An9514's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
2k+ total items
1k+ unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves
V Symbol


of 1
Winged SliverWinged Sliver
Signed by Anthony. S. Waters


of 1
Mystic GateMystic Gate


of 1
Twilight MireTwilight Mire


of 1


of 1
Mystic Gate Mystic Gate
Misprint !!


of 1
Cursed ScrollCursed Scroll
Signed by the Artist


of 1
Myojin of Seeing WindsMyojin of Seeing Winds
Red binders


of 1
Talisman of ImpulseTalisman of Impulse
Ask for pictures. (Red Binders)


of 1
Harvest GwyllionHarvest Gwyllion


of 1
Cinderhaze WretchCinderhaze Wretch


of 1
Emerald MedallionEmerald Medallion
Charlie Brown Medallion, MISPRINT.


of 1
Orcish ArtilleryOrcish Artillery


of 1
Ghitu EncampmentGhitu Encampment
GD +


of 1
Teferi's ResponseTeferi's Response


of 1
Urza's MineUrza's Mine
boxes of tap/mana symbols are way off


of 4
Urza's Power PlantUrza's Power Plant
boxes of tap/mana symbols are way off


of 2
Urza's TowerUrza's Tower
boxes of tap/mana symbols are way off


of 4
Glistener ElfGlistener Elf


of 1
Suq'Ata AssassinSuq'Ata Assassin


of 1
Instill EnergyInstill Energy


of 1
Wilderness HypnotistWilderness Hypnotist


of 1
Desecrator HagDesecrator Hag


of 1
Winged SliverWinged Sliver


of 1
Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms


of 1
Breeding PitBreeding Pit


of 1
Sanguine PraetorSanguine Praetor


of 1
Cursed ScrollCursed Scroll
En la caja, sección idiomas asiaticos


of 1
Emerald MedallionEmerald Medallion


of 1
Elvish MysticElvish Mystic
Red binders


of 1
Famished GhoulFamished Ghoul


of 1
Serra AvatarSerra Avatar
Red binders


of 1
Llanowar BehemothLlanowar Behemoth


of 1
Talisman of ImpulseTalisman of Impulse


of 1
Embermage GoblinEmbermage Goblin


of 1
Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion


of 1


of 1
Karn, Silver GolemKarn, Silver Golem
GD +


of 1
Winged SliverWinged Sliver
GD +


of 1


of 1
Karn, Silver GolemKarn, Silver Golem


of 1
Cursed ScrollCursed Scroll
Album verde "Reserved List"


of 1
Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion
edges lightly marked with black marker, visible only against the light. Ask for pictures


of 1


of 1
Soldevi ExcavationsSoldevi Excavations


of 1
Martyr's CryMartyr's Cry


of 1
Roaring PrimadoxRoaring Primadox
Red binders


of 1
Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion
EX if it weren't for the picture damage


of 1
Makeshift MunitionsMakeshift Munitions
Red binders


of 1
Gix, Yawgmoth PraetorGix, Yawgmoth Praetor


of 1
Shadow LanceShadow Lance


of 1
Diabolic IntentDiabolic Intent


of 1
Talisman of ImpulseTalisman of Impulse


of 1
Mask of the JadecrafterMask of the Jadecrafter


of 1
Worms of the EarthWorms of the Earth


of 1
Soldevi ExcavationsSoldevi Excavations


of 1
Defiant VanguardDefiant Vanguard


of 1
Hag Hedge-MageHag Hedge-Mage


of 1
Footbottom FeastFootbottom Feast


of 1
Ruby MedallionRuby Medallion
Ask for pictures. Red Binder


of 1
Carnival of SoulsCarnival of Souls


of 1
Serendib EfreetSerendib Efreet
Carpeta roja


of 1
Violet PallViolet Pall


of 3
Carrion AntsCarrion Ants


of 1
Angel's FeatherAngel's Feather


of 1
Zombie CannibalZombie Cannibal


of 2
Satyr WayfinderSatyr Wayfinder
Red binders


of 1
Yawgmoth's BargainYawgmoth's Bargain


of 1
Natural SpringNatural Spring
Misprint. Green activation grey cost


of 1


of 1
The Stone BrainThe Stone Brain


of 5
Ruby MedallionRuby Medallion
Ask for pictures. Red Binder


of 1
Serra AvatarSerra Avatar


of 2
Psychic FrogPsychic Frog


of 4
Reaper KingReaper King
Red binders


of 1
Ebony TreefolkEbony Treefolk
Ask for pictures


of 1


of 1
Defiant VanguardDefiant Vanguard


of 1
Arena of GloryArena of Glory


of 1
Undergrowth StadiumUndergrowth Stadium


of 1
Blightsoil DruidBlightsoil Druid


of 1
Samite HealerSamite Healer


of 1
Mole WormsMole Worms


of 1
Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves


of 1
Doomed NecromancerDoomed Necromancer


of 2


of 1
Psychic VortexPsychic Vortex


of 1
Spawning PoolSpawning Pool
Hand painted 2020


of 1
Laquatus's ChampionLaquatus's Champion


of 1
Dwarven WarriorsDwarven Warriors


of 1
Viashino OutriderViashino Outrider


of 1
Krovikan SorcererKrovikan Sorcerer


of 1
Spell BlastSpell Blast


of 1
Nylea's HuntmasterNylea's Huntmaster


of 1
One with the MultiverseOne with the Multiverse


of 1
Daru EncampmentDaru Encampment
Red binders


of 1
Ray of CommandRay of Command


of 1
Guan Yu's 1,000-Li MarchGuan Yu's 1,000-Li March


of 1


of 1


of 1