Akotros's profile



100.0% positive feedback
24 verified reviews
685 total items
598 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Emrakul, the World AnewEmrakul, the World Anew


of 1
Copy ArtifactCopy Artifact
Ask for scan


of 1


of 1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's FuryPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury


of 1
Season of the WitchSeason of the Witch


of 1
Minamo, School at Water's EdgeMinamo, School at Water's Edge


of 1
Norwood PriestessNorwood Priestess


of 1
Birthing RitualBirthing Ritual


of 1
Mana VortexMana Vortex
Ask for photos


of 1
Dream HallsDream Halls


of 1
Spell SnareSpell Snare
playable - look photos


of 1
Chain of SmogChain of Smog
Front almost perfect - look photos


of 1
Stoneforge MysticStoneforge Mystic


of 1
Plunge into DarknessPlunge into Darkness


of 1
Nexus of FateNexus of Fate


of 1
Cloudstone CurioCloudstone Curio


of 1
The AethersparkThe Aetherspark


of 1
Mana VortexMana Vortex
Ask for photos


of 1
Doubling SeasonDoubling Season
look photos


of 1
Skrelv's HiveSkrelv's Hive


of 2
Archmage's CharmArchmage's Charm
no stamp


of 2
Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial
Ask for more photo if needed


of 1
Thought-Knot SeerThought-Knot Seer


of 1
Urabrask // The Great WorkUrabrask // The Great Work


of 1
Sword of Forge and FrontierSword of Forge and Frontier


of 1
Lord of the UndeadLord of the Undead


of 1
Jacob Hauken, Inspector // Hauken's InsightJacob Hauken, Inspector // Hauken's Insight


of 1
Phyrexian ArenaPhyrexian Arena


of 1
Sensei's Divining TopSensei's Divining Top


of 2
Essence SliverEssence Sliver


of 1
Maralen of the MornsongMaralen of the Mornsong


of 1
Spiteful BanditrySpiteful Banditry


of 1
Scion of DracoScion of Draco


of 1
Elesh Norn // The Argent EtchingsElesh Norn // The Argent Etchings


of 1
Grave PactGrave Pact


of 1
Spiteful BanditrySpiteful Banditry


of 1
Tyvar, the PummelerTyvar, the Pummeler


of 1


of 1


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 1
Cabal RitualCabal Ritual


of 1
Mishra, Claimed by Gix // Mishra, Lost to PhyrexiaMishra, Claimed by Gix // Mishra, Lost to Phyrexia


of 1
Goblin PyromancerGoblin Pyromancer


of 1
Contract from BelowContract from Below


of 1
Invasion of Ikoria // Zilortha, Apex of IkoriaInvasion of Ikoria // Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria


of 1
Flare of DuplicationFlare of Duplication


of 1
Serra AngelSerra Angel


of 1
Yosei, the Morning StarYosei, the Morning Star


of 1
Spiteful BanditrySpiteful Banditry


of 1


of 1
Timeless LotusTimeless Lotus


of 1
Spiteful BanditrySpiteful Banditry


of 1
Fyndhorn ElvesFyndhorn Elves


of 1
Quarum Trench GnomesQuarum Trench Gnomes


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 1
Questing BeastQuesting Beast


of 1
Underworld BreachUnderworld Breach


of 2
Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion


of 1
Grave PactGrave Pact


of 1
Dust to DustDust to Dust


of 1
Katilda and LierKatilda and Lier


of 1
Emiel the BlessedEmiel the Blessed


of 1
Urabrask's ForgeUrabrask's Forge


of 1
Akroma, Angel of WrathAkroma, Angel of Wrath


of 1
Vorinclex // The Grand EvolutionVorinclex // The Grand Evolution


of 1
Authority of the ConsulsAuthority of the Consuls


of 1
Lil foil bending


of 1
Professional Face-BreakerProfessional Face-Breaker


of 1
Nut CollectorNut Collector


of 1
Surge EngineSurge Engine


of 1
Extraplanar LensExtraplanar Lens


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 3
Boris DevilboonBoris Devilboon


of 1
Norwood PriestessNorwood Priestess


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 1


of 1
Conspicuous SnoopConspicuous Snoop
Still in the package


of 1
Parallax InhibitorParallax Inhibitor


of 1
Ancient GreenwardenAncient Greenwarden


of 1
Goblin Bushwhacker Goblin Bushwhacker


of 1
Ajani, Strength of the PrideAjani, Strength of the Pride


of 1
Aragorn, the UniterAragorn, the Uniter


of 1
Carnage TyrantCarnage Tyrant


of 1
Selfless SpiritSelfless Spirit


of 1
Training GroundsTraining Grounds


of 1
Basim Ibn IshaqBasim Ibn Ishaq


of 4
Urza's IncubatorUrza's Incubator


of 3
Academy RuinsAcademy Ruins


of 1
Cavalier of DawnCavalier of Dawn


of 1
Orb of DreamsOrb of Dreams


of 1
Warrior's OathWarrior's Oath


of 1
Living DeathLiving Death


of 1
Furnace of RathFurnace of Rath


of 1
Vivien on the HuntVivien on the Hunt


of 1


of 1
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked KeepShinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep


of 1
Visions of BeyondVisions of Beyond


of 1
Tyvar, the PummelerTyvar, the Pummeler


of 1
Divine VisitationDivine Visitation


of 1