Gtaversa's profile



100.0% positive feedback
6 verified reviews
255 total items
183 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Despian LuluwalilithDespian Luluwalilith


of 1
Magical Musket - Last StandMagical Musket - Last Stand


of 1
Mannadium RiumheartMannadium Riumheart


of 1
Aromage BergamotAromage Bergamot


of 1
Infestation PandemicInfestation Pandemic


of 1
Infestation PandemicInfestation Pandemic


of 1
Legendary Six Samurai - KagekiLegendary Six Samurai - Kageki


of 1
Nimble BeaverNimble Beaver


of 1
Hey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!


of 1


of 1
Firewall DefenserFirewall Defenser


of 1
Gold Pride - Pin BallerGold Pride - Pin Baller


of 1
Fire King High Avatar GarunixFire King High Avatar Garunix


of 2
Secret Six Samurai - GenbaSecret Six Samurai - Genba


of 1
Humid WindsHumid Winds


of 1
Atlantean DragoonsAtlantean Dragoons


of 2
Red ResonatorRed Resonator


of 1
Red ResonatorRed Resonator


of 1
Red Rising DragonRed Rising Dragon


of 2
Mannadium ReframingMannadium Reframing


of 4
Zeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven


of 1
Zeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven


of 1
Tamtam the Melodious DivaTamtam the Melodious Diva


of 2
Metalrokket DragonMetalrokket Dragon


of 1
D/D PandoraD/D Pandora


of 1
Metaphys Tyrant DragonMetaphys Tyrant Dragon


of 1
Igknight ChampionIgknight Champion


of 1
Arcanite MagicianArcanite Magician


of 2
Zeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven


of 1
Zeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven


of 1
Nova SummonerNova Summoner


of 1
Nova SummonerNova Summoner


of 1
Mekk-Knight Orange SunsetMekk-Knight Orange Sunset


of 1
The Agent of Miracles - JupiterThe Agent of Miracles - Jupiter


of 1
The Agent of Miracles - JupiterThe Agent of Miracles - Jupiter


of 1
Valhalla, Hall of the FallenValhalla, Hall of the Fallen


of 1
Valhalla, Hall of the FallenValhalla, Hall of the Fallen


of 1
Time Thief WinderTime Thief Winder


of 4
Secure GardnaSecure Gardna


of 1
Beetrooper Cruel SaturnasBeetrooper Cruel Saturnas


of 2
Amazoness ArchersAmazoness Archers


of 1
Amazoness ArchersAmazoness Archers


of 1
Musakani MagatamaMusakani Magatama


of 1
World Legacy ClashWorld Legacy Clash


of 1
Krawler AxonKrawler Axon


of 1
Raidraptor - Singing LaniusRaidraptor - Singing Lanius


of 1


of 1


of 1
Igknight PaladinIgknight Paladin


of 1
Mannadium MeekMannadium Meek


of 1
Vendread StrigesVendread Striges


of 1
Turbo BoosterTurbo Booster


of 1
Turbo BoosterTurbo Booster


of 1
The Agent of Judgment - SaturnThe Agent of Judgment - Saturn


of 4
GranSolfachord CooliaGranSolfachord Coolia


of 2


of 2
Volcanic ShellVolcanic Shell


of 2
Volcanic ShellVolcanic Shell


of 2
Trickstar FusionTrickstar Fusion


of 1
Trickstar FusionTrickstar Fusion


of 1
Reinforce TruthReinforce Truth


of 2
Reinforce TruthReinforce Truth


of 2
Orcust KnightmareOrcust Knightmare


of 1
Orcust KnightmareOrcust Knightmare


of 1
Cosmo QueenCosmo Queen


of 1
Cosmo QueenCosmo Queen


of 1
Inari FireInari Fire


of 2
Inari FireInari Fire


of 2
Keeper of the ShrineKeeper of the Shrine


of 1
The Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the Sky


of 1
The Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the Sky


of 1
Performapal SalutigerPerformapal Salutiger


of 1
Gateway DragonGateway Dragon


of 1
The Flute of Summoning DragonThe Flute of Summoning Dragon


of 2
Airknight ParshathAirknight Parshath


of 2
Apoqliphort TowersApoqliphort Towers


of 1
Apoqliphort TowersApoqliphort Towers


of 1
Arcana Force IV - The EmperorArcana Force IV - The Emperor


of 2
Mistar BoyMistar Boy


of 1
Nova SummonerNova Summoner


of 2
Shining AngelShining Angel


of 1
Shining AngelShining Angel


of 1


of 1


of 1
Wavering EyesWavering Eyes


of 1
Fusion DuplicationFusion Duplication


of 3
Ghostrick RenovationGhostrick Renovation


of 1
Parthian ShotParthian Shot


of 1
Shiranui SquiresagaShiranui Squiresaga


of 1
Shiranui SquiresagaShiranui Squiresaga


of 1
Opera the Melodious DivaOpera the Melodious Diva


of 1
Fishborg ArcherFishborg Archer


of 1
Fishborg ArcherFishborg Archer


of 1
Neo Space ConnectorNeo Space Connector


of 2
Ruins of the Divine Dragon LordsRuins of the Divine Dragon Lords


of 1
Ruins of the Divine Dragon LordsRuins of the Divine Dragon Lords


of 1
Malicevorous KnifeMalicevorous Knife


of 2
Blackwing - Mistral the Silver ShieldBlackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield


of 1
Blackwing - Mistral the Silver ShieldBlackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield


of 1
Brilliant SparkBrilliant Spark


of 1