


of 1
Coastal PiracyCoastal Piracy


of 1
Loyal InventorLoyal Inventor


of 1
Palazzo ArchersPalazzo Archers


of 1
Submerged BoneyardSubmerged Boneyard


of 3
Labyrinth AdversaryLabyrinth Adversary


of 3
Stormrider SpiritStormrider Spirit


of 2
Keen-Eyed RavenKeen-Eyed Raven


of 3
Assassin InitiateAssassin Initiate


of 1
Kiku's ShadowKiku's Shadow


of 1
Returned RevelerReturned Reveler


of 1
Hemlock VialHemlock Vial


of 1
Become AnonymousBecome Anonymous


of 2


of 1
Serra AngelSerra Angel


of 1
Hidden FootbladeHidden Footblade


of 2


of 3
Distract the GuardsDistract the Guards


of 1
Sokenzan SpellbladeSokenzan Spellblade


of 1
Towering ViewpointTowering Viewpoint


of 5
Backup AgentBackup Agent


of 3
Brotherhood AmbushersBrotherhood Ambushers


of 3
Misthios's FuryMisthios's Fury


of 3
Kill ShotKill Shot


of 2
Raving Oni-SlaveRaving Oni-Slave


of 1
Detained by LegionnairesDetained by Legionnaires


of 3
Restart SequenceRestart Sequence


of 2
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 3
Tranquil CoveTranquil Cove


of 2
Viewpoint SynchronizationViewpoint Synchronization


of 2
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 2
Pillarfield OxPillarfield Ox


of 1
Celestial FlareCelestial Flare


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 2


of 11
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 1
Child of NightChild of Night


of 1
Sokenzan RenegadeSokenzan Renegade


of 1
Hired BladeHired Blade


of 3
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 1


of 4
Seven-Tail MentorSeven-Tail Mentor


of 3
Ballad of the Black FlagBallad of the Black Flag


of 2
Settlement BlacksmithSettlement Blacksmith


of 3
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 2
Reconstruct HistoryReconstruct History


of 2
Kitsune LoreweaverKitsune Loreweaver


of 1
Wretched ThrongWretched Throng


of 4
Petty LarcenyPetty Larceny


of 1


of 11
Serpentine AmbushSerpentine Ambush


of 3
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 2
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 2
Gnat MiserGnat Miser


of 1


of 1


of 2


of 1
Raven Clan War-AxeRaven Clan War-Axe


of 2


of 4
Fall of the First CivilizationFall of the First Civilization


of 2
Nebelgast BeguilerNebelgast Beguiler


of 2
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 2
Bloodcrazed HopliteBloodcrazed Hoplite


of 1