F1L034's profile



100.0% positive feedback
4 verified reviews
200 total items
95 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
Ezio Auditore da FirenzeEzio Auditore da Firenze


of 1
Black Market ConnectionsBlack Market Connections


of 1
Excalibur, Sword of EdenExcalibur, Sword of Eden


of 1
Temporal TrespassTemporal Trespass


of 1
Eivor, Wolf-KissedEivor, Wolf-Kissed


of 1


of 2
Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy


of 2
What Must Be DoneWhat Must Be Done


of 1
Haytham KenwayHaytham Kenway


of 1
Bayek of SiwaBayek of Siwa


of 1
Haytham KenwayHaytham Kenway


of 2


of 1
Shao JunShao Jun


of 1
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 1


of 1
Bureau HeadmasterBureau Headmaster


of 1


of 1
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 1
Havi, the All-FatherHavi, the All-Father


of 1
Eagle VisionEagle Vision


of 4
Merciless HarlequinMerciless Harlequin


of 2
Brotherhood PatriarchBrotherhood Patriarch


of 1
Hidden BladeHidden Blade


of 3
Poison-Blade MentorPoison-Blade Mentor


of 1
Auditore AmbushAuditore Ambush


of 1
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 1


of 2
Smoke BombSmoke Bomb


of 1
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 2
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 3
Chain AssassinationChain Assassination


of 4


of 2


of 10
Bleeding EffectBleeding Effect


of 3
Assassin GauntletAssassin Gauntlet


of 1
Submerged BoneyardSubmerged Boneyard


of 2
Phantom BladePhantom Blade


of 1
Labyrinth AdversaryLabyrinth Adversary


of 2
Assassin DenAssassin Den


of 1
Keen-Eyed RavenKeen-Eyed Raven


of 2
Assassin InitiateAssassin Initiate


of 2
Hemlock VialHemlock Vial


of 2
Become AnonymousBecome Anonymous


of 1
Hidden FootbladeHidden Footblade


of 2
Distract the GuardsDistract the Guards


of 2
Origin of the Hidden OnesOrigin of the Hidden Ones


of 1
Towering ViewpointTowering Viewpoint


of 4


of 2
Brotherhood AmbushersBrotherhood Ambushers


of 2
Hookblade VeteranHookblade Veteran


of 1
Misthios's FuryMisthios's Fury


of 2
Brotherhood SpyBrotherhood Spy


of 1
Detained by LegionnairesDetained by Legionnaires


of 2
Restart SequenceRestart Sequence


of 3
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 1
Viewpoint SynchronizationViewpoint Synchronization


of 1
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 4
Arbaaz MirArbaaz Mir


of 3
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 2


of 10
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 2
Cathartic ReunionCathartic Reunion


of 2
Monastery RaidMonastery Raid


of 1
Hired BladeHired Blade


of 2
Ezio, Brash NoviceEzio, Brash Novice


of 3
Stone QuarryStone Quarry


of 2


of 4
Shao JunShao Jun


of 3
Coastal PiracyCoastal Piracy


of 1
Loyal InventorLoyal Inventor


of 1
Ballad of the Black FlagBallad of the Black Flag


of 2
Alexios, Deimos of KosmosAlexios, Deimos of Kosmos


of 2
Settlement BlacksmithSettlement Blacksmith


of 2


of 10
Adéwalé, Breaker of ChainsAdéwalé, Breaker of Chains


of 1
Reconstruct HistoryReconstruct History


of 2
Arno DorianArno Dorian


of 2
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 1


of 1
Petty LarcenyPetty Larceny


of 3


of 10
Palazzo ArchersPalazzo Archers


of 1


of 1
Spartan VeteranSpartan Veteran


of 1
The Aesir Escape ValhallaThe Aesir Escape Valhalla


of 2
Shay CormacShay Cormac


of 2
Roshan, Hidden MagisterRoshan, Hidden Magister


of 4
Shao JunShao Jun


of 1


of 2
Raven Clan War-AxeRaven Clan War-Axe


of 1


of 2
Hunter's BowHunter's Bow


of 3
Lydia FryeLydia Frye


of 2
Tax CollectorTax Collector


of 1
Ballad of the Black FlagBallad of the Black Flag


of 1