ASUBA's profile

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6k+ verified reviews
2k+ total items
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Minimum Quantity
Chrome Mox Chrome Mox


of 2
Basalt MonolithBasalt Monolith


of 1
Tinder WallTinder Wall


of 1
Reflecting PoolReflecting Pool


of 1
Mana VaultMana Vault


of 1
Mu Yanling, Wind RiderMu Yanling, Wind Rider


of 1
Rusko, ClockmakerRusko, Clockmaker


of 1
Urborg, Tomb of YawgmothUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth


of 1
Death's ShadowDeath's Shadow


of 1
Show and TellShow and Tell


of 1
Ketramose, the New DawnKetramose, the New Dawn


of 1
Nykthos, Shrine to NyxNykthos, Shrine to Nyx


of 1
The Meathook MassacreThe Meathook Massacre


of 1
Galvanic BlastGalvanic Blast


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 1
Goblin Gang LeaderGoblin Gang Leader


of 1
Karn, Silver GolemKarn, Silver Golem


of 1
Elesh Norn, Mother of MachinesElesh Norn, Mother of Machines


of 1
Ragavan, Nimble PilfererRagavan, Nimble Pilferer


of 1
Bristly Bill, Spine SowerBristly Bill, Spine Sower


of 1
Lightning GreavesLightning Greaves


of 1
Quicksilver AmuletQuicksilver Amulet


of 1
Cyclonic RiftCyclonic Rift


of 1
Esper SentinelEsper Sentinel


of 2
Atraxa, Grand UnifierAtraxa, Grand Unifier


of 1
Roaming ThroneRoaming Throne


of 1
Etali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal SicknessEtali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal Sickness


of 1
Valgavoth, Terror EaterValgavoth, Terror Eater


of 1
Portal to PhyrexiaPortal to Phyrexia


of 1
Lotus PetalLotus Petal


of 1


of 1
Forsaken WastesForsaken Wastes


of 4
Blood CryptBlood Crypt


of 1
Thassa's OracleThassa's Oracle


of 1
Parallel LivesParallel Lives


of 1


of 1
Lotus PetalLotus Petal


of 1
Jet MedallionJet Medallion


of 1
Combat CelebrantCombat Celebrant


of 1


of 1
Kodama of the West TreeKodama of the West Tree


of 1


of 1
Savai TriomeSavai Triome


of 1
Thassa's OracleThassa's Oracle


of 1
Iroas, God of VictoryIroas, God of Victory


of 1
Thassa, Deep-DwellingThassa, Deep-Dwelling


of 1
Recruiter of the GuardRecruiter of the Guard


of 2
Purphoros, God of the ForgePurphoros, God of the Forge


of 2
Sacred FoundrySacred Foundry


of 1
Thrumming StoneThrumming Stone


of 1
Lotus PetalLotus Petal


of 1
Twinflame TyrantTwinflame Tyrant


of 1
Grim HirelingGrim Hireling


of 1


of 1
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose


of 1
Worldly TutorWorldly Tutor


of 1
City of BrassCity of Brass


of 1
Winota, Joiner of ForcesWinota, Joiner of Forces


of 1
Sacred FoundrySacred Foundry


of 1
Ledger ShredderLedger Shredder


of 1
Goblin LackeyGoblin Lackey


of 1


of 1
Dictate of ErebosDictate of Erebos


of 1
Hellkite TyrantHellkite Tyrant


of 1
Watery GraveWatery Grave


of 1
Nezahal, Primal TideNezahal, Primal Tide


of 3
Lodestone GolemLodestone Golem


of 1
Nezahal, Primal TideNezahal, Primal Tide


of 1
Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of BountyBirgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty


of 2
Mnemonic BetrayalMnemonic Betrayal


of 1
Sacred FoundrySacred Foundry


of 1
Nezahal, Primal TideNezahal, Primal Tide


of 1
Loot, the PathfinderLoot, the Pathfinder


of 1
Shield SphereShield Sphere


of 1


of 1
Staff of DominationStaff of Domination


of 1
Chain of VaporChain of Vapor


of 1
Iroas, God of VictoryIroas, God of Victory


of 2


of 1
Thunderhawk GunshipThunderhawk Gunship


of 1
Riptide GearhulkRiptide Gearhulk


of 1
Najeela, the Blade-BlossomNajeela, the Blade-Blossom


of 1
Monument to EnduranceMonument to Endurance


of 1
Ad NauseamAd Nauseam


of 1


of 1
Morphic PoolMorphic Pool


of 1
Wirewood SymbioteWirewood Symbiote


of 1
Overgrown TombOvergrown Tomb


of 1
Tasha's Hideous LaughterTasha's Hideous Laughter


of 4
Brightglass GearhulkBrightglass Gearhulk


of 1
Jin-Gitaxias, Core AugurJin-Gitaxias, Core Augur


of 1
Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention


of 1
The Immortal SunThe Immortal Sun


of 2
Three Steps AheadThree Steps Ahead


of 1
Lightning GreavesLightning Greaves


of 1
Underworld BreachUnderworld Breach


of 1
Wheel of MisfortuneWheel of Misfortune


of 1
Bolas's CitadelBolas's Citadel


of 1


of 1
Isochron ScepterIsochron Scepter


of 1