Claudiofontanatcg's profile



100.0% positive feedback
5 verified reviews
244 total items
198 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
God-Pharaoh's FaithfulGod-Pharaoh's Faithful


of 3
Coalition VictoryCoalition Victory


of 1
Clearwater GobletClearwater Goblet


of 1
Phage the UntouchablePhage the Untouchable


of 1
Splinter TwinSplinter Twin


ppu $7.74
of 1


of 3
Breath WeaponBreath Weapon


of 1
Breath WeaponBreath Weapon


of 1
Pariah's ShieldPariah's Shield


of 1
Myr EnforcerMyr Enforcer


ppu $4.57
of 1
Faerie MacabreFaerie Macabre


of 3
Temporal ExtortionTemporal Extortion


of 2
Great FurnaceGreat Furnace


ppu $3.20
of 1
Thassa, God of the SeaThassa, God of the Sea


ppu $3.05
of 1


ppu $2.74
of 1


of 3


of 1


of 3
Angel's GraceAngel's Grace


of 2
Reckoner's BargainReckoner's Bargain


of 3


of 1
Vedalken ShacklesVedalken Shackles


of 1


ppu $2.17
of 1
Lethal VaporsLethal Vapors


of 1
Blue Elemental BlastBlue Elemental Blast


ppu $2.13
of 1


ppu $2.13
of 1
Brainstorm Brainstorm


ppu $2.13
of 1


of 4
Ancestral VisionAncestral Vision


of 2
Nihil SpellbombNihil Spellbomb


of 1
Cerebral VortexCerebral Vortex


of 1
Fire // IceFire // Ice


of 1


of 2


of 1
Kuldotha RebirthKuldotha Rebirth


ppu $1.44
of 1
Winding WayWinding Way


of 1
Snow-Covered IslandSnow-Covered Island


of 1
Snow-Covered IslandSnow-Covered Island


of 1


of 2


ppu $1.16
of 1


of 2
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


of 2
Wrenn's ResolveWrenn's Resolve


ppu $1.10
of 1
Myr EnforcerMyr Enforcer


ppu $1.10
of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


ppu $1.07
of 1
Beacon of TomorrowsBeacon of Tomorrows


of 2
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


of 1
Lava SpikeLava Spike


of 2
Lava SpikeLava Spike


of 1
Nightveil SpecterNightveil Specter


ppu $0.92
of 1
Kessig FlamebreatherKessig Flamebreather


ppu $0.89
of 1
Urza's TowerUrza's Tower


of 3
Reckless ImpulseReckless Impulse


ppu $0.85
of 1
End the FestivitiesEnd the Festivities


of 3
Fire // IceFire // Ice


of 1
Kenku ArtificerKenku Artificer


of 1
Urza's MineUrza's Mine


of 2
Reckoner's BargainReckoner's Bargain


ppu $0.64
of 1
Golem FoundryGolem Foundry


ppu $0.64
of 1
Delver of Secrets // Insectile AberrationDelver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration


ppu $0.64
of 1
Chain LightningChain Lightning


ppu $0.64
of 1


of 4
Urza's Power Plant Urza's Power Plant


of 1
Urza's Power PlantUrza's Power Plant


of 2
Rustvale BridgeRustvale Bridge


ppu $0.58
of 1
Cast DownCast Down


ppu $0.58
of 1
Apostle's BlessingApostle's Blessing


ppu $0.58
of 1
Cast into the FireCast into the Fire


ppu $0.58
of 1
Silverbluff BridgeSilverbluff Bridge


ppu $0.58
of 1
Thought ScourThought Scour


ppu $0.58
of 1
Lose FocusLose Focus


of 1
Bident of ThassaBident of Thassa


of 2
Ash Barrens Ash Barrens


of 2
Sage's Row DenizenSage's Row Denizen


of 1
Circle of Protection: RedCircle of Protection: Red


of 2
Lose FocusLose Focus


of 1
Ice TunnelIce Tunnel


of 3
Shattering BlowShattering Blow


ppu $0.34
of 1
Ancient StirringsAncient Stirrings


ppu $0.34
of 1


ppu $0.34
of 1
Augur of BolasAugur of Bolas


ppu $0.34
of 1
Temple of EnlightenmentTemple of Enlightenment


ppu $0.34
of 1
Temple of DeceitTemple of Deceit


ppu $0.34
of 1
Monastery SwiftspearMonastery Swiftspear


ppu $0.34
of 1
Faerie SeerFaerie Seer


ppu $0.28
of 1
Experimental SynthesizerExperimental Synthesizer


ppu $0.28
of 1
Faerie MiscreantFaerie Miscreant


ppu $0.28
of 1
Goblin MatronGoblin Matron


ppu $0.28
of 1
Gurmag AnglerGurmag Angler


ppu $0.18
of 1
Moon-Circuit HackerMoon-Circuit Hacker


ppu $0.18
of 1
Deep AnalysisDeep Analysis


ppu $0.14
of 1
Tolarian TerrorTolarian Terror


ppu $0.12
of 1
Skirk ProspectorSkirk Prospector


ppu $0.12
of 1


ppu $0.12
of 1
Ent's FuryEnt's Fury


ppu $0.09
of 1
Westfold RiderWestfold Rider


ppu $0.09
of 1
Cirith Ungol PatrolCirith Ungol Patrol


ppu $0.09
of 1
Eastfarthing FarmerEastfarthing Farmer


ppu $0.09
of 1
Haunt of the Dead MarshesHaunt of the Dead Marshes


ppu $0.09
of 1
Easterling VanguardEasterling Vanguard


ppu $0.09
of 1