Hantaer's profile



100.0% positive feedback
3 verified reviews
96 total items
70 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Legolas's Quick ReflexesLegolas's Quick Reflexes


of 1
Sauron, the Dark LordSauron, the Dark Lord


of 2
Seedborn MuseSeedborn Muse


of 1
Twenty-Toed ToadTwenty-Toed Toad


of 1
Wooded BastionWooded Bastion


of 1
Ghoulish ImpetusGhoulish Impetus


of 1
Minas TirithMinas Tirith


of 1


of 1
Auriok ChampionAuriok Champion


of 1
Ghostly PrisonGhostly Prison


of 1
Mirrodin BesiegedMirrodin Besieged


of 1
Beast WhispererBeast Whisperer


of 1
Shalai, Voice of PlentyShalai, Voice of Plenty


of 1
Incubation DruidIncubation Druid


of 1
Augur of AutumnAugur of Autumn


of 1
Taurean MaulerTaurean Mauler


of 1
Faeburrow ElderFaeburrow Elder


of 1
Soul's AttendantSoul's Attendant


of 1
Aragorn, Hornburg HeroAragorn, Hornburg Hero


of 4
Gandalf of the Secret FireGandalf of the Secret Fire


of 1
Samwise GamgeeSamwise Gamgee


of 1
The ShireThe Shire


of 1
Mechanized ProductionMechanized Production


of 1
Witch-king, Sky ScourgeWitch-king, Sky Scourge


of 1
Olórin's Searing LightOlórin's Searing Light


of 2
Gimli's Reckless MightGimli's Reckless Might


of 2
Mists of LórienMists of Lórien


of 2
Forge AnewForge Anew


of 1


of 1
Cast into the FireCast into the Fire


of 1
Courageous ResolveCourageous Resolve


of 1
Fell Beast of MordorFell Beast of Mordor


of 1
Pippin, Guard of the CitadelPippin, Guard of the Citadel


of 1
Fell Beast's ShriekFell Beast's Shriek


of 1
Isengard UnleashedIsengard Unleashed


of 5
Osteomancer AdeptOsteomancer Adept


of 1
Parting GustParting Gust


of 1
Goldberry, River-DaughterGoldberry, River-Daughter


of 1
Gandalf, Westward VoyagerGandalf, Westward Voyager


of 1
Morbid OpportunistMorbid Opportunist


of 1
Sigarda's SplendorSigarda's Splendor


of 1
Mordor on the MarchMordor on the March


of 2
Frodo, Sauron's BaneFrodo, Sauron's Bane


of 1
Feather of FlightFeather of Flight


of 1
Display of PowerDisplay of Power


of 2
Hamza, Guardian of ArashinHamza, Guardian of Arashin


of 3
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 1
Rohirrim ChargersRohirrim Chargers


of 4
Blacksmith's TalentBlacksmith's Talent


of 1
Legolas, Master ArcherLegolas, Master Archer


of 1
Galadriel, Elven-QueenGaladriel, Elven-Queen


of 1
Rise of the Witch-KingRise of the Witch-King


of 1
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took


of 1
Gossip's TalentGossip's Talent


of 1
Stern ScoldingStern Scolding


of 1
Ecstatic Awakener // Awoken DemonEcstatic Awakener // Awoken Demon


of 1
Voracious Fell BeastVoracious Fell Beast


of 2
Long River's PullLong River's Pull


of 1
Three Tree ScribeThree Tree Scribe


of 1
Rally the GaladhrimRally the Galadhrim


of 2


of 1
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took


of 3


of 1
Galadriel of LothlórienGaladriel of Lothlórien


of 1
Generous EntGenerous Ent


of 1
Murderous CompulsionMurderous Compulsion


of 1
Bretagard StrongholdBretagard Stronghold


of 3
Arboreal AllianceArboreal Alliance


of 3
Fiery InscriptionFiery Inscription


of 1
Coiling OracleCoiling Oracle


of 1