Alessandro giordano3198's profile

Alessandro giordano3198

Alessandro giordano3198

--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
1k+ total items
781 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Nezumi Bone-ReaderNezumi Bone-Reader


of 1


of 1


of 1
Whisper AgentWhisper Agent


of 1
Maximize VelocityMaximize Velocity


of 1
Guided StrikeGuided Strike


of 1
Guardians of KoilosGuardians of Koilos


of 1
Tragic PoetTragic Poet


of 1
Hematite GolemHematite Golem


of 1
Ordeal of ThassaOrdeal of Thassa


of 2
Daggersail AeronautDaggersail Aeronaut


of 2
Healing GraceHealing Grace


of 1


of 1


of 1
Luminous BondsLuminous Bonds


of 2
Bastion InventorBastion Inventor


of 1
Nyxborn SeaguardNyxborn Seaguard


of 1


of 1
Mnemonic WallMnemonic Wall


of 1
Scab-Clan ChargerScab-Clan Charger


of 1
Salvage DroneSalvage Drone


of 2
Corpse BlockadeCorpse Blockade


of 1
Boon of EmrakulBoon of Emrakul


of 1
Vampire NobleVampire Noble


of 1
Messenger JaysMessenger Jays


of 1
Run AgroundRun Aground


of 1
Feral AbominationFeral Abomination


of 1


of 1
Selesnya EvangelSelesnya Evangel


of 1
Ondu GreathornOndu Greathorn


of 1
Carrion CrowCarrion Crow


of 1
Gravity NegatorGravity Negator


of 1
Drag UnderDrag Under


of 1
Second ThoughtsSecond Thoughts


of 1
Veiling OddityVeiling Oddity


of 2
Gravel-Hide GoblinGravel-Hide Goblin


of 1
Mist IntruderMist Intruder


of 1
Covenant of BloodCovenant of Blood


of 1
Nagging ThoughtsNagging Thoughts


of 1
Tolarian SentinelTolarian Sentinel


of 1
Prey UponPrey Upon


of 1
Borderland MinotaurBorderland Minotaur


of 1


of 1
Welkin TernWelkin Tern


of 1
Blinding DroneBlinding Drone


of 1
Moorland InquisitorMoorland Inquisitor


of 1
Makindi AeronautMakindi Aeronaut


of 1


of 1
Obyra's Attendants // Desperate ParryObyra's Attendants // Desperate Parry


of 1
Mighty LeapMighty Leap


of 2
Ardent ElectromancerArdent Electromancer


of 1
Weaver of LightningWeaver of Lightning


of 1


of 1
Sphinx's DiscipleSphinx's Disciple


of 1
Bane Alley BlackguardBane Alley Blackguard


of 1
Murderous CompulsionMurderous Compulsion


of 4
Enlightened ManiacEnlightened Maniac


of 1
Grotesque DemiseGrotesque Demise


of 1
Twins of Maurer EstateTwins of Maurer Estate


of 1
Crippling BlightCrippling Blight


of 1
Rubblebelt RunnerRubblebelt Runner


of 1
Mind RotMind Rot


of 1
Returned CentaurReturned Centaur


of 2
Marshmist TitanMarshmist Titan


of 1
Nim LasherNim Lasher


of 1
Footlight FiendFootlight Fiend


of 1
Tangle SpiderTangle Spider


of 1
Lawmage's BindingLawmage's Binding


of 1
Contaminated BondContaminated Bond


of 1
Reap the SeagrafReap the Seagraf


of 1
Benalish CavalryBenalish Cavalry


of 1
Crow of Dark TidingsCrow of Dark Tidings


of 4
Wingsteed RiderWingsteed Rider


of 1
Vital SurgeVital Surge


of 1
Wall of VaporWall of Vapor


of 1
Greel's CaressGreel's Caress


of 1
Appetite for the UnnaturalAppetite for the Unnatural


of 1
Flame SweepFlame Sweep


of 1
Gutless GhoulGutless Ghoul


of 1
Explosive GrowthExplosive Growth


of 1
Tenth District GuardTenth District Guard


of 3
Muse DrakeMuse Drake


of 1
Hammer DropperHammer Dropper


of 1
Netcaster SpiderNetcaster Spider


of 2
Silent ObserverSilent Observer


of 1
Crashing TideCrashing Tide


of 1
Twilight PantherTwilight Panther


of 1
Slimy KavuSlimy Kavu


of 1
Leonin BolaLeonin Bola


of 1
Rain of RustRain of Rust


of 1
Direct CurrentDirect Current


of 1
Aetherflame WallAetherflame Wall


of 1
Sea MonsterSea Monster


of 1
Vigorspore WurmVigorspore Wurm


of 1
Pierce the SkyPierce the Sky


of 1
Lampad of Death's VigilLampad of Death's Vigil


of 2
Kami of the HuntKami of the Hunt


of 1


of 1


of 1
Ironshell BeetleIronshell Beetle


of 1