Dr_Xabran's profile



100.0% positive feedback
4 verified reviews
254 total items
209 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity


of 1
Polluted DeltaPolluted Delta


of 1
Flooded StrandFlooded Strand


of 1
Obsidian AcolyteObsidian Acolyte
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 2
Narset, Enlightened ExileNarset, Enlightened Exile
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Cosmic RebirthCosmic Rebirth
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Ancient DenAncient Den
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Crimson AcolyteCrimson Acolyte
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Talisman of ProgressTalisman of Progress
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Coppercoat VanguardCoppercoat Vanguard
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Sylvan BasiliskSylvan Basilisk
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Chthonian NightmareChthonian Nightmare


of 1
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Phyrexian TributePhyrexian Tribute
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Chromatic SphereChromatic Sphere
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Urza's CaveUrza's Cave


of 1
Boggart Trawler // Boggart BogBoggart Trawler // Boggart Bog


of 1
Chromatic SphereChromatic Sphere
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Plague SporesPlague Spores
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Pinnacle Monk // Mystic PeakPinnacle Monk // Mystic Peak


of 1
Jirina, Dauntless GeneralJirina, Dauntless General
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Spyglass SirenSpyglass Siren


of 1
Coppercoat VanguardCoppercoat Vanguard
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Azorius SignetAzorius Signet
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Malevolent RumbleMalevolent Rumble


of 1
Echoes of EternityEchoes of Eternity


of 1
Deserted TempleDeserted Temple


of 1
Seat of the SynodSeat of the Synod
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Spark RuptureSpark Rupture


of 1
Filter OutFilter Out


of 3
Coppercoat VanguardCoppercoat Vanguard


of 1
Danitha, New Benalia's LightDanitha, New Benalia's Light


of 1
Armadillo CloakArmadillo Cloak
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 5


of 1
Amphibian DownpourAmphibian Downpour


of 1
Manipulate FateManipulate Fate


of 1
Raiding NightstalkerRaiding Nightstalker
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Detective's PhoenixDetective's Phoenix


of 1
Gold-Forged ThopteryxGold-Forged Thopteryx


of 4
Reckless HandlingReckless Handling


of 4
Cosmic RebirthCosmic Rebirth


of 3
Gold-Forged ThopteryxGold-Forged Thopteryx


of 1
Fires of YavimayaFires of Yavimaya
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Prairie StreamPrairie Stream


of 1
Collective ResistanceCollective Resistance


of 1
Goblin CadetsGoblin Cadets
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Street WraithStreet Wraith
New seller, photo of the card on request!!


of 1
Sphinx of EnlightenmentSphinx of Enlightenment


of 1
Coastal TowerCoastal Tower
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Crusading KnightCrusading Knight
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Defensive FormationDefensive Formation
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Blot OutBlot Out


of 4
Pia Nalaar, Consul of RevivalPia Nalaar, Consul of Revival
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Coalition VictoryCoalition Victory
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Markov BaronMarkov Baron


of 3
Reckless HandlingReckless Handling


of 1
Animist's MightAnimist's Might


of 3
Urborg ScavengersUrborg Scavengers


of 1
Kolaghan WarmongerKolaghan Warmonger


of 3


of 1
Wayta, Trainer ProdigyWayta, Trainer Prodigy


of 1
Harnessed SnubhornHarnessed Snubhorn


of 3
Feast of the Victorious DeadFeast of the Victorious Dead


of 1
Coastal TowerCoastal Tower


of 1
Thrull RetainerThrull Retainer
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Niv-Mizzet, SupremeNiv-Mizzet, Supreme


of 1
Angler TurtleAngler Turtle


of 1
Nahiri's ResolveNahiri's Resolve


of 1
Death-Rattle OniDeath-Rattle Oni


of 3
Strength of the Harvest // Haven of the HarvestStrength of the Harvest // Haven of the Harvest


of 1


of 1
Fallen AngelFallen Angel
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 1
Rebuild the CityRebuild the City


of 1
Coppercoat VanguardCoppercoat Vanguard


of 3
Campus RenovationCampus Renovation


of 3
Tolarian ContemptTolarian Contempt


of 3
Filter OutFilter Out


of 1


of 1
New seller, photo of the card on request!!


of 1
Sleeper's RobeSleeper's Robe


of 1
Join the DeadJoin the Dead


of 1
Imodane, the PyrohammerImodane, the Pyrohammer


of 1
Undercity UpheavalUndercity Upheaval


of 3
Campus RenovationCampus Renovation


of 1
Writhing ChrysalisWrithing Chrysalis


of 1
Sneaky SnackerSneaky Snacker


of 1
Animist's MightAnimist's Might


of 1
Hand of DeathHand of Death


of 1
Eldrazi RepurposerEldrazi Repurposer


of 1
Accursed MarauderAccursed Marauder


of 1
New seller, photo of the card on request!


of 2
Reckless HandlingReckless Handling


of 2
Arni MetalbrowArni Metalbrow


of 1
Markov BaronMarkov Baron


of 1
Meandering RiverMeandering River


of 1
Feast of the Victorious DeadFeast of the Victorious Dead


of 2
Rock BadgerRock Badger


of 1
Braided Net // Braided QuipuBraided Net // Braided Quipu


of 1
Death-Rattle OniDeath-Rattle Oni


of 1