Simofnt's profile



97.0% positive feedback
34 verified reviews
348 total items
181 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity


of 1
The Capitoline TriadThe Capitoline Triad


of 1
Arno DorianArno Dorian


of 1


of 1
Jacob FryeJacob Frye


of 1
Layla HassanLayla Hassan


of 2
Emeria AngelEmeria Angel


of 1
Rest in PeaceRest in Peace


of 2
Towering ViewpointTowering Viewpoint


of 1


of 1
Rest in PeaceRest in Peace


of 2
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 2


of 5
Brotherhood AmbushersBrotherhood Ambushers


of 1
Shambling GoblinShambling Goblin


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 3
Alexios, Deimos of KosmosAlexios, Deimos of Kosmos


of 2


of 1
Arno DorianArno Dorian


of 2
Estwald ShieldbasherEstwald Shieldbasher


of 1
Brotherhood SpyBrotherhood Spy


of 1
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 3


of 1
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 4
Lantern Bearer // Lanterns' LiftLantern Bearer // Lanterns' Lift


of 1
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 3
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 6
Mindleech GhoulMindleech Ghoul


of 1
Steelclad SpiritSteelclad Spirit


of 1
Monastery RaidMonastery Raid


of 1
Sporeback WolfSporeback Wolf


of 1
Assassin GauntletAssassin Gauntlet


of 2
Hired BladeHired Blade


of 2
Volcanic VisionVolcanic Vision


of 1
Assassin InitiateAssassin Initiate


of 4
Submerged BoneyardSubmerged Boneyard


of 2
Chain AssassinationChain Assassination


of 3
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 1
Chain AssassinationChain Assassination


of 2
Hidden FootbladeHidden Footblade


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 2
Gate SmasherGate Smasher


of 1
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 3
Goblin ArsonistGoblin Arsonist


of 1
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 1
Searing SpearSearing Spear


of 2
Bleeding EffectBleeding Effect


of 2
Origin of the Hidden OnesOrigin of the Hidden Ones


of 2
Ballad of the Black FlagBallad of the Black Flag


of 2
Ultimate PriceUltimate Price


of 1
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 1


of 2


of 2
Qarsi SadistQarsi Sadist


of 1
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 2
Arno DorianArno Dorian


of 1


of 3
Enduring VictoryEnduring Victory


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 3
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 3
Fervent CatharFervent Cathar


of 1
Bleeding EffectBleeding Effect


of 2
Hidden BladeHidden Blade


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 3
Sheltered AerieSheltered Aerie


of 1
Misthios's FuryMisthios's Fury


of 1
Settlement BlacksmithSettlement Blacksmith


of 1
Pinion FeastPinion Feast


of 1
Monastery RaidMonastery Raid


of 2


of 3
Goblin Battle JesterGoblin Battle Jester


of 1
Summit ProwlerSummit Prowler


of 1
Labyrinth AdversaryLabyrinth Adversary


of 1
Bone SawBone Saw


of 1
Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack KindredVildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack Kindred


of 1
Spidersilk NetSpidersilk Net


of 1
Hemlock VialHemlock Vial


of 1
Champion of ArashinChampion of Arashin


of 1
Chandra's FuryChandra's Fury


of 1
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 2
Escape DetectionEscape Detection


of 2
Origin of the Hidden OnesOrigin of the Hidden Ones


of 1
Exploding BordersExploding Borders


of 1


of 3
Viashino SlaughtermasterViashino Slaughtermaster


of 1
Ambuscade ShamanAmbuscade Shaman


of 1
Palazzo ArchersPalazzo Archers


of 3
Hemlock VialHemlock Vial


of 2
Riot DevilsRiot Devils


of 2
Become AnonymousBecome Anonymous


of 1
Guardian Shield-BearerGuardian Shield-Bearer


of 1
Brotherhood HeadquartersBrotherhood Headquarters


of 2
Misthoof KirinMisthoof Kirin


of 1
Hidden FootbladeHidden Footblade


of 1
Escape DetectionEscape Detection


of 2


of 11
Petty LarcenyPetty Larceny


of 2
Alexios, Deimos of KosmosAlexios, Deimos of Kosmos


of 3
Fire ElementalFire Elemental


of 1
Unstable FrontierUnstable Frontier


of 1