Tier1MTG's profile

PRO Seller


100.0% positive feedback
47k+ verified reviews
714k+ total items
112k+ unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Demonic TutorDemonic Tutor
CRIMPED - UNIQUE, one of a kind, please ask for price. Possible trade for other high end!


of 1
Imperial SealImperial Seal
BGS 9.5 - feel free to make an offer


of 1
Time WalkTime Walk


of 1
Please ask for scan. SPECIAL OFFER!


of 1
Savannah LionsSavannah Lions
Ask for scan before purchase


of 1
Bazaar of BaghdadBazaar of Baghdad


of 1
ask for scan


of 1
Animate DeadAnimate Dead


of 1
Demonic TutorDemonic Tutor


of 1
Bazaar of BaghdadBazaar of Baghdad
Ask for scan before purchase - Inked.


of 1
Powder KegPowder Keg
Signed by Richard Garfield and signed Dan frazier


of 1
Chaos OrbChaos Orb


of 1
Powder KegPowder Keg
Signed By Richard Garfield!!


of 1


of 1
Mox SapphireMox Sapphire


of 1
Winter OrbWinter Orb


of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt
Scratch on back,


of 1
Flooded StrandFlooded Strand


of 1
Mox DiamondMox Diamond


of 1
Psionic BlastPsionic Blast
Please ask for scan - Very nice copy


of 1
The Akroan WarThe Akroan War


of 1
Starfield MysticStarfield Mystic


of 1
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's WardAbdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward


of 4
Words of WasteWords of Waste


of 3
Cut a DealCut a Deal


of 4


of 4
Wingmate RocWingmate Roc


of 1
Vastwood HydraVastwood Hydra


of 1


of 1
Undead GladiatorUndead Gladiator


of 1
Guild ArtisanGuild Artisan


of 2


of 1
Talisman of CreativityTalisman of Creativity


of 1


of 1


of 1


of 1
Tarrian's SoulcleaverTarrian's Soulcleaver


of 1
Tamiyo, Collector of TalesTamiyo, Collector of Tales


of 1
Tempt with DiscoveryTempt with Discovery


of 1
Spiteful SliverSpiteful Sliver


of 1
Treacherous BlessingTreacherous Blessing


of 1
Syr Gwyn, Hero of AshvaleSyr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale


of 1
Elder BrainElder Brain


of 1


of 1
The NecrobloomThe Necrobloom


of 1
Xantid SwarmXantid Swarm


of 1


of 2


of 2
Stonecoil SerpentStonecoil Serpent


of 1
The UnspeakableThe Unspeakable


of 1
Spell SnareSpell Snare


of 1
Ingenious ArtilleristIngenious Artillerist


of 4
Wavebreak HippocampWavebreak Hippocamp


of 1
Tocasia's WelcomeTocasia's Welcome


of 1
Treefolk HarbingerTreefolk Harbinger


of 4
Nova ChaserNova Chaser


of 1
Greatsword of TyrGreatsword of Tyr


of 4
Wayfaring TempleWayfaring Temple


of 1
The ElderspellThe Elderspell


of 1


of 4
Wort, Boggart AuntieWort, Boggart Auntie


of 4


of 1


of 1
Temple of the False GodTemple of the False God


of 1
Sorin, Vengeful BloodlordSorin, Vengeful Bloodlord


of 1
Agent of the Iron ThroneAgent of the Iron Throne


of 3
Emperor CrocodileEmperor Crocodile


of 1
Tahngarth, First MateTahngarth, First Mate


of 1
Tempt with DiscoveryTempt with Discovery


of 1
Spawning PitSpawning Pit


of 1
Tectonic HellionTectonic Hellion


of 1
Wort, Boggart AuntieWort, Boggart Auntie


of 1


of 4
Volcanic DragonVolcanic Dragon


of 1
Visara the DreadfulVisara the Dreadful


of 2
Goliath PaladinGoliath Paladin


of 2
Spinerock KnollSpinerock Knoll


of 1
Time StretchTime Stretch


of 1
Whir of InventionWhir of Invention


of 1
Abhorrent OverlordAbhorrent Overlord


of 1
Thought VesselThought Vessel


of 1


of 1
Withered WretchWithered Wretch


of 1
Guild ArtisanGuild Artisan


of 4
Time WipeTime Wipe


of 2
Inspiring LeaderInspiring Leader


of 3
Warstorm SurgeWarstorm Surge


of 1
Storm HeraldStorm Herald


of 1
Ganax, Astral HunterGanax, Astral Hunter


of 2
Wheel of FateWheel of Fate


of 1
Terminal MoraineTerminal Moraine


of 1
Aarakocra SneakAarakocra Sneak


of 3
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's WardAbdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward


of 2
Ugin, the IneffableUgin, the Ineffable


of 1
Thalia's GeistcallerThalia's Geistcaller


of 1
Spectral LynxSpectral Lynx


of 1
Sphinx of the Steel WindSphinx of the Steel Wind


of 1
Dawnbringer ClericDawnbringer Cleric


of 4
Cloakwood SwarmkeeperCloakwood Swarmkeeper


of 4
Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy


of 1