Dantematteo's profile



100.0% positive feedback
7k+ verified reviews
3k+ total items
2k+ unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
The One RingThe One Ring


of 4
Force of WillForce of Will


of 1
The One RingThe One Ring


of 1
The One RingThe One Ring


of 1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's FuryPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury


of 1
Karn, the Great CreatorKarn, the Great Creator


of 3
Force of VigorForce of Vigor


of 1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's FuryPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury


of 1
Windswept HeathWindswept Heath


of 2
Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline ProdigyRal, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy


of 1


of 2
Wurmcoil EngineWurmcoil Engine


of 1
Golgari Rot FarmGolgari Rot Farm


of 1


of 4
Constant MistsConstant Mists
Some Small Pressures - Card Looks NM


of 1
Credit VoucherCredit Voucher
little pressure card looking NM


of 1
Narset, Parter of VeilsNarset, Parter of Veils


of 1
Pernicious DeedPernicious Deed


of 1
Great FurnaceGreat Furnace


of 4


of 1
Collective RestraintCollective Restraint


of 1
Takenuma, Abandoned MireTakenuma, Abandoned Mire


of 1
Changeling OutcastChangeling Outcast


of 3
Mental NoteMental Note


of 4
Nautiloid ShipNautiloid Ship


of 1
Chord of CallingChord of Calling


of 2


of 1
Svyelun of Sea and SkySvyelun of Sea and Sky


of 1
Phyrexian FurnacePhyrexian Furnace


of 2
Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous NeonateSorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate


of 1
Karn LiberatedKarn Liberated


of 2
Krark-Clan ShamanKrark-Clan Shaman


of 2
Helm of the HostHelm of the Host


of 1
Tishana's TidebinderTishana's Tidebinder


of 1
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath UnboundJace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound


of 1
Lotus BloomLotus Bloom


of 4
Desert TwisterDesert Twister


of 1
Lotus BloomLotus Bloom


ppu $5.95
of 1
Gideon BlackbladeGideon Blackblade


of 1


of 4
Summoner's PactSummoner's Pact


ppu $4.63
of 1
Dragon's Rage ChannelerDragon's Rage Channeler


of 2


of 1
Yavimaya BarbarianYavimaya Barbarian


of 1
Scale UpScale Up


of 1
Snow-Covered IslandSnow-Covered Island


of 2
Dress DownDress Down


of 1
Svyelun of Sea and SkySvyelun of Sea and Sky


of 1
Benalish MarshalBenalish Marshal


of 1
Council's JudgmentCouncil's Judgment


of 1
Roalesk, Apex HybridRoalesk, Apex Hybrid


of 1
Titania, Protector of ArgothTitania, Protector of Argoth


of 1
Sokenzan, Crucible of DefianceSokenzan, Crucible of Defiance


of 1
Selective MemorySelective Memory


of 2
Sanctifier en-VecSanctifier en-Vec


of 1
Snake UmbraSnake Umbra


of 1
Dead of WinterDead of Winter


of 1
Snow-Covered IslandSnow-Covered Island


of 1
Ingenious InfiltratorIngenious Infiltrator


ppu $2.69
of 1
Arcane DenialArcane Denial


of 1
Spontaneous GenerationSpontaneous Generation


of 1
Entish RestorationEntish Restoration


of 1
Seething SongSeething Song


of 2
Basilisk CollarBasilisk Collar


of 1
Inspiring LeaderInspiring Leader


of 1
Traverse the OutlandsTraverse the Outlands


of 1
Dreadhorde ArcanistDreadhorde Arcanist


ppu $2.39
of 1
Howling MineHowling Mine


of 1
Devourer of DestinyDevourer of Destiny


of 1
Gideon BlackbladeGideon Blackblade


of 2
Sanctifier en-VecSanctifier en-Vec


of 1
Fists of FlameFists of Flame


of 1
Svyelun of Sea and SkySvyelun of Sea and Sky


of 1
Collective BrutalityCollective Brutality


of 1
Seeker of SkybreakSeeker of Skybreak


of 2
Obosh, the PreypiercerObosh, the Preypiercer


of 1
Selective MemorySelective Memory


of 1
River of TearsRiver of Tears


of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


of 1
Shivan GorgeShivan Gorge


of 1
Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse


of 1
Seeker of SkybreakSeeker of Skybreak


of 1
Benalish MarshalBenalish Marshal


of 1
Sulfur FallsSulfur Falls


of 1
Siege VeteranSiege Veteran


of 1
Seeker of SkybreakSeeker of Skybreak


of 2
Nykthos ParagonNykthos Paragon


of 1


of 1
Benalish MarshalBenalish Marshal


of 1
General Ferrous RokiricGeneral Ferrous Rokiric


of 1
Vadrok, Apex of ThunderVadrok, Apex of Thunder


of 1
Dawn of HopeDawn of Hope


of 2
Territorial KavuTerritorial Kavu


of 1
Shepherd of RotShepherd of Rot


of 1
Psychogenic ProbePsychogenic Probe


of 1
Pestilent SpiritPestilent Spirit


of 1


ppu $0.61
of 1
Mantis RiderMantis Rider


ppu $0.52
of 1


ppu $0.32
of 1


ppu $0.29
of 1