Jacopomagnini's profile



100.0% positive feedback
2 verified reviews
95 total items
70 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Castle GarenbrigCastle Garenbrig


of 1


of 4
Dragon's Rage ChannelerDragon's Rage Channeler


of 1
Charming PrinceCharming Prince


of 1
Stitch TogetherStitch Together


of 1
Faerie HarbingerFaerie Harbinger


of 1
Spirit of the LabyrinthSpirit of the Labyrinth


of 1
Helm of KaldraHelm of Kaldra


of 1
Master of the Wild HuntMaster of the Wild Hunt


of 1
Molten PsycheMolten Psyche


of 1
Pir's WhimPir's Whim


of 1
Venser, Shaper SavantVenser, Shaper Savant


of 1
Sythis, Harvest's HandSythis, Harvest's Hand


of 1
Olivia, Mobilized for WarOlivia, Mobilized for War


of 1
High NoonHigh Noon


of 1
Panglacial WurmPanglacial Wurm


of 1
Crypt RatsCrypt Rats


of 1
Repay in KindRepay in Kind


of 1
Keeper of the AccordKeeper of the Accord


of 1
Well of Lost DreamsWell of Lost Dreams


of 1
Kenrith, the Returned KingKenrith, the Returned King


of 1
Eidolon of BlossomsEidolon of Blossoms


of 1
Stonecoil SerpentStonecoil Serpent


of 1
Generous GiftGenerous Gift


of 1
Krenko, Tin Street KingpinKrenko, Tin Street Kingpin


of 1
Angel of SerenityAngel of Serenity


of 1
Hellkite OverlordHellkite Overlord


of 1
Helm of AwakeningHelm of Awakening


of 1
Devoted DruidDevoted Druid


of 1
Auramancer's GuiseAuramancer's Guise


of 1
Blazing ShoalBlazing Shoal


of 1
Dismantling WaveDismantling Wave


of 1
Karador, Ghost ChieftainKarador, Ghost Chieftain


of 1
Nykthos ParagonNykthos Paragon


of 1
Elephant GrassElephant Grass


of 3
Zombie ApocalypseZombie Apocalypse


of 1
In the Web of WarIn the Web of War


of 1
Slobad, Goblin TinkererSlobad, Goblin Tinkerer


of 1


of 1
Light Up the StageLight Up the Stage


of 1
Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek


of 1
Soul of New PhyrexiaSoul of New Phyrexia


of 1
Ruin GrinderRuin Grinder


of 1
Argivian FindArgivian Find


of 1
Coveted JewelCoveted Jewel


of 1


of 1
Netherborn AltarNetherborn Altar


of 1
Energy FluxEnergy Flux


of 1
Mishra's Self-ReplicatorMishra's Self-Replicator


of 1
Volrath's DungeonVolrath's Dungeon


of 1
Beacon of UnrestBeacon of Unrest


of 1
Pia and Kiran NalaarPia and Kiran Nalaar


of 1
Warchanter SkaldWarchanter Skald


of 1
Baird, Steward of ArgiveBaird, Steward of Argive


of 1
Shivan HarvestShivan Harvest


of 1


of 1
Phyrexian EtchingsPhyrexian Etchings


of 1
Archway AngelArchway Angel


of 1
Sacred RitesSacred Rites


of 21
Light of DayLight of Day


of 1
Crimson MuckwaderCrimson Muckwader


of 1
Thalia's LancersThalia's Lancers


of 1
Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter


of 1
Release the DogsRelease the Dogs


of 1
Teremko GriffinTeremko Griffin


of 1
Soul of ShandalarSoul of Shandalar


of 1
No Rest for the WickedNo Rest for the Wicked


of 1


of 1
The Howling AbominationThe Howling Abomination


of 1
Bishop of the BloodstainedBishop of the Bloodstained


of 1