Merlin 1976's profile

Merlin 1976

Merlin 1976

--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
2k+ total items
287 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Return to NatureReturn to Nature


of 7
Arboreal GrazerArboreal Grazer


of 11
Capture SphereCapture Sphere


of 8
Footlight FiendFootlight Fiend


of 3
Burning ProphetBurning Prophet


of 8
Aid the FallenAid the Fallen


of 15
Rakdos LocketRakdos Locket


of 2
Wall of RunesWall of Runes


of 6
Sorin's ThirstSorin's Thirst


of 6
Teferi's Time TwistTeferi's Time Twist


of 13
Saruli CaretakerSaruli Caretaker


of 4
Samut's SprintSamut's Sprint


of 14
Open the GatesOpen the Gates


of 7
Radical IdeaRadical Idea


of 3
Pollenbright DruidPollenbright Druid


of 15
Kraul ForagersKraul Foragers


of 1
Arrester's ZealArrester's Zeal


of 1
Aven EternalAven Eternal


of 13
Ahn-Crop InvaderAhn-Crop Invader


of 14
Act of TreasonAct of Treason


of 3
Rampaging RendhornRampaging Rendhorn


of 4
Erstwhile TrooperErstwhile Trooper


of 7
Concordia PegasusConcordia Pegasus


of 2
Passwall AdeptPasswall Adept


of 6
Righteous BlowRighteous Blow


of 7
Rosemane CentaurRosemane Centaur


of 10


of 5
Gift of StrengthGift of Strength


of 3
Battlefield PromotionBattlefield Promotion


of 13
Notion RainNotion Rain


of 3
Syndicate MessengerSyndicate Messenger


of 5
Wojek BodyguardWojek Bodyguard


of 5
Jaya's GreetingJaya's Greeting


of 9
Severed StrandsSevered Strands


of 9
Take HeartTake Heart


of 9
Undercity ScavengerUndercity Scavenger


of 1
Mephitic VaporsMephitic Vapors


of 6
Spellgorger WeirdSpellgorger Weird


of 10
Unlikely AidUnlikely Aid


of 12
Never HappenedNever Happened


of 6
Child of NightChild of Night


of 7
Prowling CaracalProwling Caracal


of 2
Ill-Gotten InheritanceIll-Gotten Inheritance


of 3
Wild CeratokWild Ceratok


of 11
Lawmage's BindingLawmage's Binding


of 2
Hunted WitnessHunted Witness


of 7
Command the StormCommand the Storm


of 5
Trusted PegasusTrusted Pegasus


of 13
Sworn CompanionsSworn Companions


of 7
Barrier of BonesBarrier of Bones


of 8
Spark HarvestSpark Harvest


of 12
Charity ExtractorCharity Extractor


of 14
Thundering CeratokThundering Ceratok


of 8
Fire UrchinFire Urchin


of 6
Mana GeodeMana Geode


of 10
Expose to DaylightExpose to Daylight


of 1
Deadly VisitDeadly Visit


of 9
Titanic BrawlTitanic Brawl


of 3
Burn BrightBurn Bright


of 1
Dazzling LightsDazzling Lights


of 3
Centaur NurturerCentaur Nurturer


of 12
Crush DissentCrush Dissent


of 10
Tamiyo's EpiphanyTamiyo's Epiphany


of 15
Kraul StingerKraul Stinger


of 10
Callous DismissalCallous Dismissal


of 11


of 4
Hired PoisonerHired Poisoner


of 3
Devious Cover-UpDevious Cover-Up


of 1
Defiant StrikeDefiant Strike


of 16


of 12
Wary OkapiWary Okapi


of 5
Rubblebelt BoarRubblebelt Boar


of 6
Divine ArrowDivine Arrow


of 16
Plague WightPlague Wight


of 1
Azorius LocketAzorius Locket


of 5
Kasmina's TransmutationKasmina's Transmutation


of 12
Sure StrikeSure Strike


of 8
Chainwhip CyclopsChainwhip Cyclops


of 13
Gruul LocketGruul Locket


of 2
Pause for ReflectionPause for Reflection


of 5
Rubblebelt RunnerRubblebelt Runner


of 4
Courage in CrisisCourage in Crisis


of 12
Spear SpewerSpear Spewer


of 3
Kiora's DambreakerKiora's Dambreaker


of 16


of 3


of 4
Disdainful StrokeDisdainful Stroke


of 2
Izzet LocketIzzet Locket


of 5
Douser of LightsDouser of Lights


of 8
Civic StalwartCivic Stalwart


of 2
Muse DrakeMuse Drake


of 6
Turret OgreTurret Ogre


of 13
Band TogetherBand Together


of 11
Rafter DemonRafter Demon


of 4
Sauroform HybridSauroform Hybrid


of 4
Sage's Row SavantSage's Row Savant


of 1
Goblin ElectromancerGoblin Electromancer


of 2
Dead WeightDead Weight


of 5
Parhelion PatrolParhelion Patrol


of 8
Fresh-Faced RecruitFresh-Faced Recruit


of 6