SeTZeR's profile



100.0% positive feedback
1 verified reviews
275 total items
166 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Orcish BowmastersOrcish Bowmasters


of 1
Jetmir's GardenJetmir's Garden


of 2
Jace, the Mind SculptorJace, the Mind Sculptor


of 1
Jarad's OrdersJarad's Orders
bottom side crimped


of 1
slightly miscentered


of 1


of 1
Raugrin Triome Raugrin Triome


of 1
Jetmir's GardenJetmir's Garden


of 1
Raffine's TowerRaffine's Tower


of 1
Ketria Triome Ketria Triome


of 2
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath UnboundJace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound


of 1
Spara's HeadquartersSpara's Headquarters


of 1
Loot, the PathfinderLoot, the Pathfinder


of 1
Ziatora's Proving GroundZiatora's Proving Ground


of 1
Primeval Titan Primeval Titan


of 2
Oltec MatterweaverOltec Matterweaver


of 1
Undercity InformerUndercity Informer


of 1
Collector OupheCollector Ouphe


of 1
Hazoret, GodseekerHazoret, Godseeker


of 1


of 1
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath UnboundJace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound


of 2


of 1
Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance


of 1
Primeval TitanPrimeval Titan


of 2
Cryptic CoatCryptic Coat


of 1
Cryptic CommandCryptic Command


of 4
Wrenn and RealmbreakerWrenn and Realmbreaker


of 1
Altar of DementiaAltar of Dementia


of 4
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath UnboundJace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound


of 1
Stridehangar AutomatonStridehangar Automaton


of 1
Cryptolith RiteCryptolith Rite


of 4
Case of the Stashed SkeletonCase of the Stashed Skeleton


of 4
Undercity InformerUndercity Informer


of 1
Noxious RevivalNoxious Revival


of 1
Wrenn and RealmbreakerWrenn and Realmbreaker


of 1
Demonic DreadDemonic Dread


of 4
Invoke JusticeInvoke Justice


of 4
Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance


of 1
Bloated ContaminatorBloated Contaminator


of 4
Tyvar, the PummelerTyvar, the Pummeler


of 2
Blooming MarshBlooming Marsh


of 4
Narset, Parter of VeilsNarset, Parter of Veils


of 1
Kaito ShizukiKaito Shizuki


of 1
Undergrowth ReconUndergrowth Recon


of 1
Kambal, Profiteering MayorKambal, Profiteering Mayor


of 1
Transmutation FontTransmutation Font


of 1
Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance


of 1
Aurelia, Exemplar of JusticeAurelia, Exemplar of Justice


of 1
Midnight ReaperMidnight Reaper
Draft stamp


of 1
Master of the Pearl TridentMaster of the Pearl Trident


of 4
Spark DoubleSpark Double


of 4
Rush of DreadRush of Dread


of 1
Case of the Uneaten FeastCase of the Uneaten Feast


of 4
Borne Upon a WindBorne Upon a Wind


of 3
Hauntwoods ShriekerHauntwoods Shrieker


of 1
Ancient CellarspawnAncient Cellarspawn


of 1
Tidespout TyrantTidespout Tyrant


of 1
Malevolent Hermit // Benevolent GeistMalevolent Hermit // Benevolent Geist


of 1
Rhet-Tomb MysticRhet-Tomb Mystic


of 1
See the Truth See the Truth


of 1
Webstrike EliteWebstrike Elite


of 1
Dramatic EntranceDramatic Entrance


of 1
Jodah, the UnifierJodah, the Unifier


of 1
God-Eternal RhonasGod-Eternal Rhonas


of 1
Bloated ContaminatorBloated Contaminator


of 1
Nissa, Vital ForceNissa, Vital Force


of 1
Astral CornucopiaAstral Cornucopia


of 4
Mutated CultistMutated Cultist


of 1
Cryptic CoatCryptic Coat


of 1
Anzrag, the Quake-MoleAnzrag, the Quake-Mole


of 1
Soul TransferSoul Transfer


of 1


of 1
Skrelv's HiveSkrelv's Hive


of 3
Deeproot PilgrimageDeeproot Pilgrimage


of 2
Storm the FestivalStorm the Festival


of 1
Dune Chanter Dune Chanter


of 1
Prime Speaker VannifarPrime Speaker Vannifar


of 4
Prisoner's DilemmaPrisoner's Dilemma


of 1
No More LiesNo More Lies


of 1


of 3
Kona, Rescue BeastieKona, Rescue Beastie


of 1
Thrasta, Tempest's RoarThrasta, Tempest's Roar


of 1
Prime Speaker ZeganaPrime Speaker Zegana


of 1
Tamiyo, Collector of TalesTamiyo, Collector of Tales


of 1
Charred Foyer // Warped SpaceCharred Foyer // Warped Space


of 1
Osteomancer AdeptOsteomancer Adept


of 1
Spike FeederSpike Feeder


of 1
March of the MultitudesMarch of the Multitudes


of 1
Polukranos Reborn // Polukranos, Engine of RuinPolukranos Reborn // Polukranos, Engine of Ruin


of 4
Gadwick, the WizenedGadwick, the Wizened


of 1
Harbinger of the TidesHarbinger of the Tides


of 4
Nadir KrakenNadir Kraken


of 1
Sol'Kanar the TaintedSol'Kanar the Tainted


of 1


of 1
Path to ExilePath to Exile


of 1
Essence ChannelerEssence Channeler


of 1
Mistbreath ElderMistbreath Elder


of 1
Boon-Bringer ValkyrieBoon-Bringer Valkyrie


of 1


of 3
Finale of RevelationFinale of Revelation


of 1