Legoshi's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
82 total items
76 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Scarecrow GuideScarecrow Guide


of 1
Minecart Daredevil // Ride the RailsMinecart Daredevil // Ride the Rails


of 1
Swashbuckler's WhipSwashbuckler's Whip


of 1
Candy TrailCandy Trail


of 1
Discerning FinancierDiscerning Financier


of 1
Glowcap LanternGlowcap Lantern


of 1
Heavyweight DemolisherHeavyweight Demolisher


of 1
Power Plant WorkerPower Plant Worker


of 1
Forgotten SentinelForgotten Sentinel


of 1
Splatter GoblinSplatter Goblin


of 1
Grand Ball GuestGrand Ball Guest


of 1
Song of StupefactionSong of Stupefaction


of 1
Unruly CatapultUnruly Catapult


of 1
Golgari LocketGolgari Locket


of 1
Pyre SpawnPyre Spawn


of 1
Burning Sun CavalryBurning Sun Cavalry


of 2
Make Your MoveMake Your Move


of 1
Wicked VisitorWicked Visitor


of 1
Syr Armont, the RedeemerSyr Armont, the Redeemer


of 1
Tempest Hart // Scan the CloudsTempest Hart // Scan the Clouds


of 2
Nurturing BristlebackNurturing Bristleback


of 1
Dread FugueDread Fugue


of 1
Poison Dart FrogPoison Dart Frog


of 1
Rampaging SpiketailRampaging Spiketail


of 2
Prophetic PrismProphetic Prism


of 1
Conceited Witch // Price of BeautyConceited Witch // Price of Beauty


of 1
Surrounded By OrcsSurrounded By Orcs


of 1
Non-Human CannonballNon-Human Cannonball


of 1
Fanatical OfferingFanatical Offering


of 1
Family ReunionFamily Reunion


of 1
Abuelo's AwakeningAbuelo's Awakening


of 1
Fires of VictoryFires of Victory


of 1
Johann's StopgapJohann's Stopgap


of 1
Attentive SunscribeAttentive Sunscribe


of 1
Expose the CulpritExpose the Culprit


of 1
Archive DragonArchive Dragon


of 1
Diminisher WitchDiminisher Witch


of 1
Twisted Sewer-WitchTwisted Sewer-Witch


of 1
Rulik Mons, Warren ChiefRulik Mons, Warren Chief


of 1
Redcap ThiefRedcap Thief


of 1
Water WingsWater Wings


of 1
Staunch CrewmateStaunch Crewmate


of 1
Visage of Dread // Dread OsseosaurVisage of Dread // Dread Osseosaur


of 1
Besotted Knight // Betroth the BeastBesotted Knight // Betroth the Beast


of 1
Market GnomeMarket Gnome


of 1
Chancellor of TalesChancellor of Tales


of 1
Viashino BranchriderViashino Branchrider


of 1
Baneblade Scoundrel // Baneclaw MarauderBaneblade Scoundrel // Baneclaw Marauder


of 1
Nicanzil, Current ConductorNicanzil, Current Conductor


of 1
Théoden, King of RohanThéoden, King of Rohan


of 1
Screaming PhantomScreaming Phantom


of 1
Spectrum SentinelSpectrum Sentinel


of 1
Stab WoundStab Wound


of 1
Enhanced AwarenessEnhanced Awareness


of 4
Bat ColonyBat Colony


of 1
Swarming of MoriaSwarming of Moria


of 1
Enterprising ScallywagEnterprising Scallywag


of 1
Curator of Sun's CreationCurator of Sun's Creation


of 1
Spider FoodSpider Food


of 1
Thousand Moons CrackshotThousand Moons Crackshot


of 1
Vantress Transmuter // Croaking CurseVantress Transmuter // Croaking Curse


of 1
Auspicious ArrivalAuspicious Arrival


of 1
Hotfoot GnomeHotfoot Gnome


of 1
Skullcap SnailSkullcap Snail


of 1
Graceful TakedownGraceful Takedown


of 1
Revive the ShireRevive the Shire


of 1


of 1
Spyglass SirenSpyglass Siren


of 1
Rock JockeyRock Jockey


of 1
Ivy, Gleeful SpellthiefIvy, Gleeful Spellthief


of 1
Sinuous BenthisaurSinuous Benthisaur


of 1
Didact EchoDidact Echo


of 1
Over the EdgeOver the Edge


of 1


of 1
Get a Leg UpGet a Leg Up


of 1
Territorial WitchstalkerTerritorial Witchstalker


of 1