Megalevure_'s profile



100.0% positive feedback
2 verified reviews
5k+ total items
3k+ unique items

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Signed in black


of 1
Blightsteel ColossusBlightsteel Colossus


of 1
Battle Angels of TyrBattle Angels of Tyr


of 1
Force of VigorForce of Vigor


of 1
Ardent PleaArdent Plea


of 1
Goldvein HydraGoldvein Hydra


of 1
Brightglass GearhulkBrightglass Gearhulk


of 1
Ketria TriomeKetria Triome


of 1


of 1
Raucous TheaterRaucous Theater


of 1
Yavimaya, Cradle of GrowthYavimaya, Cradle of Growth


of 1
Splinter TwinSplinter Twin


of 2
Cryptic CommandCryptic Command


of 1


of 2
Riverglide Pathway // Lavaglide PathwayRiverglide Pathway // Lavaglide Pathway


of 1
Lier, Disciple of the DrownedLier, Disciple of the Drowned


of 1
Yawgmoth's BargainYawgmoth's Bargain


of 1
Kitsa, Otterball EliteKitsa, Otterball Elite


of 1


of 1


of 2


of 1
Sarkhan, Soul AflameSarkhan, Soul Aflame


of 1
Ardent PleaArdent Plea


of 1


of 1
Enduring InnocenceEnduring Innocence


of 5
Liliana, the Last HopeLiliana, the Last Hope


of 1
Brightclimb Pathway // Grimclimb PathwayBrightclimb Pathway // Grimclimb Pathway


of 1
Bloated ContaminatorBloated Contaminator


of 1
Sheltered by GhostsSheltered by Ghosts


of 1


of 1
Arcane DenialArcane Denial


of 1
Fauna ShamanFauna Shaman


of 1
Sea-Dasher Octopus Sea-Dasher Octopus


of 1
Altar of the BroodAltar of the Brood


of 1
Restoration AngelRestoration Angel


of 1
Maze's EndMaze's End


of 3
Mishra's BaubleMishra's Bauble


of 4
Botanical SanctumBotanical Sanctum


of 1
In Search of GreatnessIn Search of Greatness


of 1
Leyline of AnticipationLeyline of Anticipation


of 1
Lava Spike Lava Spike


of 1
Slip Out the BackSlip Out the Back


of 2
Lava SpikeLava Spike


of 1
Augur of AutumnAugur of Autumn


of 1
Intrepid AdversaryIntrepid Adversary


of 1
Calix, Destiny's HandCalix, Destiny's Hand


of 1
Purphoros, Bronze-BloodedPurphoros, Bronze-Blooded


of 1
Mishra's BaubleMishra's Bauble


of 1
Prismari CommandPrismari Command


of 1
Who // What // When // Where // WhyWho // What // When // Where // Why


of 1
Animation ModuleAnimation Module


of 1
Vraan, Executioner ThaneVraan, Executioner Thane


of 1
Leonin LightscribeLeonin Lightscribe


of 2
Bonders' EnclaveBonders' Enclave


of 1
Cateran SummonsCateran Summons


of 1


of 1
Falkenrath Pit FighterFalkenrath Pit Fighter


of 1
Tovolar's Huntmaster // Tovolar's PackleaderTovolar's Huntmaster // Tovolar's Packleader


of 1
Wear // TearWear // Tear


of 2
Boon-Bringer ValkyrieBoon-Bringer Valkyrie


of 1
Dusk // DawnDusk // Dawn


of 1
Silent HallcreeperSilent Hallcreeper


of 4
Snow-Covered IslandSnow-Covered Island


of 1
Intrepid AdversaryIntrepid Adversary


of 1
Defiler of FleshDefiler of Flesh


of 1
Sanguine EvangelistSanguine Evangelist


of 1
Urza's TowerUrza's Tower


of 1
Flamekin HarbingerFlamekin Harbinger


of 1
In the Darkness Bind ThemIn the Darkness Bind Them


of 1
Prairie StreamPrairie Stream


of 1
Winged SliverWinged Sliver


of 1
Pithing NeedlePithing Needle


of 1
Vampire Hexmage Vampire Hexmage


of 1
Weatherlight CompleatedWeatherlight Compleated


of 1
Thraben InspectorThraben Inspector


of 1
Rivaz of the ClawRivaz of the Claw


of 1
Thraben Inspector Thraben Inspector


of 1
Rekindling PhoenixRekindling Phoenix


of 1


of 1


of 1
Basilisk GateBasilisk Gate


of 1
Unclaimed TerritoryUnclaimed Territory


of 1
Mendicant Core, GuidelightMendicant Core, Guidelight


of 1
Growth SpiralGrowth Spiral


of 2
Qasali AmbusherQasali Ambusher


of 3
Oviya, Automech ArtisanOviya, Automech Artisan


of 1
Llanowar GreenwidowLlanowar Greenwidow


of 1
Keen SenseKeen Sense


of 1
Pithing NeedlePithing Needle


of 1
Draconic DestinyDraconic Destiny


of 1
Light Up the StageLight Up the Stage


of 1
Restoration Angel Restoration Angel


of 2
Lifecrafter's BestiaryLifecrafter's Bestiary


of 1
Inquisition of KozilekInquisition of Kozilek


of 1
Black Market TycoonBlack Market Tycoon


of 1
Sawback ManticoreSawback Manticore


of 1
Tibalt the ChaoticTibalt the Chaotic


of 1


of 1
Brokers CharmBrokers Charm


of 1


of 1