Tucotuco69's profile



100.0% positive feedback
15 verified reviews
758 total items
258 unique items

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Venerable, StoeirhajaVenerable, Stoeirhaja
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of 1
Marche Fleur, Lianorn VivaceMarche Fleur, Lianorn Vivace


of 1
Stealth Dragon, SeizuiStealth Dragon, Seizui


of 4
What Color is Your Wish, ValsheblanWhat Color is Your Wish, Valsheblan
check my cards (Playset)


of 1
jap version


of 2
Dazzle Bubble Paradise, PreciaDazzle Bubble Paradise, Precia
check my cards (Playset)


of 1
Bracing Angel LadderBracing Angel Ladder
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of 1
Scarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, GandeevaScarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, Gandeeva


of 1
Dead Sea Spiritualist, Grave=ZorgaDead Sea Spiritualist, Grave=Zorga
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of 1
Radiance CaliburnRadiance Caliburn


of 1
Dragwizard, KniesDragwizard, Knies


of 6
Sea Strike Dragon, EnlargulvSea Strike Dragon, Enlargulv


of 4
Forbidoll SurrogateForbidoll Surrogate


of 1
Avaricious Demonic Dragon, GreedonAvaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon


of 1
Forefront Knight, TeithfalltForefront Knight, Teithfallt
only playset


of 4
Soul Funeral Dragon, NoctursioSoul Funeral Dragon, Noctursio
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of 4
Battle Monk of Raging Flames, RokuseiBattle Monk of Raging Flames, Rokusei


of 2
Steam Gunner, TizkarSteam Gunner, Tizkar
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of 1
Demonic Jewel Dragon, DrajeweledDemonic Jewel Dragon, Drajeweled
jap version


of 1
Spiritual King of Aquatics, IdosfaroSpiritual King of Aquatics, Idosfaro


of 1
Scintillate Rays, OpheliaScintillate Rays, Ophelia
check my cards, other wilista sp in stock


of 1
Amicable Maiden, AlvinaAmicable Maiden, Alvina
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of 4
Bullet of Creation, PansmermiaBullet of Creation, Pansmermia
Check My cards, lot of DZ-BT01 in stock


of 1
Moon-nestling Fantasia, AdelheidMoon-nestling Fantasia, Adelheid
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of 1
Demonic Stone Dragon, RockargourDemonic Stone Dragon, Rockargour
jap version


of 4
Scintillate Rays, OpheliaScintillate Rays, Ophelia
check my cards, other wilista sp in stock


of 1
Dazzle Bubble Paradise, PreciaDazzle Bubble Paradise, Precia
Check my cards


of 2
Clear Shimmer, AuraClear Shimmer, Aura


of 1
Sea Strike Dragon, EnlargulvSea Strike Dragon, Enlargulv


of 1
Evergreen TransphereEvergreen Transphere
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of 1
Two Of Us, RhymeTwo Of Us, Rhyme


of 1
Operate Master, FreiheitOperate Master, Freiheit


of 4
Clear Shimmer, AuraClear Shimmer, Aura


of 2
Rogue HeadhunterRogue Headhunter


of 4
Spiritual King of Ignition, ValnoutSpiritual King of Ignition, Valnout


of 1
Alter Ego Neo MessiahAlter Ego Neo Messiah


of 1
Blue Deathster, "Skyrender" AvantgardaBlue Deathster, "Skyrender" Avantgarda
Avant core available


of 4
Dragritter, ShuuraDragritter, Shuura
check my cards, lot of dzbt01 in stock


of 1
Dragontree Wretch, Depth IwelethDragontree Wretch, Depth Iweleth
check my cards


of 1
Tranquil Affection, EliviraTranquil Affection, Elivira


of 2
Clerical Star Demonic Lady, BifronsClerical Star Demonic Lady, Bifrons
check my cards


of 4
Fated One of Miracles, RezaelFated One of Miracles, Rezael
Check My cards, lot of DZ-BT01 in stock


of 2
Two Of Us, RhymeTwo Of Us, Rhyme


of 1
Air Element, SebreezeAir Element, Sebreeze


of 1
Steam Battler, GungnramSteam Battler, Gungnram


of 4
Hallucinatory MorphoHallucinatory Morpho
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of 3
Performing Pedal, DianthaPerforming Pedal, Diantha
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of 1
Burgeoning Tone, SigneBurgeoning Tone, Signe
check lyrical my cards


