RP3NA's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
140 total items
122 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Orcish BowmastersOrcish Bowmasters


of 1
Mirri's GuileMirri's Guile


of 1
Sylvan LibrarySylvan Library


of 1
Natural OrderNatural Order


of 1


of 1
Brain FreezeBrain Freeze


of 1


of 1
Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise


of 1


of 1
Tom BombadilTom Bombadil


of 1
The Balrog, Durin's BaneThe Balrog, Durin's Bane


of 1
Enchantress's PresenceEnchantress's Presence


of 1
Flowering of the White TreeFlowering of the White Tree


of 1
Blazing ArchonBlazing Archon


of 1
One Ring to Rule Them AllOne Ring to Rule Them All


of 1
Treetop VillageTreetop Village


of 2
Verduran EnchantressVerduran Enchantress


of 3
Words of WindWords of Wind


of 1
Cast into the FireCast into the Fire


of 1
Elephant GrassElephant Grass


of 1
Elephant GrassElephant Grass


of 1
The Watcher in the WaterThe Watcher in the Water


of 1
The Mouth of SauronThe Mouth of Sauron


of 1
Intangible VirtueIntangible Virtue


of 1
Stern ScoldingStern Scolding


of 1
Quirion RangerQuirion Ranger


of 1
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 1
Enchantress's PresenceEnchantress's Presence


of 1
Grimoire of the DeadGrimoire of the Dead


of 1
Enchantress's PresenceEnchantress's Presence


of 2
The Balrog, Durin's BaneThe Balrog, Durin's Bane


of 2
Priest of TitaniaPriest of Titania


of 2
War of the Last AllianceWar of the Last Alliance


of 1
Beacon of UnrestBeacon of Unrest


of 1
Slate of AncestrySlate of Ancestry


of 1
Gandalf, Friend of the ShireGandalf, Friend of the Shire


of 1
Entish RestorationEntish Restoration


of 1
Éowyn, Fearless KnightÉowyn, Fearless Knight


of 1


of 1
Elrond, Master of HealingElrond, Master of Healing


of 1
Decree of SavageryDecree of Savagery


of 1
Magma JetMagma Jet


of 1
Words of WorshipWords of Worship


of 1
Lost to LegendLost to Legend


of 1
The Grey HavensThe Grey Havens


of 1


of 1
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1


of 1
Mauhúr, Uruk-hai CaptainMauhúr, Uruk-hai Captain


of 1
Sméagol, Helpful GuideSméagol, Helpful Guide


of 1
Friendly RivalryFriendly Rivalry


of 1
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 2
Gríma WormtongueGríma Wormtongue


of 1
Oath of the Grey HostOath of the Grey Host


of 1
The Grey HavensThe Grey Havens


of 1
Shrapnel BlastShrapnel Blast


of 2
Loxodon WarhammerLoxodon Warhammer


of 1
Moorland HauntMoorland Haunt


of 1
Tower of FortunesTower of Fortunes


of 1
Cloud of FaeriesCloud of Faeries


of 2
Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves


of 1
Kessig CagebreakersKessig Cagebreakers


of 1
Gollum, Patient PlotterGollum, Patient Plotter


of 1
Grishnákh, Brash InstigatorGrishnákh, Brash Instigator


of 1
Legolas, Counter of KillsLegolas, Counter of Kills


of 2
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1
Devil's PlayDevil's Play


of 1
Fertile GroundFertile Ground


of 3
Gutter GrimeGutter Grime


of 1
Wizard's RocketsWizard's Rockets


of 1


of 1
Tribute to HungerTribute to Hunger


of 1
Gimli, Counter of KillsGimli, Counter of Kills


of 1
Elrond, Lord of RivendellElrond, Lord of Rivendell


of 1
Fertile GroundFertile Ground


of 1
Shadowfax, Lord of HorsesShadowfax, Lord of Horses


of 1
Seal of RemovalSeal of Removal


of 3
Acidic SlimeAcidic Slime


of 1
Éowyn, Lady of RohanÉowyn, Lady of Rohan


of 1
Gallows WardenGallows Warden


of 1
Glorfindel, Dauntless RescuerGlorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer


of 1
Swarming of MoriaSwarming of Moria


of 1
Gorbag of Minas MorgulGorbag of Minas Morgul


of 2
Elvish WarriorElvish Warrior


of 1
Scourge of Geier ReachScourge of Geier Reach


of 1
Sharpened PitchforkSharpened Pitchfork


of 1
Horses of the BruinenHorses of the Bruinen


of 1
Wild GrowthWild Growth


of 1
Hatching PlansHatching Plans


of 1
Mausoleum GuardMausoleum Guard


of 1
Shattered DreamsShattered Dreams


of 2
Battleground GeistBattleground Geist


of 1
Lantern SpiritLantern Spirit


of 1
Back from the BrinkBack from the Brink


of 1
Saruman's TrickerySaruman's Trickery


of 1
Quickbeam, Upstart EntQuickbeam, Upstart Ent


of 1
Uglúk of the White HandUglúk of the White Hand


of 1
Shire ScarecrowShire Scarecrow


of 1
Disciple of GriselbrandDisciple of Griselbrand


of 1