HiddenHeroGames's profile



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22k+ total items
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Minimum Quantity
Dryad MilitantDryad Militant


of 3
Dark DealDark Deal


of 1
Agate InstigatorAgate Instigator


of 1
Zur, Eternal SchemerZur, Eternal Schemer


of 1
Magmatic InsightMagmatic Insight


of 1
Cinderhaze WretchCinderhaze Wretch


of 2
Unquestioned AuthorityUnquestioned Authority


of 1
Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention


of 1
Merfolk TricksterMerfolk Trickster


of 1
Wall of ShardsWall of Shards


of 1
Bond of AgonyBond of Agony


of 1
Elenda's HierophantElenda's Hierophant


of 1


of 1
Breaker of ArmiesBreaker of Armies


of 1
Spectral SailorSpectral Sailor


of 1
Bitterthorn, Nissa's AnimusBitterthorn, Nissa's Animus


of 1
Marisi, Breaker of the CoilMarisi, Breaker of the Coil


of 1
Command BeaconCommand Beacon


of 1
Faerie TauntingsFaerie Tauntings


of 1


of 1
Song of the WorldsoulSong of the Worldsoul


of 1
Void SnareVoid Snare


of 1
Diabolic TutorDiabolic Tutor


of 1
Heartfire HeroHeartfire Hero


of 1


of 1
Elemental BondElemental Bond


of 1


of 1
Twenty-Toed ToadTwenty-Toed Toad


of 1
Fangren MarauderFangren Marauder


of 1


of 1
Veil of SummerVeil of Summer


of 1
Shields of Velis VelShields of Velis Vel


of 1
Swarm of RatsSwarm of Rats


of 1
Hidden StringsHidden Strings


of 1
Throat SlitterThroat Slitter


of 2
Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act


of 1
Aphetto AlchemistAphetto Alchemist


of 1
Sunfrill ImitatorSunfrill Imitator


of 1
Olivia, Opulent OutlawOlivia, Opulent Outlaw


of 1
Shatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer PassShatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass


of 1
Second HarvestSecond Harvest


of 1
Consign to MemoryConsign to Memory


of 1


of 1
Derevi, Empyrial TacticianDerevi, Empyrial Tactician


of 1
Inspiring LeaderInspiring Leader


of 1
Fanatical OfferingFanatical Offering


of 1
Sulfurous SpringsSulfurous Springs


of 1
Glaring FleshrakerGlaring Fleshraker


of 1
Flourishing DefensesFlourishing Defenses


of 1
Faithless LootingFaithless Looting


of 1
Stinkdrinker BanditStinkdrinker Bandit


of 1
Myojin of Night's ReachMyojin of Night's Reach


of 1


of 1
Restless ReefRestless Reef


of 1
Thundertrap TrainerThundertrap Trainer


of 1
Monstrous RageMonstrous Rage


of 1
Thundertrap TrainerThundertrap Trainer


of 1
Armored AscensionArmored Ascension


of 1
Arcane LighthouseArcane Lighthouse


of 1
Soul SnuffersSoul Snuffers


of 1
Springheart NantukoSpringheart Nantuko


of 1
Olivia's BloodswornOlivia's Bloodsworn


of 1


of 1
Fact or FictionFact or Fiction


of 1
Deeproot WatersDeeproot Waters


of 1
Ardent PleaArdent Plea


of 4
Faerie MacabreFaerie Macabre


of 1
Erayo, Soratami Ascendant // Erayo's EssenceErayo, Soratami Ascendant // Erayo's Essence


of 1
Wickerbough ElderWickerbough Elder


of 2
Brotherhood RegaliaBrotherhood Regalia


of 1
Tormented SoulTormented Soul


of 1


of 1
Shadowblood RidgeShadowblood Ridge


of 1
Siren StormtamerSiren Stormtamer


of 1


of 1
Rotting RatsRotting Rats


of 1
Light-Paws, Emperor's VoiceLight-Paws, Emperor's Voice


of 1
Curse of ThirstCurse of Thirst


of 1
Chittering RatsChittering Rats


of 1
Anoint with AfflictionAnoint with Affliction


of 1
Augur of SkullsAugur of Skulls


of 1
Basilisk CollarBasilisk Collar


of 1
Warden of the Inner SkyWarden of the Inner Sky


of 1
Caves of Chaos AdventurerCaves of Chaos Adventurer


of 1
Rot WolfRot Wolf


of 2
Well RestedWell Rested


of 1
Gerrard's VerdictGerrard's Verdict


of 1
Champion's HelmChampion's Helm


of 1


of 1
Senu, Keen-Eyed ProtectorSenu, Keen-Eyed Protector


of 1


of 1
Reality StrobeReality Strobe


of 1
Nature's LoreNature's Lore


of 1
Death DeniedDeath Denied


of 1
Haunted CrossroadsHaunted Crossroads


of 1
Ophidian EyeOphidian Eye


of 1
Blatant ThieveryBlatant Thievery


of 2
Karmic GuideKarmic Guide


of 1
Kyren NegotiationsKyren Negotiations


of 1
Spiritual GuardianSpiritual Guardian


of 1