Levian reputation

1. Overall rating
2. Items as described
3. Shipping time
4. Packaging
Buyer Date Comment
Mtg_Score 2025-03-18
Marco_camponi 2025-03-10 Ottimo venditore
Nico sancilio 2025-03-04
Meg 2025-02-28
Ubo1990 2025-02-26
Mattybumby 2025-02-20
Nemesis251082 2025-02-20 Tutto ok preciso e veloce
Carrubba andrea9219 2025-02-10 This order has been marked as lost
Nardo7123 2025-02-05
Ubo1990 2025-02-05
Mnegri83 2025-01-29
Galactus Roma 2025-01-28
Giuseppe perin 2025-01-28
Dadopier 2025-01-22
Bradipo1989 2025-01-17 Ottimo
PopoloKing 2025-01-16 Top
Nicholastirino11 2025-01-05
Isola dei Collezionisti 2024-12-23 Tutto perfetto
TheBigRock 2024-12-15
Cap1989 2024-12-12
Camillo Baldo 2024-12-10
IlMagoDelSapone 2024-12-10
MarcoG-1 2024-11-23
Pollaccio 2024-11-22
Francesco moimas 2024-11-12
Halfdog82 2024-11-12
Rooney 2024-11-05
Pokemon_collector_90 2024-10-21
Dadeborgo 2024-10-16
Tony4991 2024-10-14 Carte in perfette condizioni, ottimo imballaggio e tempi di spedizione velocissimi
Pugs Vault - Stefano Lari 2024-10-03
CrazyTony 2024-09-25
Gianluca97M 2024-09-21
Greed9000 2024-09-11 Top seller!
Salgiul2001 2024-08-18
Dor73 2024-08-16 The seller let me know when they had sent it and it arrived well before estimated delivery date. Really pleased
Victor89 2024-08-08
Saitama185 2024-07-27
Bottarifilippo 2024-07-26 Tutto bene
MrBumble 2024-07-25
EnjoyBrakki - NO REFUNDS 2024-07-18
Nonesimo 2024-07-10
Rikyggrande 2024-07-09
Jfish 2024-07-01
Corrafab91 2024-06-26
Pyloum4 2024-06-21
LevelUp WeHaveFun 2024-06-11
Denny 2024-05-16
Pet1 2024-03-12
MRMaina 2024-03-11 Ottimo stato, arriva subito
Matteoceccherini 2024-03-10
Adridani 2024-02-09 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa+++++++
Saffiron 2024-01-29
Micklemore 2023-12-20
Arastazel 2023-10-18
Arastazel 2023-10-12
Willy 2023-10-05
Rikyggrande 2023-09-30
Matteoast 2023-09-27
Stormcrowmaster 2023-09-22
Maelenardo 2023-09-20
Luigfornaro 2023-09-09
Clemenswolff 2023-08-30 Ottimo, grazie
Valedona 2023-08-23
Didi22 2023-08-11
Zabusca 2023-07-12
Yozayan 2023-07-05
Tiago_ 2023-06-19
Waltex 2023-05-27 Ottimo
Nedo 93 2023-05-22
CapitanHarlock 2023-05-19 grazie! ottimo venditore
Matte9191 2023-05-10 Perfetto venditore eccellente e professionale, imballaggio ottimo
Federico-c 2023-04-27 Top disponibile e veloce.
Sabba93 2023-04-21 Carte arrivate, tutto ok
Galactus Roma 2023-03-15
Davedomy 2023-02-08 Spedizione regolare. carte come da descrizione.
Zeta13 2023-01-19
Kinase 2022-12-08
Il Labirinto Mtg Store 2022-10-30
WhyBother 2022-10-18 Top imballaggio, ci ho messo più ad aprire il pacco che ad aspettare la prioritaria.
Flako 2022-10-13