Giggidagostino99555's profile



100.0% positive feedback
4 verified reviews
57 total items
54 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Cover of DarknessCover of Darkness


of 1
Brotherhood RegaliaBrotherhood Regalia


of 1
Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy


of 1


of 1
Fatal PushFatal Push


of 1
Crystal Skull, Isu SpyglassCrystal Skull, Isu Spyglass


of 1


of 1
Path to ExilePath to Exile


of 1
Cruel Somnophage // Can't Wake UpCruel Somnophage // Can't Wake Up


of 1


of 1
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb


of 1
Overpowering AttackOverpowering Attack


of 1
The Spear of LeonidasThe Spear of Leonidas


of 1
Candy TrailCandy Trail


of 1


of 1
Aveline de GrandpréAveline de Grandpré


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 1
Assassin GauntletAssassin Gauntlet


of 1
Monastery RaidMonastery Raid


of 1
Hemlock VialHemlock Vial


of 1
Distract the GuardsDistract the Guards


of 1
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 1
Bleeding EffectBleeding Effect


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 1
Petty LarcenyPetty Larceny


of 1
Towering ViewpointTowering Viewpoint


of 1
The Revelations of EzioThe Revelations of Ezio


of 1
Petty LarcenyPetty Larceny


of 1


of 2
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 1
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 1
Diminisher WitchDiminisher Witch


of 1
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 1
Fell Horseman // Deathly RideFell Horseman // Deathly Ride


of 1
Hollow Scavenger // Bakery RaidHollow Scavenger // Bakery Raid


of 1
Charmed ClothierCharmed Clothier


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 1
Plunge into WinterPlunge into Winter


of 1
Origin of the Hidden OnesOrigin of the Hidden Ones


of 1
Feed the CauldronFeed the Cauldron


of 1
Stormkeld Vanguard // Bear DownStormkeld Vanguard // Bear Down


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 1
Alexios, Deimos of KosmosAlexios, Deimos of Kosmos


of 2
Ashiok's ReaperAshiok's Reaper


of 1
Alexios, Deimos of KosmosAlexios, Deimos of Kosmos


of 1
Syr Armont, the RedeemerSyr Armont, the Redeemer


of 1
Merry BardsMerry Bards


of 1
Vampiric RitesVampiric Rites


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 1
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 2
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 1
Palazzo ArchersPalazzo Archers


of 1
Fall of the First CivilizationFall of the First Civilization


of 1
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 1