F3d3r1c0's profile



100.0% positive feedback
31 verified reviews
258 total items
121 unique items

Price ()

Minimum Quantity
Diviner of the HeraldDiviner of the Herald


of 1
Despian QuaeritisDespian Quaeritis


of 1
Albion the Branded DragonAlbion the Branded Dragon


of 1
Beetrooper Scout BuggyBeetrooper Scout Buggy


of 1
The Iris SwordsoulThe Iris Swordsoul


of 1
Stardust IlluminationStardust Illumination


of 1
Branded in High SpiritsBranded in High Spirits


of 1
Beetrooper Sting LancerBeetrooper Sting Lancer


of 1
Despian QuaeritisDespian Quaeritis


of 1
Giant Beetrooper Invincible AtlasGiant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas


of 1
Dark Ruler No MoreDark Ruler No More


of 1
Stellar Wind WolfrayetStellar Wind Wolfrayet


of 1
Despia, Theater of the BrandedDespia, Theater of the Branded


of 1
Floowandereeze & EmpenFloowandereeze & Empen


of 1
Trickstar FestivalTrickstar Festival


of 1
Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon DoomriderVoloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider


of 2
LiveTwin Sunny's SnitchLiveTwin Sunny's Snitch


of 1
Despian ComedyDespian Comedy


of 2
LiveTwin Ki-sikil FrostLiveTwin Ki-sikil Frost


of 1
LiveTwin Lil-la TreatLiveTwin Lil-la Treat


of 1
ZW - Pegasus Twin SaberZW - Pegasus Twin Saber


of 1
Gunkan Suship ShirauoGunkan Suship Shirauo


of 1
Despian TragedyDespian Tragedy


of 5
Beetrooper DescentBeetrooper Descent


of 1
Despian ComedyDespian Comedy


of 1
Magikey UnlockingMagikey Unlocking


of 1
Apex PredationApex Predation


of 1
Fabled AndwraithFabled Andwraith


of 1
Constellar CaduceusConstellar Caduceus


of 1
Gunkan Suship Ikura-class DreadnoughtGunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought


of 1
Beetrooper Assault RollerBeetrooper Assault Roller


of 1
Heritage of the LightHeritage of the Light


of 1


of 1
Cynet CrosswipeCynet Crosswipe


of 1
Gunkan Suship UniGunkan Suship Uni


of 1
Dragunity Knight - GormfaobharDragunity Knight - Gormfaobhar


of 1
Slower SwallowSlower Swallow


of 1
Heavymetalfoes AmalgamHeavymetalfoes Amalgam


of 1
Magikey Beast - AnsyalabolasMagikey Beast - Ansyalabolas


of 1
D/D/D Supersight King Zero MaxwellD/D/D Supersight King Zero Maxwell


of 1
Guitar Gurnards DuonigisGuitar Gurnards Duonigis


of 1
Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-DreadnoughtGunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought


of 1
Windwitch ChimesWindwitch Chimes


of 1
Gizmek Taniguku, the Immobile IntellectGizmek Taniguku, the Immobile Intellect


of 1
Coordius the Triphasic DealmonCoordius the Triphasic Dealmon


of 1
Gunkan Suship Daily SpecialGunkan Suship Daily Special


of 1
Windwitch - Blizzard BellWindwitch - Blizzard Bell


of 1
Beetrooper Fly & StingBeetrooper Fly & Sting


of 1


of 1
Earth ChantEarth Chant


of 1
Despia, Theater of the BrandedDespia, Theater of the Branded


of 1
Chronomaly Magella GlobeChronomaly Magella Globe


of 1
Tindangle JhrelthTindangle Jhrelth


of 1
Gizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer HogGizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer Hog


of 1


of 1
Carpiponica, Mystical Beast of the ForestCarpiponica, Mystical Beast of the Forest


of 1
Link AppleLink Apple


of 1
Undaunted Bumpkin BeastUndaunted Bumpkin Beast


of 2
Night Sword SerpentNight Sword Serpent


of 1
Night's End AdministratorNight's End Administrator


of 1
Gizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer HogGizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer Hog


of 2
Parametalfoes AzortlessParametalfoes Azortless


of 1


of 1
Hidden Springs of the Far EastHidden Springs of the Far East


of 1
Magikey DuoMagikey Duo


of 1
Flying Red CarpFlying Red Carp


of 1
Fabled MarcosiaFabled Marcosia


of 1
Dinowrestler IguanodrakaDinowrestler Iguanodraka


of 2


of 1
Sunvine Cross BreedSunvine Cross Breed


of 1
Stall TurnStall Turn


of 1
Magikey Dragon - AndrabimeMagikey Dragon - Andrabime


of 1
Majestic MirageMajestic Mirage


of 2
Beetrooper Fly & StingBeetrooper Fly & Sting


of 1
Stardust TrailStardust Trail


of 5
Chronomaly Temple - TrilithonChronomaly Temple - Trilithon


of 4
Alien StealthbusterAlien Stealthbuster


of 5
Ra'ten, the Heavenly GeneralRa'ten, the Heavenly General


of 3
Majestic AbsorptionMajestic Absorption


of 3
Slower SwallowSlower Swallow


of 5


of 2
Cosmic Slicer Zer'ollCosmic Slicer Zer'oll


of 3
Glacier Aqua MadoorGlacier Aqua Madoor


of 2
Gunkan Suship Ikura-class DreadnoughtGunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought


of 3


of 3
Saambell the Star BonderSaambell the Star Bonder


of 4
Chronomaly Esperanza GlyphChronomaly Esperanza Glyph


of 4
Doombearer PsychopomposDoombearer Psychopompos


of 5
Carpiponica, Mystical Beast of the ForestCarpiponica, Mystical Beast of the Forest


of 4


of 4
Gaiarmor DragonshellGaiarmor Dragonshell


of 2
Margin TradingMargin Trading


of 4
Master's DiplomanMaster's Diploman


of 4
Magikey UnlockingMagikey Unlocking


of 4
Magikey DuoMagikey Duo


of 4
Tailwind of GustoTailwind of Gusto


of 4
Gunkan Suship IkuraGunkan Suship Ikura


of 4
Allvain the Essence of VanityAllvain the Essence of Vanity


of 3
Dragonlark PairenDragonlark Pairen


of 3
Gouki Finishing MoveGouki Finishing Move


of 4