of 2
Wyvern Guard, GuldWyvern Guard, Guld


of 4
Blue-haired Prodigy, ReceusBlue-haired Prodigy, Receus


of 1
Monster Creator, ArkhiteMonster Creator, Arkhite


of 4
Demonic Jewel Dragon, DrajeweledDemonic Jewel Dragon, Drajeweled


of 3
Ghostie Great Emperor, Big ObadiahGhostie Great Emperor, Big Obadiah
Pls buy this card


of 1
Dragonic WaterfallDragonic Waterfall


of 4
Blue-haired Prodigy, ReceusBlue-haired Prodigy, Receus


of 4
Monster Creator, ArkhiteMonster Creator, Arkhite
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of 4
Hurry and Join, Silver Thorn ServantsHurry and Join, Silver Thorn Servants
other Minerva Rising cards in stock!


of 1
Blue-haired Prodigy, ReceusBlue-haired Prodigy, Receus


of 4
Berserk DragonBerserk Dragon


of 1
Steam Scara, ZargonSteam Scara, Zargon


of 3
Twin Buckler DragonTwin Buckler Dragon


of 2
Pink Moth Girl, MaplePink Moth Girl, Maple


of 1
Sylvan Horned Beast, DamainaruSylvan Horned Beast, Damainaru


of 4
Providence Disorder, BaromagnesProvidence Disorder, Baromagnes


of 1
Falcate PerformerFalcate Performer


of 3
Resonance DragonResonance Dragon
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of 4
Judgment MaelstromJudgment Maelstrom
other Minerva Rising cards in stock!


of 1
Berserk DragonBerserk Dragon


of 4
Strafe Command DragonStrafe Command Dragon
check my cards, lot of dzbt01 in stock


of 1
Blast Monk of the Thundering FootBlast Monk of the Thundering Foot


of 6
Twilight Regalia, HesperisTwilight Regalia, Hesperis


of 6
Guardian Monk of Raging Flames, MonjuGuardian Monk of Raging Flames, Monju
check my cards, lot of dzbt01 in stock


of 1
Wandering Starhulk Ruler, BrandtWandering Starhulk Ruler, Brandt


of 1
Schwarzschild DragonSchwarzschild Dragon


of 4
Flame of Hope, AermoFlame of Hope, Aermo


of 4
Blue-haired Prodigy, ReceusBlue-haired Prodigy, Receus


of 2


of 4
Vairina ErgerVairina Erger


of 1
Vairina ValienteVairina Valiente


of 4
Maiden of Deep Impression, UrjulaMaiden of Deep Impression, Urjula


of 5
Swingby DragonSwingby Dragon
check my cards, lot of dzbt01 in stock


of 1
Imperial DaughterImperial Daughter


of 1
Decipherer of Prohibited BooksDecipherer of Prohibited Books


of 6
Ladies and Gentlemen! RaramiLadies and Gentlemen! Rarami
other Minerva Rising cards in stock!


of 1
Lively Rhythm, BiaraLively Rhythm, Biara
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of 6
Circle MagusCircle Magus


of 4
Marine General of Heavenly Silk, AristotleMarine General of Heavenly Silk, Aristotle


of 6
Forceps AngelForceps Angel
Check My cards, lot of DZ-BT01 in stock


of 2
Beloved Response Girl, RespinoBeloved Response Girl, Respino
Check My cards, lot of DZ-BT01 in stock


of 1
Aerial SageAerial Sage
Check My cards, lot of DZ-BT01 in stock


of 2
Dragonic DeathscytheDragonic Deathscythe


of 4
Planar Prevent DragonPlanar Prevent Dragon


of 1
Rising PhoenixRising Phoenix


of 4
Witch of Accumulation, SequanaWitch of Accumulation, Sequana
check my youthberk cards, full deck in stock


of 1
Battle Cupid, NocielBattle Cupid, Nociel


of 1
Gear Goat of Aperture LeapingGear Goat of Aperture Leaping


of 6
Detonix Stinger DragonDetonix Stinger Dragon


of 4
Opener of Dark GatesOpener of Dark Gates


of 4
Whiteouter, VectWhiteouter, Vect


of 4
Lyrical ShootingStarS Special IssueLyrical ShootingStarS Special Issue
check my cards, lot of dzbt01 in stock


of 1