likedy's profile



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97 total items
94 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Galaxy ExpeditionGalaxy Expedition


of 1
Spellbook of JudgmentSpellbook of Judgment


of 1
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of InfernosBlaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos


of 1
Gravekeeper's NoblemanGravekeeper's Nobleman


of 1
Madolche HootcakeMadolche Hootcake


of 1
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy DestroyerSuperdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer


of 1
Manju of the Ten Thousand HandsManju of the Ten Thousand Hands


of 1
Number 39: UtopiaNumber 39: Utopia


of 1


of 2
Vampire TakeoverVampire Takeover


of 1
Fire King High Avatar GarunixFire King High Avatar Garunix


of 1


of 1
Evigishki Soul OgreEvigishki Soul Ogre


of 1
Number C39: Utopia Ray VNumber C39: Utopia Ray V


of 1
Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master


of 1
Cyber DragonCyber Dragon


of 1
Maestroke the Symphony DjinnMaestroke the Symphony Djinn


of 1
Muzurhythm the String DjinnMuzurhythm the String Djinn


of 1
Melomelody the Brass DjinnMelomelody the Brass Djinn


of 1
Number 17: Leviathan DragonNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon


of 1
Magic CylinderMagic Cylinder


of 1
Gem-Knight LazuliGem-Knight Lazuli


of 1


of 1
CXyz Simon the Great Moral LeaderCXyz Simon the Great Moral Leader


of 1
Sacred Sword of Seven StarsSacred Sword of Seven Stars


of 1
Mecha Phantom Beast Blue ImpalaMecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala


of 1
Archfiend CommanderArchfiend Commander


of 1
Gem-Knight Master DiamondGem-Knight Master Diamond


of 1
Spiritual Beast ApelioSpiritual Beast Apelio


of 1
Gishki PhotomirrorGishki Photomirror


of 1
Shaddoll BeastShaddoll Beast


of 1
Temtempo the Percussion DjinnTemtempo the Percussion Djinn


of 1


of 1
Yomi ShipYomi Ship


of 1
Forbidden ChaliceForbidden Chalice


of 1
Hyper-Ancient Shark MegalodonHyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon


of 1
Magic CylinderMagic Cylinder


of 1
Cyber ValleyCyber Valley


of 1
Machina FortressMachina Fortress


of 1
Blue DustonBlue Duston


of 1
Crystal AbundanceCrystal Abundance


of 1
Chronomaly Mud GolemChronomaly Mud Golem


of 1
Mecha Phantom Beast TetherwolfMecha Phantom Beast Tetherwolf


of 1
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6


of 1
Enishi, Shien's ChancellorEnishi, Shien's Chancellor


of 2
Bujingi RavenBujingi Raven


of 1
Yosen Training GroundsYosen Training Grounds


of 1
Alexandrite DragonAlexandrite Dragon


of 1
Bujin Regalia - The MirrorBujin Regalia - The Mirror


of 1


of 1
Vampire HunterVampire Hunter


of 1
Chronomaly Aztec Mask GolemChronomaly Aztec Mask Golem


of 1


of 1
Pyramid of WondersPyramid of Wonders


of 1
Archfiend HeiressArchfiend Heiress


of 1
Monster ReincarnationMonster Reincarnation


of 1
Gimmick Puppet Twilight JokerGimmick Puppet Twilight Joker


of 1
Battlin' Boxer SparrerBattlin' Boxer Sparrer


of 1
Battlin' Boxer HeadgearedBattlin' Boxer Headgeared


of 1
Ghostrick ScareGhostrick Scare


of 1
Battlin' Boxer CounterpunchBattlin' Boxer Counterpunch


of 1
Sakuretsu ArmorSakuretsu Armor


of 1
Djinn Presider of RitualsDjinn Presider of Rituals


of 1
Dodger DragonDodger Dragon


of 1
Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller


of 1
Cyber DragonCyber Dragon


of 2
Mirage DragonMirage Dragon


of 1
Evilswarm GolemEvilswarm Golem


of 1
Herald of Green LightHerald of Green Light


of 1
Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor NinjaNumber 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja


of 1


of 1
Gem-Knight PearlGem-Knight Pearl


of 1
Berserk GorillaBerserk Gorilla


of 1
Star Light, Star BrightStar Light, Star Bright


of 1
Gogogo GiantGogogo Giant


of 1
Shurit, Strategist of the NekrozShurit, Strategist of the Nekroz


of 1
Vampire KingdomVampire Kingdom


of 1
Recycling BatteriesRecycling Batteries


of 1
Altitude KnightAltitude Knight


of 1
Poseidon WavePoseidon Wave


of 1
Yosenju MisakYosenju Misak


of 1
Shining AngelShining Angel


of 1
Shien's Smoke SignalShien's Smoke Signal


of 1
Flame TigerFlame Tiger


of 1
Evolution BurstEvolution Burst


of 1
Windstorm of EtaquaWindstorm of Etaqua


of 1
Reinforcement of the ArmyReinforcement of the Army


of 1
Winged RhynosWinged Rhynos


of 1
Ghostrick JackfrostGhostrick Jackfrost


of 1
Tardy OrcTardy Orc


of 1
Gishki NoelliaGishki Noellia


of 1
Tiger DragonTiger Dragon


of 1
Laval PhlogisLaval Phlogis


of 1
Ritual CageRitual Cage


of 1