Tommasofaccio's profile



100.0% positive feedback
131 verified reviews
488 total items
209 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Captain Rex - Fighting For His BrothersCaptain Rex - Fighting For His Brothers


of 2
Confederate Tri-FighterConfederate Tri-Fighter


of 1
Private ManufacturingPrivate Manufacturing


of 1
Low Altitude GunshipLow Altitude Gunship


of 1
Confederate Tri-FighterConfederate Tri-Fighter


of 1
Twice the PrideTwice the Pride


of 2
Lux Bonteri - Renegade SeparatistLux Bonteri - Renegade Separatist


of 2
Lux Bonteri - Renegade SeparatistLux Bonteri - Renegade Separatist


of 1
Padmé Amidala - Pursuing PeacePadmé Amidala - Pursuing Peace


of 2
Disaffected SenatorDisaffected Senator


of 2
Private ManufacturingPrivate Manufacturing


of 1
Sanctioner's ShuttleSanctioner's Shuttle


of 1
AT-TE VanguardAT-TE Vanguard


of 1
Echo - Valiant Arc TrooperEcho - Valiant Arc Trooper


of 1
Rune Haako - Scheming SecondRune Haako - Scheming Second


of 1
Ziro the Hutt - Colorful SchemerZiro the Hutt - Colorful Schemer


of 1
Clone CohortClone Cohort


of 2
Jesse - Hard-Fighting PatriotJesse - Hard-Fighting Patriot


of 1
Unshakeable WillUnshakeable Will


of 1
Captain Typho - Protecting the SenatorCaptain Typho - Protecting the Senator


of 2


of 1
KCM Mining Facility // Battle DroidKCM Mining Facility // Battle Droid


of 4
Clear the FieldClear the Field


of 1
Prisoner of WarPrisoner of War


of 1
Death by DroidsDeath by Droids


of 1
The Crystal City // Clone TrooperThe Crystal City // Clone Trooper


of 2
KCM Mining Facility // Battle DroidKCM Mining Facility // Battle Droid


of 1
Steadfast SenatorSteadfast Senator


of 1
Vulture Interceptor WingVulture Interceptor Wing


of 1
KCM Mining Facility // Clone TrooperKCM Mining Facility // Clone Trooper


of 1
Jango Fett - Concealing the ConspiracyJango Fett - Concealing the Conspiracy


of 3
KCM Mining Facility // Clone TrooperKCM Mining Facility // Clone Trooper


of 2
Independent SenatorIndependent Senator


of 1
Soulless One - Customized for GrievousSoulless One - Customized for Grievous


of 1
Anakin Skywalker - What it Takes to WinAnakin Skywalker - What it Takes to Win


of 5
Level 1313 // Battle DroidLevel 1313 // Battle Droid


of 1
Nute Gunray - Vindictive ViceroyNute Gunray - Vindictive Viceroy


of 3
Padmé Amidala - Serving the RepublicPadmé Amidala - Serving the Republic


of 4
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Patient MentorObi-Wan Kenobi - Patient Mentor


of 1
The Nest // Clone TrooperThe Nest // Clone Trooper


of 3
Nute Gunray - Vindictive ViceroyNute Gunray - Vindictive Viceroy


of 1
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Patient MentorObi-Wan Kenobi - Patient Mentor


of 3
Jango Fett - Concealing the ConspiracyJango Fett - Concealing the Conspiracy


of 2
Maul - A Rival in DarknessMaul - A Rival in Darkness


of 5
Quinlan Vos - Sticking the LandingQuinlan Vos - Sticking the Landing


of 4
Count Dooku - Face of the ConfederacyCount Dooku - Face of the Confederacy


of 5
The Nest // Clone TrooperThe Nest // Clone Trooper


of 1
Freelance AssassinFreelance Assassin


of 2
Droid CohortDroid Cohort


of 2
Patrolling AATPatrolling AAT


of 1
Perilous PositionPerilous Position


of 4
Soldier of the 501stSoldier of the 501st


of 2
Daring RaidDaring Raid


of 2
Elite P-38 StarfighterElite P-38 Starfighter


of 1
B1 Security TeamB1 Security Team


of 4
Strategic AcumenStrategic Acumen


of 2
Armored Saber TankArmored Saber Tank


of 3
Vanguard Droid BomberVanguard Droid Bomber


of 2
Pelta Supply FrigatePelta Supply Frigate


of 4
Relentless Rocket DroidRelentless Rocket Droid


of 2
Sundari // Clone TrooperSundari // Clone Trooper


of 1
Political PressurePolitical Pressure


of 3
Reckless TorrentReckless Torrent


of 2
Clone Dive TrooperClone Dive Trooper


of 3
Republic ARC-170Republic ARC-170


of 4
Dendup's LoyalistDendup's Loyalist


of 3
Grenade StrikeGrenade Strike


of 2
Squad SupportSquad Support


of 1
Hailfire TankHailfire Tank


of 2
Sundari // Battle DroidSundari // Battle Droid


of 2
Baktoid Spider DroidBaktoid Spider Droid


of 2
ETA-2 Light InterceptorETA-2 Light Interceptor


of 2
B2 LegionnairesB2 Legionnaires


of 2


of 2
Encouraging LeadershipEncouraging Leadership


of 3
Lair of Grievous // Clone TrooperLair of Grievous // Clone Trooper


of 2
Hidden SharpshooterHidden Sharpshooter


of 3
Freelance AssassinFreelance Assassin


of 3
Favorable DelegateFavorable Delegate


of 2
B1 Attack PlatformB1 Attack Platform


of 2
Infantry of the 212thInfantry of the 212th


of 4
Advanced Recon CommandoAdvanced Recon Commando


of 1
ETA-2 Light InterceptorETA-2 Light Interceptor


of 2
Wolf Pack EscortWolf Pack Escort


of 2
Hold-Out BlasterHold-Out Blaster


of 3
Hailfire TankHailfire Tank


of 2
Droideka SecurityDroideka Security


of 5
Confederate CourierConfederate Courier


of 1
Republic Attack PodRepublic Attack Pod


of 2
Vanguard Droid BomberVanguard Droid Bomber


of 3
Trade Federation ShuttleTrade Federation Shuttle


of 5
The Crystal City // Battle DroidThe Crystal City // Battle Droid


of 2
Political PressurePolitical Pressure


of 3
Dwarf Spider DroidDwarf Spider Droid


of 1
Bold Recon CommandoBold Recon Commando


of 2
Patrolling AATPatrolling AAT


of 3
Hotshot V-WingHotshot V-Wing


of 4
Aggrieved ParliamentarianAggrieved Parliamentarian


of 3
Tipoca City // Clone TrooperTipoca City // Clone Trooper


of 1
OOM-Series OfficerOOM-Series Officer


of 3