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Urza, Lord High ArtificerUrza, Lord High Artificer


of 1
Twinflame TyrantTwinflame Tyrant
foundations 1


of 1


of 1
Urza's BaubleUrza's Bauble


of 1
Ocelot PrideOcelot Pride


of 1
Abhorrent OculusAbhorrent Oculus
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of 1
Enduring InnocenceEnduring Innocence
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of 1
Abhorrent OculusAbhorrent Oculus
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of 2
Psychic FrogPsychic Frog


of 1
Screaming NemesisScreaming Nemesis
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of 1
Screaming NemesisScreaming Nemesis
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of 1
Three Tree CityThree Tree City


of 1
Deflecting SwatDeflecting Swat


of 1
Avacyn, Angel of HopeAvacyn, Angel of Hope


of 1
Fierce GuardianshipFierce Guardianship


of 1
Kastral, the WindcrestedKastral, the Windcrested
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of 1
Three Tree CityThree Tree City


of 2
Sword of Fire and IceSword of Fire and Ice


of 1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's FuryPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury


of 1
Bloodthirsty ConquerorBloodthirsty Conqueror
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of 1
Bloodthirsty ConquerorBloodthirsty Conqueror
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of 1
Wooded FoothillsWooded Foothills


of 1
Beza, the Bounding SpringBeza, the Bounding Spring


of 1
Ulamog, the DefilerUlamog, the Defiler


of 1


of 1
Ledger ShredderLedger Shredder


of 1
Psychic FrogPsychic Frog


of 1
Maha, Its Feathers NightMaha, Its Feathers Night


of 1
Bloodthirsty ConquerorBloodthirsty Conqueror
foundations 1


of 1
Erratic PortalErratic Portal


of 1
Karn, the Great CreatorKarn, the Great Creator


of 2
Agatha's Soul CauldronAgatha's Soul Cauldron


of 1
Toski, Bearer of SecretsToski, Bearer of Secrets


of 1
Toski, Bearer of SecretsToski, Bearer of Secrets


of 1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's FuryPhlage, Titan of Fire's Fury


of 1
Three Tree CityThree Tree City


of 1
Jace, the Perfected MindJace, the Perfected Mind


of 2
Beza, the Bounding SpringBeza, the Bounding Spring


of 1
Snapcaster MageSnapcaster Mage


of 3
Ygra, Eater of AllYgra, Eater of All


of 1
Lumra, Bellow of the WoodsLumra, Bellow of the Woods


of 1
Three Tree CityThree Tree City


of 1
Misty RainforestMisty Rainforest


of 1
Bloom TenderBloom Tender
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of 1
Overlord of the HauntwoodsOverlord of the Hauntwoods
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of 1
Beza, the Bounding SpringBeza, the Bounding Spring


of 1
Beza, the Bounding SpringBeza, the Bounding Spring


of 1
Beza, the Bounding SpringBeza, the Bounding Spring
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of 1
Liliana, Dreadhorde GeneralLiliana, Dreadhorde General


of 1
Overlord of the MistmoorsOverlord of the Mistmoors
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of 1
Psychic FrogPsychic Frog


of 1
Jace, the Mind SculptorJace, the Mind Sculptor


of 1
Lumra, Bellow of the WoodsLumra, Bellow of the Woods


of 1


of 1
Wrath of the SkiesWrath of the Skies


of 1
Pollywog ProdigyPollywog Prodigy


of 2
Pollywog ProdigyPollywog Prodigy


of 2
Breeding PoolBreeding Pool


of 2
Caretaker's TalentCaretaker's Talent


of 2
Lumra, Bellow of the WoodsLumra, Bellow of the Woods


of 1


of 1
Phyrexian TowerPhyrexian Tower


of 1
Elenda, Saint of DuskElenda, Saint of Dusk


of 1
Ygra, Eater of AllYgra, Eater of All


of 1
Ygra, Eater of AllYgra, Eater of All


of 2
Ygra, Eater of AllYgra, Eater of All


of 1
Clever ConcealmentClever Concealment


of 2
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of 1
Liliana of the Dark RealmsLiliana of the Dark Realms


of 1
Polluted DeltaPolluted Delta


of 1
Urabrask's ForgeUrabrask's Forge


of 1
Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl AvengerAjani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger


of 2
Chatterfang, Squirrel GeneralChatterfang, Squirrel General


of 1
Chatterfang, Squirrel GeneralChatterfang, Squirrel General


of 1
Floodfarm VergeFloodfarm Verge
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of 1
Rottenmouth ViperRottenmouth Viper


of 2
Rite of the DragoncallerRite of the Dragoncaller
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of 1
Agate InstigatorAgate Instigator


of 2
Agate InstigatorAgate Instigator


of 1
Agate InstigatorAgate Instigator
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of 1
Teferi, Time RavelerTeferi, Time Raveler


of 1
Teferi, Time RavelerTeferi, Time Raveler


of 1
Innkeeper's TalentInnkeeper's Talent


of 2
Innkeeper's TalentInnkeeper's Talent
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of 1
Dragonhawk, Fate's TempestDragonhawk, Fate's Tempest


of 1
Spinner of SoulsSpinner of Souls


of 1
Valley FloodcallerValley Floodcaller
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of 1
Stormchaser's TalentStormchaser's Talent


of 1
Artist's TalentArtist's Talent


of 1
Snuff OutSnuff Out


of 1
Ral, Crackling WitRal, Crackling Wit


of 1


of 1
Chatterfang, Squirrel GeneralChatterfang, Squirrel General


of 1
Ghost VacuumGhost Vacuum
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of 1
Overgrown TombOvergrown Tomb


of 1
Kykar, Zephyr AwakenerKykar, Zephyr Awakener
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of 1
Fiend ArtisanFiend Artisan


of 1
Shifting WoodlandShifting Woodland


of 1


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 1