TOXITRON's profile



100.0% positive feedback
14k+ verified reviews
6k+ total items
1k+ unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Snapcaster MageSnapcaster Mage


of 1
Ragavan, Nimble PilfererRagavan, Nimble Pilferer


of 1
Elesh Norn, Mother of MachinesElesh Norn, Mother of Machines


of 1
Emrakul, the Promised EndEmrakul, the Promised End


of 2
Black Border Filler CardBlack Border Filler Card


of 1
Ancient Brass DragonAncient Brass Dragon


of 1
Revel in RichesRevel in Riches


of 1
Edgar MarkovEdgar Markov


of 1
Sol RingSol Ring


of 1
Ragavan, Nimble PilfererRagavan, Nimble Pilferer


of 1
Faithless LootingFaithless Looting


of 6
Go-Shintai of Life's OriginGo-Shintai of Life's Origin


of 1
Chalice of the VoidChalice of the Void


of 3
Pyretic RitualPyretic Ritual


of 2
Gandalf, Friend of the ShireGandalf, Friend of the Shire


of 1
Felidar SovereignFelidar Sovereign


of 1
Karn, the Great CreatorKarn, the Great Creator


of 4
Psychic CorrosionPsychic Corrosion


of 1
Forge AnewForge Anew


of 2
Elspeth TirelElspeth Tirel


of 2
Consecrated SphinxConsecrated Sphinx


of 2
Steely ResolveSteely Resolve


of 1
Tuvasa the SunlitTuvasa the Sunlit


of 1
Black Panther, Wakandan KingBlack Panther, Wakandan King


of 2


of 1
Consecrated SphinxConsecrated Sphinx


of 1


of 2
Visions of BeyondVisions of Beyond


of 1
Time SieveTime Sieve


of 2
Palantir of OrthancPalantir of Orthanc


of 3
Visions of BeyondVisions of Beyond


of 2
Otawara, Soaring CityOtawara, Soaring City


of 1
Saruman of Many ColorsSaruman of Many Colors


of 1
Valgavoth, Terror EaterValgavoth, Terror Eater


of 1
Energy FluxEnergy Flux


of 4
Snuff OutSnuff Out


of 2
Goldspan DragonGoldspan Dragon


of 2
Fire CovenantFire Covenant


of 5
Psychic CorrosionPsychic Corrosion


of 1
Maze's EndMaze's End


of 1
Aether VialAether Vial


of 4
Homeward PathHomeward Path


of 1
Great FurnaceGreat Furnace


of 2
Urza, Lord High ArtificerUrza, Lord High Artificer


of 3
Simic AscendancySimic Ascendancy


of 1
Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention


of 2
Liliana of the Dark RealmsLiliana of the Dark Realms


of 2
Dauthi VoidwalkerDauthi Voidwalker


of 2
Elspeth TirelElspeth Tirel


of 2
Liliana of the Dark RealmsLiliana of the Dark Realms


of 3
Goldspan DragonGoldspan Dragon


of 1


of 3
Time SieveTime Sieve


of 2
Happily Ever AfterHappily Ever After


of 1
Black Panther, Wakandan KingBlack Panther, Wakandan King


of 2
Jace, the Mind SculptorJace, the Mind Sculptor


of 5


of 1
Estrid, the MaskedEstrid, the Masked


of 4
Agate InstigatorAgate Instigator


of 2
Monster Manual // Zoological StudyMonster Manual // Zoological Study


of 2


of 2
Collector OupheCollector Ouphe


of 5
Wurmcoil EngineWurmcoil Engine


of 5
Liliana of the Dark RealmsLiliana of the Dark Realms


of 2
Estrid's InvocationEstrid's Invocation


of 1
Galvanic BlastGalvanic Blast


of 4
The Balrog, Durin's BaneThe Balrog, Durin's Bane


of 3
Goblin LackeyGoblin Lackey


of 2
Mox PoisonMox Poison


of 9
Dauthi VoidwalkerDauthi Voidwalker


of 1
Weather the StormWeather the Storm


of 1
Brightglass GearhulkBrightglass Gearhulk


of 1
Primal VigorPrimal Vigor


of 3
Enduring IdealEnduring Ideal


of 1
Elspeth TirelElspeth Tirel


of 2


of 1
Walking BallistaWalking Ballista
almost NM


of 4
Yavimaya, Cradle of GrowthYavimaya, Cradle of Growth


of 1
Goldberry, River-DaughterGoldberry, River-Daughter


of 1
Bloodchief AscensionBloodchief Ascension


of 1
Protean HulkProtean Hulk


of 1
Tsabo's WebTsabo's Web


of 4


of 4
Inferno of the Star MountsInferno of the Star Mounts


of 1
Estrid's InvocationEstrid's Invocation


of 2
Hew the EntwoodHew the Entwood


of 1


of 2
Éowyn, Fearless KnightÉowyn, Fearless Knight


of 1
Relic of ProgenitusRelic of Progenitus


of 1
Crashing FootfallsCrashing Footfalls


of 2
Riverpyre VergeRiverpyre Verge


of 1


of 1
Worldspine WurmWorldspine Wurm


of 1


of 3
Galvanic BlastGalvanic Blast


of 5
Faithless LootingFaithless Looting


of 4
Isochron ScepterIsochron Scepter


of 2
Nicol Bolas, God-PharaohNicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh


of 2
Burning InquiryBurning Inquiry


of 1
Galvanic BlastGalvanic Blast


of 1