Cardelli alex's profile

Cardelli alex

Cardelli alex

100.0% positive feedback
17 verified reviews
139 total items
75 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Crystal QuarryCrystal Quarry


of 1
Symbiotic WurmSymbiotic Wurm


of 1
Primeval ShamblerPrimeval Shambler


of 2
Leaden MyrLeaden Myr


of 2
Awe StrikeAwe Strike


of 2
Twisted AbominationTwisted Abomination


of 2


of 3
Fugitive WizardFugitive Wizard


of 3
Sun DropletSun Droplet


of 2
Iron MyrIron Myr


of 1
Rust ElementalRust Elemental


of 2
Trolls of Tel-JiladTrolls of Tel-Jilad


of 1


of 2
Alpha MyrAlpha Myr


of 1
Synod SanctumSynod Sanctum


of 1
Leonin ScimitarLeonin Scimitar


of 2
Clockwork VorracClockwork Vorrac


of 1
Heart WardenHeart Warden


of 1
Frightshroud CourierFrightshroud Courier


of 1
Conjurer's BaubleConjurer's Bauble


of 1
Golem-Skin GauntletsGolem-Skin Gauntlets


of 1
Sacred PreySacred Prey


of 3
Pewter GolemPewter Golem


of 1
Putrid RaptorPutrid Raptor


of 1
Wall of SpearsWall of Spears


of 1
Ambition's CostAmbition's Cost


of 1
Mana PrismMana Prism


of 1
Sage OwlSage Owl


of 4
Circle of Protection: RedCircle of Protection: Red


of 2


of 3
Magnetic FluxMagnetic Flux


of 1
Circle of Protection: WhiteCircle of Protection: White


of 1
Skyreach MantaSkyreach Manta


of 1
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1
Sea MonsterSea Monster


of 3


of 2
Wall of BloodWall of Blood


of 1
Holy DayHoly Day


of 6
Patagia GolemPatagia Golem


of 3


of 3


of 4
Relic BaneRelic Bane


of 1


of 2
Coral EelCoral Eel


of 1
Betrayal of FleshBetrayal of Flesh


of 2


of 6
Circle of Protection: BlueCircle of Protection: Blue


of 1
Clockwork VorracClockwork Vorrac


of 2
Fatal MutationFatal Mutation


of 1
Dragon FangsDragon Fangs


of 3
Tooth of Chiss-GoriaTooth of Chiss-Goria


of 2
Serum TankSerum Tank


of 1
Omega MyrOmega Myr


of 4
Barter in BloodBarter in Blood


of 1
Heart WardenHeart Warden


of 1
One with NatureOne with Nature


of 1
Razorgrass ScreenRazorgrass Screen


of 1
Lonely SandbarLonely Sandbar


of 2
Leonin ElderLeonin Elder


of 3
Peach Garden OathPeach Garden Oath


of 1
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 2
Baton of CourageBaton of Courage


of 1
Sever SoulSever Soul


of 1
Vulshok BattlemasterVulshok Battlemaster


of 1
Pentad PrismPentad Prism


of 1
Storm CrowStorm Crow


of 4
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1
Gluttonous ZombieGluttonous Zombie


of 1
Mind SlashMind Slash


of 4
Banshee's BladeBanshee's Blade


of 3
Dross HarvesterDross Harvester


of 2
Unspeakable SymbolUnspeakable Symbol


of 1
Grim ReminderGrim Reminder


of 1


of 2
Claws of WirewoodClaws of Wirewood


of 2