The Hodayne's profile

The Hodayne

The Hodayne

--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
201 total items
112 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Kaito, Bane of NightmaresKaito, Bane of Nightmares


of 1
Overlord of the MistmoorsOverlord of the Mistmoors


of 1
Kona, Rescue BeastieKona, Rescue Beastie


of 1
Threats Around Every CornerThreats Around Every Corner


of 1
Fear of Being HuntedFear of Being Hunted


of 1
Let's Play a GameLet's Play a Game


of 1
Fear of ImpostorsFear of Impostors


of 1
Disturbing MirthDisturbing Mirth


of 1
Grab the PrizeGrab the Prize


of 2
Sporogenic InfectionSporogenic Infection


of 1
Splitskin DollSplitskin Doll


of 1
Fear of InfinityFear of Infinity


of 1
Overgrown ZealotOvergrown Zealot


of 1
Painter's Studio // Defaced GalleryPainter's Studio // Defaced Gallery


of 1
Growing DreadGrowing Dread


of 1
Vile MutilatorVile Mutilator


of 1
Trial of AgonyTrial of Agony


of 1
Violent UrgeViolent Urge


of 1
House CartographerHouse Cartographer


of 1
Oblivious BookwormOblivious Bookworm


of 1
Fear of FallingFear of Falling


of 1
Osseous SticktwisterOsseous Sticktwister


of 1
Fear of IsolationFear of Isolation


of 1
Baseball BatBaseball Bat


of 1
Savior of the SmallSavior of the Small


of 1
Break Down the DoorBreak Down the Door


of 1
Stay Hidden, Stay SilentStay Hidden, Stay Silent


of 1
Orphans of the WheatOrphans of the Wheat


of 1
Irreverent GremlinIrreverent Gremlin


of 1
Underwater Tunnel // Slimy AquariumUnderwater Tunnel // Slimy Aquarium


of 2
Get OutGet Out


of 1
Glassworks // Shattered YardGlassworks // Shattered Yard


of 2
Slavering BranchsnapperSlavering Branchsnapper


of 2
Clammy ProwlerClammy Prowler


of 2


of 2
Wary WatchdogWary Watchdog


of 3
Creeping PeeperCreeping Peeper


of 1
Piranha FlyPiranha Fly


of 3
Scorching DragonfireScorching Dragonfire


of 3
Vanish from SightVanish from Sight


of 2
Innocuous RatInnocuous Rat


of 2
Jump ScareJump Scare


of 3
Cackling SlasherCackling Slasher


of 2
Grand Entryway // Elegant RotundaGrand Entryway // Elegant Rotunda


of 2
Possessed GoatPossessed Goat


of 2
Enter the EnigmaEnter the Enigma


of 2
Hand That FeedsHand That Feeds


of 3
Don't Make a SoundDon't Make a Sound


of 2
Monstrous EmergenceMonstrous Emergence


of 2
Trapped in the ScreenTrapped in the Screen


of 2
Acrobatic CheerleaderAcrobatic Cheerleader


of 2


of 2
Rampaging SoulragerRampaging Soulrager


of 3
Most Valuable SlayerMost Valuable Slayer


of 2
Final VengeanceFinal Vengeance


of 2
Twist RealityTwist Reality


of 3
Unsettling TwinsUnsettling Twins


of 2
Ticket Booth // Tunnel of HateTicket Booth // Tunnel of Hate


of 2
Drag to the RootsDrag to the Roots


of 1
Horrid VigorHorrid Vigor


of 3
Cryptid InspectorCryptid Inspector


of 2
Rootwise SurvivorRootwise Survivor


of 1
Friendly GhostFriendly Ghost


of 2
Cult HealerCult Healer


of 2
Emerge from the CocoonEmerge from the Cocoon


of 2
Give In to ViolenceGive In to Violence


of 2
Optimistic ScavengerOptimistic Scavenger


of 1
Bedhead BeastieBedhead Beastie


of 2
Popular EgotistPopular Egotist


of 1
Fear of SurveillanceFear of Surveillance


of 2
Ripchain RazorkinRipchain Razorkin


of 3
Flesh BurrowerFlesh Burrower


of 2
Fear of Lost TeethFear of Lost Teeth


of 3
Living PhoneLiving Phone


of 3
Daggermaw MegalodonDaggermaw Megalodon


of 2
Bashful BeastieBashful Beastie


of 2
Fear of ImmobilityFear of Immobility


of 1
Seized from SlumberSeized from Slumber


of 2
Shepherding SpiritsShepherding Spirits


of 2
Boilerbilges RipperBoilerbilges Ripper


of 2
Cautious SurvivorCautious Survivor


of 2
Erratic ApparitionErratic Apparition


of 2
Cracked SkullCracked Skull


of 2
Stalked ResearcherStalked Researcher


of 2
Gremlin TamerGremlin Tamer


of 1
Resurrected CultistResurrected Cultist


of 2
Vicious ClownVicious Clown


of 2
Floodpits DrownerFloodpits Drowner


of 1
Winter's InterventionWinter's Intervention


of 2
Hardened EscortHardened Escort


of 2
Tunnel SurveyorTunnel Surveyor


of 3
Spectral SnatcherSpectral Snatcher


of 2
Moldering Gym // Weight RoomMoldering Gym // Weight Room


of 3
Meat Locker // Drowned DinerMeat Locker // Drowned Diner


of 2
Grasping LongneckGrasping Longneck


of 3
Fear of the DarkFear of the Dark


of 3


of 2
Balemurk LeechBalemurk Leech


of 2
Fanatic of the HarrowingFanatic of the Harrowing


of 2
Impossible InfernoImpossible Inferno


of 2