KrakenGeF's profile

PRO Seller


--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
247 total items
225 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
The Great HengeThe Great Henge


of 1
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon Ugin, the Spirit Dragon


of 1
Winter OrbWinter Orb
Front NM / Back SP


of 1
Felidar SovereignFelidar Sovereign
Crimped on the foot part


of 1
Simian Spirit GuideSimian Spirit Guide


of 1
Archmage EmeritusArchmage Emeritus


of 1
Vilis, Broker of BloodVilis, Broker of Blood


of 1
Open the ArmoryOpen the Armory


of 1
Aetherflux ReservoirAetherflux Reservoir


of 1
Weaponcraft EnthusiastWeaponcraft Enthusiast


of 1
Tibalt's TrickeryTibalt's Trickery


of 1
Nevinyrral's DiskNevinyrral's Disk
Front NM / Back SP


of 1
Gryff's BoonGryff's Boon


of 1
Ancient Den Ancient Den


of 1
Castle GarenbrigCastle Garenbrig


of 2
Eerie UltimatumEerie Ultimatum


of 1
Howlpack ResurgenceHowlpack Resurgence


of 1
Eerie UltimatumEerie Ultimatum


of 1
Blade HistorianBlade Historian


of 2
Roiling VortexRoiling Vortex


of 2
Lotus CobraLotus Cobra


of 2
Bonders' EnclaveBonders' Enclave


of 1
Nyx LotusNyx Lotus


of 1
Masked VandalMasked Vandal


of 2
Flickerwisp Flickerwisp


of 1
Cosmos ElixirCosmos Elixir


of 1
Body of ResearchBody of Research


of 1
Olivia's WrathOlivia's Wrath


of 1
Mystic ReflectionMystic Reflection


of 1
Battle MammothBattle Mammoth


of 1
Splendid ReclamationSplendid Reclamation


of 1
Gratuitous ViolenceGratuitous Violence


of 1
Urza's TowerUrza's Tower


of 3
Expressive IterationExpressive Iteration


of 3


of 3
Voldaren EpicureVoldaren Epicure


of 1
From BeyondFrom Beyond


of 1
Harvester of Souls Harvester of Souls


of 1
Extinction EventExtinction Event


of 1
Temple of MaliceTemple of Malice


of 1
Old-Growth TrollOld-Growth Troll


of 1
Vampire's KissVampire's Kiss


of 1
Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the DeepRuno Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the Deep


of 1
Rally the RanksRally the Ranks


of 1
Blackblade ReforgedBlackblade Reforged


of 1
Alchemist's GambitAlchemist's Gambit


of 1
Diabolic TutorDiabolic Tutor


of 1
Stronghold RatsStronghold Rats


of 1
Dramatic FinaleDramatic Finale


of 1
Nighthawk ScavengerNighthawk Scavenger


of 1
Dance of the ManseDance of the Manse


of 1
Elite SpellbinderElite Spellbinder


of 1
Furycalm SnarlFurycalm Snarl


of 1
Maul of the SkyclavesMaul of the Skyclaves


of 1
Dream TrawlerDream Trawler


of 1
Linden, the Steadfast QueenLinden, the Steadfast Queen


of 1
Rip ApartRip Apart


of 1
Temple of MaliceTemple of Malice


of 1
Sigrid, God-FavoredSigrid, God-Favored


of 1
Forgotten AncientForgotten Ancient


of 1
Ajani, the GreatheartedAjani, the Greathearted


of 1
Temple of AbandonTemple of Abandon


of 1


of 1
Temple of EnlightenmentTemple of Enlightenment


of 1
Roiling RegrowthRoiling Regrowth


of 1
Hall of OraclesHall of Oracles


of 1
Codie, Vociferous CodexCodie, Vociferous Codex


of 1


of 1
Venerable WarsingerVenerable Warsinger


of 1
Yorvo, Lord of GarenbrigYorvo, Lord of Garenbrig


of 1
Swell of GrowthSwell of Growth


of 1
Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor


of 1
Shrine of the Forsaken GodsShrine of the Forsaken Gods


of 1
Rip ApartRip Apart


of 1
Call the ScionsCall the Scions


of 1
Callous BloodmageCallous Bloodmage


of 1
Mirri the CursedMirri the Cursed


of 1
Salvage DroneSalvage Drone


of 1
Spell ShrivelSpell Shrivel


of 1
Mortality SpearMortality Spear


of 1
Sovereign's RealmSovereign's Realm


of 1
Asylum VisitorAsylum Visitor


of 1


of 1
Shatter the SkyShatter the Sky


of 1
Chief of the FoundryChief of the Foundry


of 1
Ancient GrudgeAncient Grudge


of 1
Quarantine FieldQuarantine Field


of 2


of 1
Skyship StalkerSkyship Stalker


of 1
Eruth, Tormented ProphetEruth, Tormented Prophet


of 1
Arni BrokenbrowArni Brokenbrow


of 1
Decisive DenialDecisive Denial


of 2
Spirit of the HuntSpirit of the Hunt


of 1
Prismatic LensPrismatic Lens


of 1
Poison the CupPoison the Cup


of 1
Wildest DreamsWildest Dreams


of 2
Mortality SpearMortality Spear


of 2
Usher of the FallenUsher of the Fallen


of 1
Aligned Hedron NetworkAligned Hedron Network


of 1
Summary DismissalSummary Dismissal


of 1