Groudon ex | €45.64 | of 1 | |||||||
Giratina VSTAR | €19.27 | of 1 | |||||||
Pidgeot V | €0.85 | of 1 | |||||||
Hisuian Basculegion | €0.65 | of 1 | |||||||
Miraidon ex | €0.60 | of 1 | |||||||
Banette ex | €0.60 | of 1 | |||||||
Basic Psychic Energy | €0.18 | of 1 | |||||||
Miraidon | €0.13 | of 1 | |||||||
Corphish | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Sprigatito | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Grimer | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Medicham | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Cetoddle | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Crocalor | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Inkay | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Goomy | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Colress's Tenacity | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Skwovet | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Machop | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Energy Search | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Flamigo | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Abomasnow | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Malamar | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Quaxwell | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Cetoddle | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Rotom | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Absol | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Litleo | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Wiglett | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Fraxure | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Muk | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Cramorant | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Bronzor | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Tandemaus | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Gligar | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Seadra | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Professor's Research | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Maschiff | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Pawmi | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Professor's Research | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Sandile | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Eelektrik | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Phantump | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Landorus | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Poké Ball | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Rowlet | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Shellos | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Beach Court | €0.12 | of 2 | |||||||
Galarian Stunfisk | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Riolu Lv.11 | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Starly | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Houndour | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Tropius | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Staravia | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Copperajah | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Shuppet | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Horsea | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Decidueye | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Skwovet | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Toedscool | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Yveltal | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Weavile | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Seviper | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Miraidon | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Tarountula | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Annihilape | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Toxicroak | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Toxtricity | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Lechonk | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Hypno | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Riolu | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Picnic Basket | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Meowth | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Janine's Secret Art | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Growlithe | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Lost Vacuum | €0.12 | of 2 | |||||||
Pawniard | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Gastly | €0.12 | of 2 | |||||||
Heracross | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Farigiraf | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Oinkologne | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Pachirisu | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Bombirdier | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Maushold | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Ducklett | €0.12 | of 2 | |||||||
Houndoom | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Flittle | €0.12 | of 2 | |||||||
Fidough | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Helioptile | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Cacturne | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Vitality Band | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Genesect | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Ariados | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Bruxish | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Bisharp | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Xerosic's Machinations | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Crawdaunt | €0.12 | of 3 | |||||||
Vivillon | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Nuzleaf | €0.12 | of 1 | |||||||
Snover | €0.12 | of 1 |