Lope00's profile



100.0% positive feedback
8 verified reviews
1k+ total items
652 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
BGS 9Q++. 9/9/9.5/9.5 - OBO


of 1
Ali from CairoAli from Cairo
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Time SpiralTime Spiral
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Nether VoidNether Void
Strict grading // Beautiful card // Never played


of 1
Lotus GuardianLotus Guardian


of 1
Chrome MoxChrome Mox
Never played


of 1
Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fortune
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Memory JarMemory Jar


of 2
Tolarian AcademyTolarian Academy
Strict grading // Almost NM


of 1
Sylvan SafekeeperSylvan Safekeeper


of 1
Cyclopean TombCyclopean Tomb
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Coalition VictoryCoalition Victory
Strict grading // Between GD+ and EX- // PRINTLINES ON BACK // Beautiful card!


of 1
Overgrown TombOvergrown Tomb
Clean card, almost EXC // Strict grading // Check Scan


of 1
Illusionary MaskIllusionary Mask
Strict grading // Listed as GD just for a small surface damage and pressure DOT // Printlines


of 1
Mithril CoatMithril Coat
Never played


of 1
Blood OathBlood Oath


of 1
Kill SwitchKill Switch


of 1
Mithril CoatMithril Coat
Never played


of 1
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned ScholarTamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar
Never played


of 2
Copper TabletCopper Tablet
Strict grading // Really clean card, listed as GD just for a small, soft scratch on the back


of 1
Strict grading // Almost EXC


of 1
Copy ArtifactCopy Artifact
Strict grading // Listed as GD just for a pressure DOT // Looks like EXC


of 1
Demonic TutorDemonic Tutor
Strict grading // Beautiful card // Front is clean // Back PL


of 1
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned ScholarTamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar
Never played


of 4
Copy ArtifactCopy Artifact
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Copper TabletCopper Tablet
Strict grading // Close to GD // Ask for pics


of 2
Birthing PodBirthing Pod
Never played


of 1
Mithril CoatMithril Coat
Never played


of 1
Mithril CoatMithril Coat
Never played


of 1
Glimpse of NatureGlimpse of Nature
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader


of 2
Teferi's ProtectionTeferi's Protection
Never played - Sealed - Ill open as you buy


of 3
Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise
Beautiful card // Strict grading // Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
Troll of Khazad-dûmTroll of Khazad-dûm
Never played


of 4
Sliver OverlordSliver Overlord
Strict grading//GD only for a minor ding, overwise clean EXC// beautiful card


of 1
Giant BadgerGiant Badger
Strict grading


of 1
Giant BadgerGiant Badger
Strict grading // Close to GD+


of 1
Always kept in a sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
Mishra's FactoryMishra's Factory
Strict grading // Beautiful card


of 1
Dueling GroundsDueling Grounds
Strict grading // Minor Clouding // Minor Scratches // Ask for photo // L


of 1
Mind Over MatterMind Over Matter
Really close to NM // Strict grading // Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
City of BrassCity of Brass
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Cabal CoffersCabal Coffers
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Lightning HelixLightning Helix
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares
Never played - Sealed - Ill open as you buy


of 1
Keeper of SecretsKeeper of Secrets
Never played


of 3
Auton SoldierAuton Soldier


of 1
Underworld BreachUnderworld Breach
Never played


of 1
Guardian AngelGuardian Angel
Strict grading // Really close to NM


of 1
Small corner dmg on back, check scan. Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Borne Upon a WindBorne Upon a Wind
Never played


of 1
Mana ConfluenceMana Confluence
Just a well loved card - 100% playable - Strict grading


of 1
Heritage DruidHeritage Druid
Never played - Foils can be curved


of 1
Time WarpTime Warp
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Living EndLiving End
Beautiful card // Strict grading // Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
Atraxa, Grand UnifierAtraxa, Grand Unifier
Never played


of 1
Heritage DruidHeritage Druid
Never played


of 1
Close to Nm, check scan. Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Sunstrike LegionnaireSunstrike Legionnaire
Beautiful card // Strict grading


of 1
Blood MoonBlood Moon
Never played - Sealed - Ill open as you buy


of 1
Chain of PlasmaChain of Plasma
Clean Card//Perfectly flat//Strict grading - Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 2
Faithless LootingFaithless Looting
Never played


of 1
Sunstrike LegionnaireSunstrike Legionnaire
Beautiful card // Strict grading // Small white dot on back border.


of 1
Exalted Flamer of TzeentchExalted Flamer of Tzeentch
Never played


of 4
Strict grading // Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
Chain of PlasmaChain of Plasma
Almost NM//Perfectly flat//Strict grading - Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope.


of 1
Waste NotWaste Not
Never played


of 4
Check scan. Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Memory WormMemory Worm
Never played


of 1
Memory WormMemory Worm
Never played


of 2
Radagast the BrownRadagast the Brown
Never played


of 3
Liliana of the VeilLiliana of the Veil
Never played


of 1
Rose, Cutthroat RaiderRose, Cutthroat Raider
Never played


of 1
Liege of the HollowsLiege of the Hollows
Strict grading


of 1
Power FistPower Fist
Never played


of 3
Securitron SquadronSecuritron Squadron
Never played


of 4
Callidus AssassinCallidus Assassin
Never played


of 1
Cybermen SquadronCybermen Squadron


of 1
Nerd RageNerd Rage
Never played


of 1
Keeper of SecretsKeeper of Secrets
Never played


of 4
Yggdrasil, Rebirth EngineYggdrasil, Rebirth Engine
Never played


of 2
Exalted Flamer of TzeentchExalted Flamer of Tzeentch
From booster to sleeve


of 2
Olivia, Crimson BrideOlivia, Crimson Bride
From booster to sleeve, shipped in toploader + bubble envelope


of 1
Borne Upon a WindBorne Upon a Wind
Never played


of 4
Sunstrike LegionnaireSunstrike Legionnaire
Strict Grading// Has minor surface damage, otherwise solid GD


of 1
Corpse DanceCorpse Dance
Solid EXC- // Strict grading


of 1
Voja, Jaws of the ConclaveVoja, Jaws of the Conclave
Never played


of 4
Grave TitanGrave Titan


of 1
Ob Nixilis, Captive KingpinOb Nixilis, Captive Kingpin
Never played


of 2
Never played


of 3
Borne Upon a WindBorne Upon a Wind
Never played


of 4
Never played


of 4
Lim-Dûl's VaultLim-Dûl's Vault
Never played - Foils can be curved


of 1
Securitron SquadronSecuritron Squadron
Never played


of 4
Danny PinkDanny Pink
Never played


of 1
Mesmeric OrbMesmeric Orb
Never played


of 1
Chain of PlasmaChain of Plasma
Clean Card//Perfectly flat//Strict grading - Shipped in toploader + bubble envelope. 1


of 1
Always kept in a sleeve #2


of 1
Maze of IthMaze of Ith
Really clean cards with spare age signs


of 1
Sunstrike LegionnaireSunstrike Legionnaire
Strict Grading/Damaged/Has a small dent on bottom corner, otherwise solid GD.100% playable,ask pics


of 1
Seeds of InnocenceSeeds of Innocence
Strict grading


of 4