Pokegic's profile



100.0% positive feedback
3k+ verified reviews
1k+ total items
1k+ unique items

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Vorinclex, Monstrous RaiderVorinclex, Monstrous Raider
signed black


of 1
Angus MackenzieAngus Mackenzie


of 1
Show and TellShow and Tell


of 2
Flooded StrandFlooded Strand


of 1
The OzolithThe Ozolith


of 3
Dark ConfidantDark Confidant


of 1
Rhys the RedeemedRhys the Redeemed


of 1
Proteus StaffProteus Staff


of 1
Sword of Fire and IceSword of Fire and Ice


of 1
Cloud CoverCloud Cover


of 1
Aura of SilenceAura of Silence


of 1
Maelstrom ArchangelMaelstrom Archangel


of 1
Willow SatyrWillow Satyr


of 1
Pirated CopyPirated Copy


of 1
Sacred FoundrySacred Foundry


of 1
Gishath, Sun's AvatarGishath, Sun's Avatar


of 1
Verdant CatacombsVerdant Catacombs


of 2


of 1


of 1
Crucible of WorldsCrucible of Worlds
signed silver by Spencer


of 1
Arms DealerArms Dealer


of 2
Uro, Titan of Nature's WrathUro, Titan of Nature's Wrath


of 1
Primal RagePrimal Rage


of 1
Bloom TenderBloom Tender


of 1
Goblin GameGoblin Game


of 1
Esika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic BridgeEsika, God of the Tree // The Prismatic Bridge


of 1


of 1
Elder GargarothElder Gargaroth


of 1
Trade RoutesTrade Routes


of 1
Magus of the MoatMagus of the Moat


of 2
Master ApothecaryMaster Apothecary


of 1
Vaevictis AsmadiVaevictis Asmadi


of 1
Temple of the False GodTemple of the False God


of 1
Ugin, the Spirit DragonUgin, the Spirit Dragon


of 1
Cauldron of SoulsCauldron of Souls


of 1
Utvara HellkiteUtvara Hellkite


of 1
Righteous FuryRighteous Fury


of 1
Blistering FirecatBlistering Firecat


of 1


of 1


of 1
Orvar, the All-FormOrvar, the All-Form


of 1


of 1


of 1
Crucible of WorldsCrucible of Worlds


of 1
Sword of War and Peace Sword of War and Peace


of 1
Cover of DarknessCover of Darkness


of 1
Intet, the DreamerIntet, the Dreamer


of 1
Teferi, Time RavelerTeferi, Time Raveler


of 1
Watery GraveWatery Grave


of 1
Knowledge ExploitationKnowledge Exploitation


of 2
Gravity SphereGravity Sphere


of 1
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose


of 1
Oko, Thief of CrownsOko, Thief of Crowns


of 1
Mindbreak TrapMindbreak Trap


of 1
Secluded GlenSecluded Glen


of 2
Urza's MineUrza's Mine


of 1


of 2
Teferi's MoatTeferi's Moat


of 1
Reki, the History of KamigawaReki, the History of Kamigawa


of 1
Cephalid ConstableCephalid Constable


of 1
Oko, Thief of CrownsOko, Thief of Crowns


of 1
Utvara HellkiteUtvara Hellkite


of 1
Rishadan PawnshopRishadan Pawnshop


of 1
Blistering FirecatBlistering Firecat


of 1


of 1
Storm WorldStorm World


of 1
Liliana, the Last HopeLiliana, the Last Hope


of 1
Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms


of 1


of 1
Early HarvestEarly Harvest


of 1
Captain SisayCaptain Sisay


of 1


of 1
Dryad of the Ilysian GroveDryad of the Ilysian Grove


of 1


of 1
Stomping GroundStomping Ground


of 2
Temporal MasteryTemporal Mastery


of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


of 1
Balthor the StoutBalthor the Stout


of 1
Master of CeremoniesMaster of Ceremonies


of 1
Maralen of the MornsongMaralen of the Mornsong


of 1
Wurmcoil EngineWurmcoil Engine


of 2
Jhoira of the GhituJhoira of the Ghitu


of 2
Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms


of 1
Pernicious DeedPernicious Deed


of 1
Dryad of the Ilysian GroveDryad of the Ilysian Grove


of 1
Needle SpecterNeedle Specter


of 1
The Locust GodThe Locust God


of 1
Lathliss, Dragon QueenLathliss, Dragon Queen


of 1
Mana VortexMana Vortex


of 1
Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise


of 1
Zombie MasterZombie Master


of 1
Ineffable BlessingIneffable Blessing


of 1
Overgrown TombOvergrown Tomb


of 2


of 1
Well-Laid PlansWell-Laid Plans


of 1
Lathliss, Dragon QueenLathliss, Dragon Queen


of 2
Treetop VillageTreetop Village


of 3
Deathrite ShamanDeathrite Shaman


of 3
Sun TitanSun Titan
signed gold lockwood


of 1
Animate DeadAnimate Dead


ppu $8.71
of 1