Piombo 10's profile

PRO Seller
Piombo 10

Piombo 10

100.0% positive feedback
2k+ verified reviews
160 total items
150 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Elemental Hero Dark NeosElemental Hero Dark Neos
Pressure but looks GD // Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Heavy StormHeavy Storm
NM- // Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Toon Kingdom Toon Kingdom
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Gaia the Dragon ChampionGaia the Dragon Champion
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Giant TrunadeGiant Trunade
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Spirit ReaperSpirit Reaper
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Armed Dragon LV7Armed Dragon LV7
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Cosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Cyberdark DragonCyberdark Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Five-Headed DragonFive-Headed Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Glow-Up BulbGlow-Up Bulb
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Ready FusionReady Fusion
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Lyrilusc - Bird CallLyrilusc - Bird Call
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Winged KuribohWinged Kuriboh
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Aztekipede, the Worm WarriorAztekipede, the Worm Warrior
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Red-Eyes Darkness DragonRed-Eyes Darkness Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Gladiator Beast GyzarusGladiator Beast Gyzarus
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Dark HonestDark Honest
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
The Supremacy SunThe Supremacy Sun
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Dark Contract with the GateDark Contract with the Gate
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Drytron Mu Beta FafnirDrytron Mu Beta Fafnir
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Illegal KnightIllegal Knight
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Slifer the Sky DragonSlifer the Sky Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Ghost Reaper & Winter CherriesGhost Reaper & Winter Cherries
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Berserkion the Electromagna WarriorBerserkion the Electromagna Warrior
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Malefic Red-Eyes B. DragonMalefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Marincess Coral TriangleMarincess Coral Triangle
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Future FusionFuture Fusion
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Warning Point Warning Point
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Destiny HERO - Dominance Destiny HERO - Dominance
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Dragonmaid HospitalityDragonmaid Hospitality
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Pot of DualityPot of Duality
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 3
Swordsoul Strategist LongyuanSwordsoul Strategist Longyuan
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Downerd MagicianDownerd Magician
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
The Tyrant NeptuneThe Tyrant Neptune
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Atomic Scrap DragonAtomic Scrap Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Zoodiac ThoroughbladeZoodiac Thoroughblade
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Dark Magical CircleDark Magical Circle
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Marincess Aqua ArgonautMarincess Aqua Argonaut
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Animadorned ArchosaurAnimadorned Archosaur
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Crystal SeerCrystal Seer
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Limiter RemovalLimiter Removal
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Rokket CaliberRokket Caliber
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Exodia NecroExodia Necro
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Sauge de FleurSauge de Fleur
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Malefic Parallel GearMalefic Parallel Gear
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Wrath of NeosWrath of Neos
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Until Noble Arms are Needed Once AgainUntil Noble Arms are Needed Once Again
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Evolution BurstEvolution Burst
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Necro SynchronNecro Synchron
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 3
Rosaria, the Stately Fallen AngelRosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion Meklord Astro Dragon Triskelion
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
CXyz Comics Hero Legend ArthurCXyz Comics Hero Legend Arthur
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Elemental Hero Chaos NeosElemental Hero Chaos Neos
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise SignalerGizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
High Rate DrawHigh Rate Draw
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 2
Shaddoll SchismShaddoll Schism
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Destiny HERO - DogmaDestiny HERO - Dogma
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Cyberdark DragonCyberdark Dragon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Hela, Generaider Boss of DoomHela, Generaider Boss of Doom
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Aztekipede, the Worm WarriorAztekipede, the Worm Warrior
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Rosaria, the Stately Fallen AngelRosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
White HoleWhite Hole
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Floowandereeze and the Scary SeaFloowandereeze and the Scary Sea
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King CalamityHot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 2
S-Force ChaseS-Force Chase
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
War Rock DignityWar Rock Dignity
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Valkyrion the Magna WarriorValkyrion the Magna Warrior
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Maximum SixMaximum Six
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Fiend's SanctuaryFiend's Sanctuary
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Nine Pillars of Yang ZingNine Pillars of Yang Zing
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Master HyperionMaster Hyperion
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Jurassic ImpactJurassic Impact
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Ally of Justice Omni-WeaponAlly of Justice Omni-Weapon
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
The Agent of Judgment - SaturnThe Agent of Judgment - Saturn
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Big Belly KnightBig Belly Knight
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Warrior EliminationWarrior Elimination
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Diamond DustDiamond Dust
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Hieratic Seal of BanishmentHieratic Seal of Banishment
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Cyber PhoenixCyber Phoenix
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Theinen the Great SphinxTheinen the Great Sphinx
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Summoning SwarmSummoning Swarm
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Appliancer SocketrollAppliancer Socketroll
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Heavy Mech Support PlatformHeavy Mech Support Platform
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Starry Knight ArrivalStarry Knight Arrival
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Fabled AshenveilFabled Ashenveil
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Unacceptable ResultUnacceptable Result
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Sinister YorishiroSinister Yorishiro
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
T.G. Drill FishT.G. Drill Fish
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Victorica, Angel of BraveryVictorica, Angel of Bravery
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Libromancer DisplacedLibromancer Displaced
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Shield CrushShield Crush
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Metalhold the Moving BlockadeMetalhold the Moving Blockade
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1
Steam SynchronSteam Synchron
Shipping on monday and thursday morning


of 1