LOMA_'s profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
171 total items
167 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
D/D/D Dragon King PendragonD/D/D Dragon King Pendragon


of 1
Threatening RoarThreatening Roar


of 1
Dust TornadoDust Tornado


of 1
Beast of TalwarBeast of Talwar


of 1
Millennium ShieldMillennium Shield


of 1
Wind-Up JugglerWind-Up Juggler


of 1
Spikeshield with ChainSpikeshield with Chain


of 1
Time EscaperTime Escaper


of 1
Atlantean Heavy InfantryAtlantean Heavy Infantry


of 1
Arnis, the Empowered WarriorArnis, the Empowered Warrior


of 1
Forbidden LanceForbidden Lance


of 1


of 1
Mirage DragonMirage Dragon


of 1
A Wingbeat of Giant DragonA Wingbeat of Giant Dragon


of 1
Mystical Space TyphoonMystical Space Typhoon


of 2
Axe DragonuteAxe Dragonute


of 1
Battlin' Boxer HeadgearedBattlin' Boxer Headgeared


of 1
Speed WarriorSpeed Warrior


of 1
Quillbolt HedgehogQuillbolt Hedgehog


of 1
Monster RebornMonster Reborn


of 1
Alexandrite DragonAlexandrite Dragon


of 1
Raigeki BreakRaigeki Break


of 1
Exploder DragonExploder Dragon


of 1
Dust TornadoDust Tornado


of 1
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of WaterfallsTidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls


of 1
Negate AttackNegate Attack


of 1
D.D. WarriorD.D. Warrior


of 1
Trap HoleTrap Hole


of 1
Hyper SynchronHyper Synchron


of 1
Chain IgnitionChain Ignition


of 1
Ancient DragonAncient Dragon


of 1
Herald of CreationHerald of Creation


of 1
ZW - Lightning BladeZW - Lightning Blade


of 1
Abyss SoldierAbyss Soldier


of 1
Vice DragonVice Dragon


of 1
Lucky Iron AxeLucky Iron Axe


of 1
Divine Dragon ApocralyphDivine Dragon Apocralyph


of 1
Pinpoint GuardPinpoint Guard


of 1
Overlay EaterOverlay Eater


of 1
Spear SharkSpear Shark


of 1
Ancient Gear GolemAncient Gear Golem


of 1
Trap HoleTrap Hole


of 1
Morphing Jar #2Morphing Jar #2


of 1
Swift Birdman JoeSwift Birdman Joe


of 1
Treeborn FrogTreeborn Frog


of 1
Gimmick Puppet Egg HeadGimmick Puppet Egg Head


of 1
Penguin SoldierPenguin Soldier


of 1
Green Turtle SummonerGreen Turtle Summoner


of 1
Limit ReverseLimit Reverse


of 1
Odd-Eyes Saber DragonOdd-Eyes Saber Dragon


of 1
The CalculatorThe Calculator


of 1
Heraldry RecordHeraldry Record


of 1
Gagaga MagicianGagaga Magician


of 1
Chainsaw InsectChainsaw Insect


of 1
Plant Food ChainPlant Food Chain


of 1
Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing WindBlackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind


of 1
Mystical ElfMystical Elf


of 1
Grave SquirmerGrave Squirmer


of 1
Ganbara KnightGanbara Knight


of 1
Odd-Eyes DragonOdd-Eyes Dragon


of 1
Lightning VortexLightning Vortex


of 1
Gagaga GirlGagaga Girl


of 1
Burner, Dragon Ruler of SparksBurner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks


of 1
Bright Star DragonBright Star Dragon


of 1
Des VolstgalphDes Volstgalph


of 1
Mirror ForceMirror Force


of 1
Snowman EaterSnowman Eater


of 1
Luster DragonLuster Dragon


of 1
Goblin Elite Attack ForceGoblin Elite Attack Force


of 1
Hydrotortoise, the Empowered WarriorHydrotortoise, the Empowered Warrior


of 1
Kunai with ChainKunai with Chain


of 1
Friller RabcaFriller Rabca


of 1
Dust TornadoDust Tornado


of 1
Injection Fairy LilyInjection Fairy Lily


of 1
Snatch StealSnatch Steal


of 1
Mad ArchfiendMad Archfiend


of 1
Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller


of 1
Lord of D.Lord of D.


of 1
Axe of DespairAxe of Despair


of 1
Cost DownCost Down


of 1
Atlantean Attack SquadAtlantean Attack Squad


of 1
Herald of CreationHerald of Creation


of 1
Rope of LifeRope of Life


of 1


of 1
Tasuke KnightTasuke Knight


of 1
Mermaid ArcherMermaid Archer


of 1
Magical Arm ShieldMagical Arm Shield


of 1
Maha VailoMaha Vailo


of 1


of 1
Mask of WeakneMask of Weakne


of 1
Hyper-Ancient Shark MegalodonHyper-Ancient Shark Megalodon


of 1
Mermail AbysshildeMermail Abysshilde


of 1
Black PendantBlack Pendant


of 1
Grave SquirmerGrave Squirmer


of 1
Poison of the Old ManPoison of the Old Man


of 1
Rush RecklelyRush Recklely


of 1
Burst BreathBurst Breath


of 1
Theban NightmareTheban Nightmare


of 1
Smashing GroundSmashing Ground


of 1
Bacon SaverBacon Saver


of 1