Turra92's profile



100.0% positive feedback
1k+ verified reviews
1k+ total items
916 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Kithkin HarbingerKithkin Harbinger


of 1
Veteran of the DepthsVeteran of the Depths


of 1
Undercity ShadeUndercity Shade


of 1
Marrow ChomperMarrow Chomper


of 1
Path of Anger's FlamePath of Anger's Flame


of 4
Duskrider PeregrineDuskrider Peregrine


of 3
Repel the DarknessRepel the Darkness


of 5
Arcbound HybridArcbound Hybrid


of 4
Depth Charge ColossusDepth Charge Colossus


of 2
Fa'adiyah SeerFa'adiyah Seer


of 2
Aquus SteedAquus Steed


of 1


of 1
Soul's FireSoul's Fire


of 3
Darklit GargoyleDarklit Gargoyle


of 1
Ur-Golem's EyeUr-Golem's Eye


of 3
Azorius First-WingAzorius First-Wing


of 1
Plated PegasusPlated Pegasus


of 1
Silhana StarfletcherSilhana Starfletcher


of 2
Judge of CurrentsJudge of Currents


of 3
Sanctuary RaptorSanctuary Raptor


of 1
Cobbled WingsCobbled Wings


of 2
Claws of ValakutClaws of Valakut


of 1
Seeds of StrengthSeeds of Strength


of 2
Marketwatch PhantomMarketwatch Phantom


of 1
Quick-Draw KatanaQuick-Draw Katana


of 4


of 2
Gravestone StriderGravestone Strider


of 2
Dazzling AngelDazzling Angel


of 3
Volatile ClawsVolatile Claws


of 2
Thundersong TrumpeterThundersong Trumpeter


of 1
Kemba's LegionKemba's Legion


of 1
Bog SerpentBog Serpent


of 2
Offender at LargeOffender at Large


of 1
Caravan EscortCaravan Escort


of 1
Pillarfield OxPillarfield Ox


of 2
Blazing TorchBlazing Torch


of 4
Stromkirk BloodthiefStromkirk Bloodthief


of 1
Blightsoil DruidBlightsoil Druid


of 1
Shieldhide DragonShieldhide Dragon


of 1
Jhoira's TimebugJhoira's Timebug


of 1
Durkwood BalothDurkwood Baloth


of 1
Shipwreck LooterShipwreck Looter


of 2
Fowl StrikeFowl Strike


of 1
Sapphire DrakeSapphire Drake


of 3
Thassa's EmissaryThassa's Emissary


of 1
Jund HackbladeJund Hackblade


of 1
Sire of the StormSire of the Storm


of 1
Numbing DoseNumbing Dose


of 3
Rain of EmbersRain of Embers


of 2


of 3
Frozen SolidFrozen Solid


of 1
Pallid MycodermPallid Mycoderm


of 1
Ixalli's KeeperIxalli's Keeper


of 1
Gorgon RecluseGorgon Recluse


of 1
Glassdust HulkGlassdust Hulk


of 1
Jodah's AvengerJodah's Avenger


of 4
Icewind ElementalIcewind Elemental


of 2
Rivals' DuelRivals' Duel


of 1
Arrow Volley TrapArrow Volley Trap


of 1
Waveskimmer AvenWaveskimmer Aven


of 4
Smite the MonstrousSmite the Monstrous


of 2
Breath of MalfegorBreath of Malfegor


of 1
Apothecary StomperApothecary Stomper


of 3
Basilica StalkerBasilica Stalker


of 1
Riverwise AugurRiverwise Augur


of 3
Call to HeelCall to Heel


of 4
Expanding OozeExpanding Ooze


of 1
Canyon MinotaurCanyon Minotaur


of 1


of 1
Metropolis SpriteMetropolis Sprite


of 5
Sower of ChaosSower of Chaos


of 3
Eager ConstructEager Construct


of 1
Flamekin BladewhirlFlamekin Bladewhirl


of 1
Cradle to GraveCradle to Grave


of 2
Terashi's GraspTerashi's Grasp


of 2
Lifecraft CavalryLifecraft Cavalry


of 1
Scroll ThiefScroll Thief


of 1
Luminous BondsLuminous Bonds


of 1
Tormentor ExarchTormentor Exarch


of 4
Peace StriderPeace Strider


of 1
Entangling TrapEntangling Trap


of 1


of 1
Shambling ShellShambling Shell


of 2
Time of IceTime of Ice


of 1
Numbing DoseNumbing Dose


of 1
Yavimaya WurmYavimaya Wurm


of 1
Sure StrikeSure Strike


of 3
Paragon of Gathering MistsParagon of Gathering Mists


of 2
Nissa's ChosenNissa's Chosen


of 2
Urbis ProtectorUrbis Protector


of 1
Kitsune BonesetterKitsune Bonesetter


of 3
Hag Hedge-MageHag Hedge-Mage


of 2
Thundering CeratokThundering Ceratok


of 1
Airtight AlibiAirtight Alibi


of 1
Tower GeistTower Geist


of 1
Vulshok MorningstarVulshok Morningstar


of 2
Fiery HellhoundFiery Hellhound


of 1
Stomp and HowlStomp and Howl


of 1
Captivating GyreCaptivating Gyre


of 1
Night TerrorsNight Terrors


of 4