GiovanniIorio's profile



100.0% positive feedback
2 verified reviews
134 total items
97 unique items

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Defects: Printline


of 1
Dig UpDig Up
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Wizard's RocketsWizard's Rockets
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gandalf the GreyGandalf the Grey


of 1
Mines of MoriaMines of Moria
Booster to Sleeve


of 1


of 1
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Samwise the StoutheartedSamwise the Stouthearted
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Hobbit's StingHobbit's Sting
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Soldier of the Grey HostSoldier of the Grey Host
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Smite the DeathlessSmite the Deathless
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Isolation at OrthancIsolation at Orthanc
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Mirkwood ElkMirkwood Elk
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Booster to Sleeve


of 4
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Rosie Cotton of South LaneRosie Cotton of South Lane
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 3
Barrow GhoulBarrow Ghoul
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Great Hall of the CitadelGreat Hall of the Citadel
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Bill the PonyBill the Pony
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Council's DeliberationCouncil's Deliberation
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 4
Oath of the Grey HostOath of the Grey Host
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Shire ScarecrowShire Scarecrow
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gandalf's SanctionGandalf's Sanction
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Dreadful as the StormDreadful as the Storm
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gimli, Counter of KillsGimli, Counter of Kills
Booster to Sleeve


of 3
Long List of the EntsLong List of the Ents
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Cirith Ungol PatrolCirith Ungol Patrol
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Lash of the BalrogLash of the Balrog
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Brandywine FarmerBrandywine Farmer
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Rakdos RiteknifeRakdos Riteknife
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Shadow SummoningShadow Summoning
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Nimble HobbitNimble Hobbit
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 3
Galadhrim BowGaladhrim Bow
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Fog on the Barrow-DownsFog on the Barrow-Downs
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Elven FarsightElven Farsight
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Gothmog, Morgul LieutenantGothmog, Morgul Lieutenant
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Birthday EscapeBirthday Escape
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gandalf's SanctionGandalf's Sanction
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Lost Isle CallingLost Isle Calling
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Nimrodel WatcherNimrodel Watcher
Booster to Sleeve


of 4
Samwise the StoutheartedSamwise the Stouthearted


of 1
Wose PathfinderWose Pathfinder
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Council's DeliberationCouncil's Deliberation
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Gandalf, Westward VoyagerGandalf, Westward Voyager
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
The Torment of GollumThe Torment of Gollum
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Deceive the MessengerDeceive the Messenger
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Sam's Desperate RescueSam's Desperate Rescue
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Bewitching LeechcraftBewitching Leechcraft
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Orzhov GuildgateOrzhov Guildgate
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
The Grey HavensThe Grey Havens
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Haunt of the Dead MarshesHaunt of the Dead Marshes
Defects: Printline


of 1
Goblin FireleaperGoblin Fireleaper
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
The Bath SongThe Bath Song
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Eastfarthing FarmerEastfarthing Farmer
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Glorfindel, Dauntless RescuerGlorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gift of StrandsGift of Strands
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
The Black BreathThe Black Breath
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Anax and CymedeAnax and Cymede
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 4
Stalwarts of OsgiliathStalwarts of Osgiliath
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Shire ShirriffShire Shirriff
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Glorious GaleGlorious Gale
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Dunland CrebainDunland Crebain
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Dúnedain RangersDúnedain Rangers
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Yotian SoldierYotian Soldier
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gandalf, Westward VoyagerGandalf, Westward Voyager
Defects: Printline


of 1
Battle-Scarred GoblinBattle-Scarred Goblin
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Grey Havens NavigatorGrey Havens Navigator
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Swarming of MoriaSwarming of Moria
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Quarrel's EndQuarrel's End
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Lothlórien LookoutLothlórien Lookout
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Battle-Scarred GoblinBattle-Scarred Goblin
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Dúnedain BladeDúnedain Blade
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Easterling VanguardEasterling Vanguard
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Many PartingsMany Partings
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Voracious Fell BeastVoracious Fell Beast
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Éomer of the RiddermarkÉomer of the Riddermark
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Gruul GuildgateGruul Guildgate
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Banish from EdorasBanish from Edoras
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Lash of the BalrogLash of the Balrog
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Tale of TinúvielTale of Tinúviel
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Fear, Fire, Foes!Fear, Fire, Foes!
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Doomed TravelerDoomed Traveler
Booster to Sleeve


of 1
Knights of Dol AmrothKnights of Dol Amroth
Booster to Sleeve


of 2
Improvised ClubImprovised Club
Booster to Sleeve


of 1