Pikachu | €99.77 | of 1 | |||||||
Dark Scizor (JP) | €13.62 | of 1 | |||||||
Machoke | €8.36 | of 1 | |||||||
Darkness Energy | €7.38 | of 1 | |||||||
Dark Gyarados | €6.24 | of 1 | |||||||
Miracle Energy | small bent | €6.24 | of 1 | ||||||
Nidoking | €5.24 | of 1 | |||||||
Metal Energy | €4.26 | of 1 | |||||||
Weedle | €3.91 | of 1 | |||||||
Growlithe | €3.33 | of 1 | |||||||
Potion | €2.76 | of 1 | |||||||
Pinsir | €2.72 | of 1 | |||||||
Dark Golbat | €2.22 | of 1 | |||||||
Water Energy | €1.99 | of 2 | |||||||
Mantyke Lv.6 | €1.72 | of 1 | |||||||
Hitmonchan (JP) | €1.67 | of 1 | |||||||
Psyduck | €0.82 | of 1 | |||||||
Wailmer | €0.76 | of 1 | |||||||
Yanmega 4 | €0.29 | of 1 | |||||||
Corphish | deoxy stamp | €0.20 | of 1 | ||||||
Staryu | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Oddish δ | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Corphish | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Potion | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Machop | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Unown O | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lightning Energy | €0.14 | of 3 | |||||||
Potion | €0.14 | of 3 | |||||||
Wooper | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Surskit | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Diglett | €0.14 | of 3 | |||||||
Horsea | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lapras Lv.41 | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Hoppip | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Gust of Wind | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Koffing | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Koffing | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Psychic Energy | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Delibird | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Psychic Energy | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Swablu δ | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lightning Energy | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Kricketot Lv.6 | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Dunsparce | marking | €0.14 | of 1 | ||||||
Lotad Lv.11 | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lapras | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Snorunt | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lightning Energy | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Swinub | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Zubat | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Machop | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Fire Energy | €0.14 | of 15 | |||||||
Zubat | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Unown I | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Surskit | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Smoochum | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Fire Energy | €0.14 | of 6 | |||||||
Switch | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Goldeen Lv.14 | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Poké Ball | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lightning Energy | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Psychic Energy | €0.14 | of 7 | |||||||
Corphish | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Pineco | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Koffing | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Fighting Energy | €0.14 | of 5 | |||||||
Goldeen | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Water Energy | €0.14 | of 4 | |||||||
Surskit | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Simipour | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Fire Energy | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Diglett | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Psychic Energy | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Weedle | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Pokédex | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Tympole | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Tyrogue | €0.14 | of 2 | |||||||
Fighting Energy | €0.14 | of 15 | |||||||
Murkrow | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Potion | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Water Energy | €0.14 | of 3 | |||||||
Bibarel | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Ponyta | €0.14 | of 1 | |||||||
Lightning Energy | €0.14 | of 1 |